11 research outputs found

    A model of intensive oil burnout from glass fabric

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    This paper continues the previous investigations [1]‐[3] for process of intensive oil burnout in glass fabric. Aliejaus išdeginimo iš stiklo gaminių matematinis modelis Santrauka Darbe toliau sistemingai nagrinejami stiklo gaminimo procesu matematiniai modeliai. Tiriama ivairiu faktoriu (stiklo mases judejimo greičio, metalo plokšteliu savybiu, gaminio storio) itaka stiklo gaminio kokybei. Kadangi aliejaus išdeginimas vyksta labai aukštoje temperatūroje ir labai trumpai, tai matematiniai modeliai leidžia detaliai ištirti procesa bei parinkti optimalias parametru reikšmes. Matematini modeli sudaro nestacionari lygtis, aprašanti difuzijos, konvekcijos ir chemines reakcijos procesus. Vidurkinimo metodu uždavinys suvedamas i vienmati modeli. Chemines reakcijos greitis modeliuojamas panaudojant Aremijaus modeli. Pateikiami skaičiavimo eksperimento rezultatai. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201


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    PositivelyPregnant: Using guided prompts in a stress-management app for pregnant women

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    This paper reports on our interdisciplinary research on stress management for pregnant women. We developed a mobile app – PositivelyPregnant – for supporting the mental wellbeing of pregnant women in New Zealand. The app aims to support women in using the time during pregnancy to build resilience and plan a healthy future for the whole family. We report the results from a study using PositivelyPregnant, carried out at 24 weeks gestation with 88 women. We particularly explored the use of prompts for continued engagement

    Mākslas terapijas izglītības desmit gadi Rīgas Stradiņa universitātē: No ieceres līdz profesijai

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    Grāmatā apkopotas 37 profesijas izveidē un izaugsmē iesaistītu ģeogrāfiski tuvu un tālu kolēģu intervijas. Šīs intervijas tika ievāktas, gatavojoties mākslu terapijas izglītības desmitgadei Rīgas Stradiņa universitātē, lai jubilejas reizē reflektētu par mākslu terapijas tapšanu – no dažādiem skatupunktiem, lai uzrunātu un atcerētos cilvēkus, kas ir devuši būtisku ieguldījumu profesijas attīstībā, tā veidojot daudzbalsīgu stāstījumu, fiksējot, kā notika Latvijas mākslu terapijas modeļa tapšana un attīstība

    Understanding the concept of missed nursing care from a cross-cultural perspective

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    Aims: To investigate how nursing experts and experts from other health professions understand the concept of rationing/missed/unfinished nursing care and how this is compared at a cross-cultural level. Design: The mixed methods descriptive study. Methods: The semi-structured questionnaires were sent to the sample of 45 scholars and practitioners from 26 countries. Data were collected from November 2017–February 2018. Results: Assigning average cultural values to participants from each country revealed three cultural groups: high individualism-high masculinity, high individualism-low masculinity and low individualism-medium masculinity. Content analysis of the findings revealed three main themes, which were identified across cultural clusters: (a) projecting blame for the phenomenon: Blaming the nurse versus blaming the system; (b) intentionality versus unintentionality; and (c) focus on nurses in comparison to focus on patients. Conclusion: Consistent differences in the understanding of missed nursing care can be understood in line with the nation's standing on two main cultural values: individualism and masculinity. Impact: The findings call for scholars' caution in interpreting missed nursing care from different cultures, or in comparing levels and types of missed nursing tasks across nations. The findings further indicated that mimicking interventions to limit missed nursing care from one cultural context to the other might be ineffective. Interventions to mitigate the phenomenon should be implemented thoughtfully, considering the cultural aspects