1,387 research outputs found

    Star formation activity in the southern Galactic HII region G351.63-1.25

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    The southern Galactic high mass star-forming region, G351.6-1.3, is a HII region-molecular cloud complex with a luminosity of 2.0 x 10^5 L_sun, located at a distance of 2.4 kpc. In this paper, we focus on the investigation of the associated HII region, embedded cluster and the interstellar medium in the vicinity of G351.6-1.3. We address the identification of exciting source(s) as well as the census of stellar populations. The ionised gas distribution has been mapped using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), India at three continuum frequencies: 1280, 610 and 325 MHz. The HII region shows an elongated morphology and the 1280 MHz map comprises six resolved high density regions encompassed by diffuse emission spanning 1.4 pc x 1.0 pc. The zero age main-sequence (ZAMS) spectral type of the brightest radio core is O7.5. We have carried out near-infrared observations in the JHKs bands using the SIRIUS instrument on the 1.4 m Infrared Survey Facility (IRSF) telescope. The near-infrared images reveal the presence of a cluster embedded in nebulous fan-shaped emission. The log-normal slope of the K-band luminosity function of the embedded cluster is found to be 0.27 +- 0.03 and the fraction of the near-infrared excess stars is estimated to be 43%. These indicate that the age of the cluster is consistent with 1 Myr. The champagne flow model from a flat, thin molecular cloud is used to explain the morphology of radio emission with respect to the millimetre cloud and infrared brightness.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, To be published in MNRA

    Efficient absolute aspect determination of a balloon borne far infrared telescope using a solid state optical photometer

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    The observational and operational efficiency of the TIFR 1 meter balloon borne far infrared telescope has been improved by incorporating a multielement solid state optical photometer (SSOP) at the Cassegrain focus of the telescope. The SSOP is based on a 1-D linear photo diode array (PDA). The online and offline processing schemes of the PDA signals which have been developed, lead to improvement in the determination of absolute telescope aspect (\sim 0\farcm8), which is very crucial for carrying out the observations as well as offline analysis. The SSOP and its performance during a recent balloon flight are presented here.Comment: To appear in the February 2000 issue of the PAS

    Low-mass young stellar population and star formation history of the cluster IC 1805 in the W4 H{\sc ii} region

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    W4 is a giant H{\sc ii} region ionized by the OB stars of the cluster IC~1805. The H{\sc ii} region/cluster complex has been a subject of numerous investigations as it is an excellent laboratory for studying the feedback effect of massive stars on the surrounding region. However, the low-mass stellar content of the cluster IC~1805 remains poorly studied till now. With the aim to unravel the low-mass stellar population of the cluster, we present the results of a multiwavelength study based on deep optical data obtained with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, infrared data from 2MASS, SpitzerSpitzer Space Telescope and X-ray data from ChandraChandra Space Telescope. The present optical dataset is complete enough to detect stars down to 0.2~M_\odot, which is the deepest optical observations so far for the cluster. We identified 384 candidate young stellar objects (YSOs; 101 Class I/II and 283 Class III) within the cluster using various colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams. We inferred the mean age of the identified YSOs to be \sim 2.5 Myr and mass in the range 0.3 - 2.5 M_\odot. The mass function of our YSO sample has a power law index of -1.23 ±\pm 0.23, close to the Salpeter value (-1.35), and consistent with those of other star-forming complexes. We explored the disk evolution of the cluster members and found that the diskless sources are relatively older compared to the disk bearing YSO candidates. We examined the effect of high-mass stars on the circumstellar disks and found that within uncertainties, the influence of massive stars on the disk fraction seems to be insignificant. We also studied the spatial correlation of the YSOs with the distribution of gas and dust of the complex to conclude that IC 1805 would have formed in a large filamentary cloud.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 34 pages, 10 figure

    Statistical characterization of the forces on spheres in an upflow of air

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    The dynamics of a sphere fluidized in a nearly-levitating upflow of air were previously found to be identical to those of a Brownian particle in a two-dimensional harmonic trap, consistent with a Langevin equation [Ojha {\it et al.}, Nature {\bf 427}, 521 (2004)]. The random forcing, the drag, and the trapping potential represent different aspects of the interaction of the sphere with the air flow. In this paper we vary the experimental conditions for a single sphere, and report on how the force terms in the Langevin equation scale with air flow speed, sphere radius, sphere density, and system size. We also report on the effective interaction potential between two spheres in an upflow of air.Comment: 7 pages, experimen

    Mapping of Large Scale 158 micron [CII] Line Emission: Orion A

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    We present the first results of an observational programme undertaken to map the fine structure line emission of singly ionized carbon ([CII] 157.7409 micron) over extended regions using a Fabry Perot spectrometer newly installed at the focal plane of a 100cm balloon-borne far-infrared telescope. This new combination of instruments has a velocity resolution of ~200 km/s and an angular resolution of 1.5'. During the first flight, an area of 30'x15' in Orion A was mapped. The observed [CII] intensity distribution has been compared with the velocity-integrated intensity distributions of 13CO(1-0), CI(1-0) and CO(3-2) from the literature. The observed line intensities and ratios have been analyzed using the PDR models by Kaufman et al. 1999 to derive the incident UV flux and volume density at a few selected positions.Comment: To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Young Stellar Population of the Bright-Rimmed Clouds BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39

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    Bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs), illuminated and shaped by nearby OB stars, are potential sites of recent/ongoing star formation. Here we present an optical and infrared photometric study of three BRCs: BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39 to obtain a census of the young stellar population, thereby inferring the star formation scenario, in these regions. In each BRC, the Class I sources are found to be located mostly near the bright rim or inside the cloud, whereas the Class II sources are preferentially outside, with younger sources closer to the rim. This provides strong support to sequential star formation triggered by radiation driven implosion due to the UV radiation. Moreover, each BRC contains a small group of young stars being revealed at its head, as the next-generation stars. In particular, the young stars at the heads of BRC 5 and BRC 7 are found to be intermediate/high mass stars, which, under proper conditions, may themselves trigger further star birth, thereby propagating star formation out to long distances.Comment: 30 pages, 7 Figures, 6 Tables, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Pre-main-sequence population in NGC 1893 region: X-ray properties

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    Continuing the attempt to understand the properties of the stellar content in the young cluster NGC 1893 we have carried out a comprehensive multi-wavelength study of the region. The present study focuses on the X-ray properties of T-Tauri Stars (TTSs) in the NGC 1893 region. We found a correlation between the X-ray luminosity, LXL_X, and the stellar mass (in the range 0.2-2.0 \msun) of TTSs in the NGC 1893 region, similar to those reported in some other young clusters, however the value of the power-law slope obtained in the present study (\sim 0.9) for NGC 1893 is smaller than those (\sim1.4 - 3.6) reported in the case of TMC, ONC, IC 348 and Chameleon star forming regions. However, the slope in the case of Class III sources (Weak line TTSs) is found to be comparable to that reported in the case of NGC 6611 (\sim 1.1). It is found that the presence of circumstellar disks has no influence on the X-ray emission. The X-ray luminosity for both CTTSs and WTTSs is found to decrease systematically with age (in the range \sim 0.4 Myr - 5 Myr). The decrease of the X-ray luminosity of TTSs (slope \sim -0.6) in the case of NGC 1893 seems to be faster than observed in the case of other star-forming regions (slope -0.2 to -0.5). There is indication that the sources having relatively large NIR excess have relatively lower LXL_X values. TTSs in NGC 1893 do not follow the well established X-ray activity - rotation relation as in the case of main-sequence stars.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in New Astronom