37 research outputs found

    A finite element formulation for evaluation of crack blunting effects in elasto-plastic solids

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    The sharp crack model allows the use of continuum analysis, linear elasticity, as a basic for predicting a micromechanical process, fracture, by providing a characterization of loading conditions affecting a very small volume of material. The model is described in detail

    User's guide for analysis of finite elastoplastic deformation: The FIPDEF and FIPAX programs for the CDC 6600

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    Computer programs are presented which provide incremental finite-element analysis capability for problems of quasi-static, finite, elastoplastic deformation in two spatial dimensions (plane strain, plane stress, axisymmetric). Monotonic or cyclic loading of isotropic hardening materials is considered. The only restriction on the form of the stress-strain curve is that the rate of work hardening exceed some small positive value. The user's guide assumes familiarity with both finite-element analysis and FORTRAN IV programming for the CDC 6600. Sufficient information is provided to support problem solving ultization of the programs

    Finite deformation of elasto-plastic solids

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    A theoretical basis is established for analysis of finite deformation of metals. The observation that finite deformation of such elastoplastic materials may be viewed as a process rather than an event leads to derivation of a complete initial and boundary value problem distinguished by its quasilinear nature. This feature of the formulation motivates adoption of an incremental approach to numerical problem solving. Numerical solution capability is established for problems of plane stress and plane strain. The validity of the theory and numerical analysis is demonstrated by consideration of a number of problems of homogeneous finite deformation for which analytic solutions are available. Subsequently the analysis is employed for the investigation of necking in flat metal tensile bars. The results of this investigation provide the first full numerical solutions for tensile necking in plane stress and plane strain. In addition a basis is provided for assessment of the validity of stress-strain relations inferred from tensile test data

    Moving beyond the new normal: Understanding Flexible Learning Options (FLOs) on the parameters of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP)

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    The purpose of this study is to understand Flexible Learning Options (FLOs) and how they are used with Grade 12 Senior High School students at PAU Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc. after the pandemic. In order to collect data for this study, modified adapted questionnaires were used in conjunction with the descriptive-survey methodology. The data were then processed using simple percentages, the weighted mean, and the t-test. These conclusions based on the provided data are as follows: The student’s status of the implementation of the school’s policies on alternative learning modality and learning continuity plan has an average weighted mean of 4.12 interpreted as Agree, with the alternative learning modality on modules distribution receiving the lowest mean and being interpreted as Agree. The teacher’s perception is interpreted as Agree by the average weighted mean of 4.20. Students and teachers have very different perspectives on how the school’s regulations regarding alternate learning modalities are implemented, whereas they have quite similar perspectives on how well students are following the basic education learning continuity plan. Following that, a plan of action should be created and put into effect using the school’s alternate delivery modality and basic education learning continuity policies

    Developing K-2 Filipino children English language oral proficiency through concrete poetry teaching

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    The impact of concrete poetry as a strategy to increase word recognition in ten K-2 Filipino children with low oracy/literacy in English was examined in this six-month study utilizing the single-group pre-test/post-test method. Concrete poetry is a distinct form of poetry that comes in a variety of colors, textures, shapes, and even flavors. Either a static or dynamic poem is a concrete poem. These K-2 students, who were chosen at random from the preschools, were taught how to write their own concrete poetry and gained word recognition skills from them. It was believed that concrete poetry could aid increase word recognition by enhancing receptive and expressive oral vocabulary

    Establishing an effective peer support program for reading remediation

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    A study was conducted on the second grade non-readers in Toledo City’s division. Eight pupils comprised up the cases. Three of them were Pantawid Pampamilyang Pilipino (4Ps) participants and they all came from low-income homes. The standard Philippine Informal Reading Inventory, a technique for evaluating the students’ reading ability, was used to identify the extent of their reading difficulties. Pronunciation, omission, identification, mispronunciation, substitution, recognition, and non-readers were among the reading difficulties. Peer mentoring as a reading remediation and instruction eliminates non-readers and other reading problems in the school, according to a theory that the researcher developed as a result of the improvements made by the mentees. A peer mentoring plan was also developed by the researchers as assistance to the reading remediation program of the elementary school. In order to thoroughly examine the disability, look for correlations of the disability, and discover the underlying reasons of the reading handicap, it is imperative that all students from Grade Two up to Grade Six be diagnosed through a complete analysis of causality

    Key and Smart Actions to Alleviate Hunger and Poverty through Irrigation and Drainage

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    In the pursuit of information to support the policies and actions to alleviate hunger and poverty from a perspective of the role and impacts of irrigation and drainage, this paper attempts to provide correlation between water scarcity, community and poverty. Many reviews have found strong direct and indirect relationships between irrigation and poverty. One of the main goals of the international community is to eliminate hunger and poverty and in this perspective, through the Millennium Development Goals much progress has been achieved and evidence obtained. Sustainable Development Goals and various United Nations and other initiatives, intend to move forward this agenda by making it a part of the broader development frameworks. In this paper, the important elements of the irrigation and drainage that affect the alleviation of hunger and poverty have been discussed. These elements are grouped into governance, rights-based developments, water rights and pricing, management, efficiency improvement, and role of technology. Both the potential and the need to make use of innovative technology and solutions in irrigation are underlined and these can be used to cater the challenges in different sub-sectors. The main focus of these solutions are on maximizing productivity and efficiency, reducing water losses, achieving sustainable intensification and managing demands on water resources and the associated trade-offs