447 research outputs found

    Possible spin-orbit driven spin-liquid ground state in the double perovskite phase of Ba3YIr2O9

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    We report the structural transformation of hexagonal Ba3YIr2O9 to a cubic double perovskite form (stable in ambient conditions) under an applied pressure of 8GPa at 1273K. While the ambient pressure (AP) synthesized sample undergoes long-range magnetic ordering at 4K, the high pressure(HP) synthesized sample does not order down to 2K as evidenced from our susceptibility, heat capacity and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. Further, for the HP sample, our heat capacity data have the form gamma*T+beta*T3 in the temperature (T) range of 2-10K with the Sommerfeld coefficient gamma=10mJ/mol-Ir K2. The 89Y NMR shift has no T-dependence in the range of 4-120K and its spin-lattice relaxation rate varies linearly with T in the range of 8-45K (above which it is T-independent). Resistance measurements of both the samples confirm that they are semiconducting. Our data provide evidence for the formation of a 5d based, gapless, quantum spin-liquid (QSL) in the cubic (HP) phase of Ba3YIr2O9. In this picture, the T term in the heat capacity and the linear variation of 89Y 1/T1 arises from excitations out of a spinon Fermi surface. Our findings lend credence to the theoretical suggestion [G. Chen, R. Pereira, and L. Balents, Phys. Rev. B 82, 174440 (2010)] that strong spin-orbit coupling can enhance quantum fluctuations and lead to a QSL state in the double perovskite lattice.Comment: 6 pages 5 figure

    The effect of intra-wound vancomycin powder application in reducing surgical site infections after total hip arthroplasty

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    Post-operative total hip arthroplasty surgical wound infections are associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, and economic burden. Intra-wound vancomycin powder application may prevent infections after hip surgery. The objectives of this study is to answer the question as to whether the application of 2 gram intra-wound vancomycin powder In patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty, lead to reduced rates of postoperative surgical site infections or not? From April 2013, 125 patients had consent prior to their hip surgery. These 125 patients had total hip arthtoplasty by three different surgeons at Imam Hossein hospital. All patients received either 2 grams of IV Cefazolin one hour prior to the incision or 1 gram of IV Vancomycin one hour prior to the incision in patient with a Penicillin allergy. Near the end of the procedure, the wound was thoroughly irrigated with normal saline. for All patients befor surgical wound closure 2 gram of Vancomycin powder was poured into the wound. Postoperatively, patients continued on intravenous antibiotics for twenty-four hours. All patients underwent routine postoperative surgical care including physical therapy, routine radiographs, and routine managment of pain medications. Laboratory tests include Hb , BUN, Cr and electrolits were done before surgery and postoperatively after 48 hours and 7 days. All patients were discharged within the first 3 days after surgery and follow-up at weeks 2 and 4 and one year after surgery was performed. During the course of follow up that has ranged from one months to one year, sixteen of patients experienced surgical site infection. 10 patients were lost to follow up. No allergic reactions or adverse outcomes were reported from the use of 2 gram of Vancomycin powder prior to closure. Although intra-wound application of Vancomycin is known to minimize infections in spinal surgery little previous studies reported if Vancomycin application will reduce surgical site infection in hip surgeries. This study demonstrates that intra-wound application of Vancomycin reduces surgical site infection in total hip arthroplasty without any adverse complications

    Treatment of Iron-deficiency Anemia in Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism

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    Subclinical hypothyroidism is a health state that is associated with hypercholesterolemia, infertility, iron-deficiency anemia, and poor obstetric outcome. This article summarizes the results of a prospective clinical investigation of whether treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism and iron-deficiency anemia with a combination of levothyroxine plus iron salt would be superior to each treatment alone

    Efficiency of Fig Tree (Aswad Diyala) for Peeling and Spraying with Gibberellin and Iron on the Content of the Branches of Nutrients

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    The experiment was conducted on fig trees, Diyala black variety, at the age of (13) years, in one of the orchards affiliated to the General Directorate of Vocational Education / Vocational Section in Diwaniyah Mixed Agricultural Preparatory School / Qadisiyah Governorate for the season 2022, 81 black Diyala fig trees, homogeneous in size, height, and growth strength as much as possible, were selected, planted at dimensions (4 x 4) meters, and irrigated by a plate method, in order to study the response of fig trees to pruning (0, 25, and 50%) and spraying with gibberellin (0, 30, and 60 mg.L-1) and chelated iron (0, 1, and 2 g.l-1) in the nutrients content of fig leaves of Black Diyala variety, the experiment was designed as a factorial according to the randomized block design (RCBD), the experiment included 27 treatments with three replications and were distributed randomly in three sectors, tree branches were pruned last season on 1/1/2022 and trees were sprayed with gibberellin and chelated iron in the early morning, starting on 3/15/2022, the spraying was repeated every 15 days three times. Chelated iron three days after spraying gibberellin. The results showed that the levels of pruning and the concentrations of spraying gibberellin and chelated iron on the trees were positive in increasing the content of the branches of the nutrients under study compared to the comparison treatments, whether single or combined. % for nitrogen, 0.198, 0.166, and 0.152% for phosphorus, 0.887, 0.782, and 0.755% for potassium, 0.541, 0.506, and 0.493% for calcium, and 0.541, 0.506, and 0.493 mg kg-1 dry matter, respectively, while recorded The overlap coefficients P2G2, P2F2, and G2F2 recorded 1.49, 1.43, 1.30% nitrogen, 0.237, 0.212, 0.179% phosphorus, 0.935, 0.905, 0.794% potassium, 0.569, 0.549, 0.513% calcium, and 57.89%. And 54.78 and 47.47 mg kg-1 dry material for the element iron, respectively. As for the triple interaction between the factors, the treatment P2G2F2 recorded the best results in these characteristics, amounting to 1.55% nitrogen, 0.267% phosphorus, 0.944% potassium, 0.577%, and 59.19 mg kg-1 dry matter for the iron element

    Infection of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus 1758) of Oman Sea with cestode Trypanorhyncha (Diesing 1863)

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    Numerous reports on existence of white cysts in musculature of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis and lack of information about the quality of cysts and individual responses of fish to them led the authors to focus on this fish as a commercially valuable species. This study investigated the histopathologic responses of skipjack tuna to highly prevalent cystic larval stages of Trypanorhyncha. Some 92.25% of 400 examined skipjack tuna of Oman Sea (Iran) captured from processing center in Chabahar have been diagnosed infected by Trypanorhyncha Larvae through gross muscle examination. Minimum of 5 to maximum of 19 cysts were observed per each flank flesh with no significant difference between number of cysts from right (9 ± 4) and left flanks (10 ± 4) and also males and females (p>.05, t- student test (spss version 16)). Using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of 4µm sections of surrounded cysts with muscle and light microscopy observations each metacestode was distinguished encapsulated by surrounding fibrous cyst wall consists of thin inner layer and a thick outer layer with the minimal histopathologic changes around it. The highly prevalent Trypanorhyncha infection in Oman Sea represents the high rate of infection among elasmobranches. The ability of encapsulated parasite to escape from the immune system of the host is assumed as one reason for the observed minimal tissue response in infected fish and the continuation of infection among elasmobranches and teleosts of Omen Sea

    Fibroblast growth factor-23 in patients with systemic sclerosis: A case–control study

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    AbstractBackgroundFibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) is actively involved in phosphate homeostasis and skeletogenesis.Aim of the workTo assess the serum level of FGF-23 in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients (both diffuse dSSc and limited lSSc subtypes) in order to find if it has a role in the pathogenesis of the disease and study its relation to the clinical manifestations.Patients and methodsThe study included 30 dSSc patients, 30 lSSc and 28 age and sex matched controls. In patients, clinical examination and laboratory investigations were performed and Medsger severity scale assessed. Serum FGF-23 was measured using ELISA.ResultsThe age of dSSc patients was 36.94±9.89years and the lSSc 38.36±10.04years. The serum FGF-23 level was 23.44±14.86pg/ml in dSSc patients, 20.01±13.92pg/ml in lSSc patients and 23.09±11.45pg/ml in the control (p=0.58). No significant difference in the FGF-23 level was found according to the presence of lung fibrosis (p=0.6). There was no significant difference in FGF levels among patients according to the severity (p=0.39). In SSc patients there was a significant correlation between FGF and serum phosphorus especially in dSSc patients (r=0.6, p=0.003). Serum urea significantly correlated with FGF-23 in those with dSSc (r=0.46, p=0.037). There was no significant difference in the FGF-23 levels (p=0.18) between those with a normal and impaired glomerular filtration rate.ConclusionThe mean serum level of FGF-23 in this study showed no significant difference between systemic sclerosis patients and their subtypes with the normal subjects. It seems to have no role in the clinical manifestations of the disease

    Magnetic hour-glass dispersion and its relation to high-temperature superconductivity in iron-tuned Fe1+y_{1+y}Te0.7_{0.7}Se0.3_{0.3}

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    High-temperature superconductivity remains arguably the largest outstanding enigma of condensed matter physics. The discovery of iron-based high-temperature superconductors has renewed the importance of understanding superconductivity in materials susceptible to magnetic order and fluctuations. Intriguingly they show magnetic fluctuations reminiscent of the superconducting (SC) cuprates, including a 'resonance' and an 'hour-glass' shaped dispersion, which provide an opportunity to new insight to the coupling between spin fluctuations and superconductivity. Here we report inelastic neutron scattering data on Fe1+y_{1+y}Te0.7_{0.7}Se0.3_{0.3} using excess iron concentration to tune between a SC (y=0.02y=0.02) and a non-SC (y=0.05y=0.05) ground states. We find incommensurate spectra in both samples but discover that in the one that becomes SC, a constriction towards a commensurate hourglass shape develop well above TcT_c. Conversely a spin-gap and concomitant spectral weight shift happen below TcT_c. Our results imply that the hourglass shaped dispersion is most likely a pre-requisite for superconductivity, whereas the spin-gap and shift of spectral weight are consequences of superconductivity. We explain this observation by pointing out that an inwards dispersion towards the commensurate wave-vector is needed for the opening of a spin gap to lower the magnetic exchange energy and hence provide the necessary condensation energy for the SC state to emerge

    The factor structure of the mood disorder questionnaire in Tunisian patients

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    Background: The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a frequently used screening tool for the early detection of Bipolar Disorder (BD), which is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed at its onset. In this study, data from Tunisia has been used to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Arabic MDQ. Methods: The sample included 151 patients with a current major depressive episode. The Arabic adapted version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR was used to formulate a diagnosis, yielding 62 patients with BD and 89 with unipolar Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Principal component analysis with parallel analysis was used to establish the spontaneous distribution of the 13 core items of the MDQ. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to check the available factor models. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to assess the capacity of the MDQ to distinguish patients with BD from those with MDD. Results: Cronbach’s α in the sample was 0.80 (95%CI: 0.75 to 0.85). Ordinal α was 0.88. Parallel analysis suggested two main components, which explained 59% of variance in the data. CFA found a good fit for the existing unidimensional, the two-factor, and the three-factor models. ROC analysis showed that at a threshold of 7, the MDQ was able to distinguish patients with BD from those with MDD with extraordinary negative predictive value (0.92) and a positive diagnostic likelihood ratio of 3.8. Conclusion: The Arabic version of the MDQ showed good measurement properties in terms of reliability, factorial validity and discriminative properties