56 research outputs found
Coherent spin dynamics of impurity Yb3+ ions in the CaWO4 single crystal has been studied using X - and W -band EPR. Rabi oscillations of the sample magnetization with damping times comparable to their period, driven by pulses of the microwave field with duration up to 5μs, were observed. The largest value of the single-qubit figure of merit (∼6400) is obtained for the high-field component in the Y 171 b X -band EPR spectrum. The spin-lattice relaxation time of the Yb3+ ions shortens with the increasing resonance frequency while the phase memory time, in contrast, grows noticeably. Variations of the phase memory times are interpreted in terms of spectral and instantaneous diffusions. The increase of the coherence time at the W band can be used for the application of rare-earth ions as qubits in quantum computing as it has been proposed recently. © 2009 The American Physical Society
Coherence times and Rabi oscillations in CaWO4:Cr5+ crystal
The coherence times of dopant pentavalent chromium ions in CaWO4 single crystal (0.0006 at.% Cr5+) were investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Temperature dependences of spin-lattice relaxation time T1 and phase memory time TM were measured in the temperature range 6-30 K at high (94 GHz, W band) and low (3.5 GHz, S band) frequencies of electron spin resonance. It follows from TM calculations that phase relaxation of Cr5+ ion arises mainly from magnetic dipole interactions between the chromium ions. Anomalously fast damping of Rabi oscillations is detected in both S- and W-band experiments. It is shown that this phenomenon is caused by microwave field inhomogeneity inside the resonator. Relations between the damping time of Rabi oscillations, Rabi frequency and the crystal sample size are obtained. Lumped-element resonators and smaller sample dimensions are suggested to lower spin dephasing during transient nutations. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
EPR of Yb3+ ions in Ba1-xLaxF 2+x mixed crystals
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of impurity Yb3+ ions (about 0.1 at.%) in mixed crystals BaF2(1 - x) plus LaF 3(x;) have been investigated for different values of the concentration x at a frequency of about 9.5 GHz by both continuous-wave (CW) EPR and electron spin echo methods. A spectrum of trigonal symmetry with a complex hyperfine structure is observed in "pure" BaF2:Yb 3+ (x = 0). Upon admixture of small amounts of LaF3 (x = 0.001), additional EPR lines arise with intensities increasing with the increase of x up to 0.005. These lines are attributed to trigonal centers including two rare-earth ions and two compensating fluorine ions. A further increase of x results in a decrease of the total EPR spectrum intensity, and at x ≥ 0.05 the CW resonance becomes practically unobservable. This may be due to the formation of rare-earth ion clusters with paramagnetic Yb3+ ions occurring in domains with a disordered structure of surroundings resulting in very broad EPR lines, which cannot be registered by CW EPR. Indeed, very broad (not less than 1 kG) EPR lines were observed by the electron spin echo method for concentrations x ≥ 0.02. © Springer-Verlag 2005
Experimental Setup for Observation the Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons in Solid Antiferromagnets CsMnF3 and MnCO3
The Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons was observed in 1984 in superfluid 3He-B. The same phenomena should exist in solid magnetic systems. We describe here a partly digital experimental setup for studying solid antiferromagnets CsMnF3 and MnCO3 by pulse and continuous wave nuclear magnetic resonance. With this equipment, the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons was observed for the first time in these single crystals. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien
Investigation of the photoionization of Ce3+ ions in a YAG crystal by microwave resonance technique
The kinetic and spectral characteristics of the complex dielectric constant of a Ce: YAG crystal under laser irradiation in 250-275 nm spectral range are investigated. The lifetimes of free charge carriers and charge carriers, localized at the lattice defects (color centers), are estimated. It was established that photoconductivity signal of the sample is essentially caused by one-photon ionization processes from the 2F5/2 ground state of Ce3+ ions. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
Electron spin-lattice relaxation of Yb3+ and Gd3+ ions in glasses
The electron spin-lattice relaxation rate (T1 -1) was measured in two glass samples: (i) a phosphate glass doped with 1 wt% Yb2O3 and (ii) a Li2Si4O9 glass sample doped with 0.2 wt% Gd2O3. In the Yb3+-doped glass sample, T1, was measured by an electron-spin-echo technique from 4.2 to 6 K, by the modulation method from 10 to 26 K and by the EPR linewidth from 30 to 100 K. It was found that (T1 -1) ∝ Tn with n = 9 in the range 4.2-6 K. n decreased gradually as the temperature was increased and tended towards 2 above 40 K. Over the entire temperature range 4.2-100 K, (T1 -1) was fitted to AT + BT9J8 (ΘD/T) (where A and B are two temperature-independent constants, J8 is the well-known Van Vleck integral and ΘD is the Debye temperature). The value of ΘD (= 46.3±0.9 K) so determined is in good agreement with that of Stevens and Stapleton from their T1, measurements in the range 1.5 to 7 K. In the Gd3+-doped glass, it was observed that (T1 -1) ∝ T over the range 50-150 K. The data for Ye3+-doped glass sample were accounted for by assuming that the phonon modulation of the ligand field is the dominant mechanism, associated with a low Debye temperature in accordance with the published data obtained by using other techniques to study lattice dynamics. On the other hand, the data on the Gd3+-doped glass sample were explained to be predominantly due to a mechanism involving Two-Level-Systems (TLS). © Springer-Verlag 1996 Printed in Austria
Coherent spin manipulations in Yb3+: CaWO4 at X - And W -band EPR frequencies
Coherent spin dynamics of impurity Yb3+ ions in the CaWO4 single crystal has been studied using X - and W -band EPR. Rabi oscillations of the sample magnetization with damping times comparable to their period, driven by pulses of the microwave field with duration up to 5μs, were observed. The largest value of the single-qubit figure of merit (∼6400) is obtained for the high-field component in the Y 171 b X -band EPR spectrum. The spin-lattice relaxation time of the Yb3+ ions shortens with the increasing resonance frequency while the phase memory time, in contrast, grows noticeably. Variations of the phase memory times are interpreted in terms of spectral and instantaneous diffusions. The increase of the coherence time at the W band can be used for the application of rare-earth ions as qubits in quantum computing as it has been proposed recently. © 2009 The American Physical Society
Polymorphs of Rb3ScF6: X-ray and Neutron Diffraction, Solid-State NMR, and Density Functional Theory Calculations Study
The crystal structures of three polymorphs of Rb3ScF6 have been determined through a combination of synchrotron, laboratory X-ray, and neutron powder diffraction, electron diffraction, and multinuclear high-field solid-state NMR studies. The room temperature (RT; α) and medium-temperature (β) structures are tetragonal, with space groups I41/a (Z = 80) and I4/m (Z = 10) and lattice parameters a = 20.2561(4) Å, c = 36.5160(0) Å and a = 14.4093(2) Å, c = 9.2015(1) Å at RT and 187 °C, respectively. The high-temperature (γ) structure is cubic space group Fm3¯ m (Z = 4) with a = 9.1944(1) Å at 250 °C. The temperatures of the phase transitions were measured at 141 and 201 °C. The three α, β, and γRb3ScF6 phases are isostructural with the α, β, and δforms of the potassium cryolite. Detailed structural characterizations were performed by density functional theory as well as NMR. In the case of the β polymorph, the dynamic rotations of the ScF6 octahedra of both Sc crystallographic sites have been detailed. © 2021 American Chemical Society.For DFT calculations, we thank the “Centre de Calcul Scientifique en region Centre” (Orléans, France). We acknowledge the Interface, Confinement, Materials and Nanostructures (Orléans, France) for access to their transmission electron microscope. Financial support from the IR-RMN-THC Fr3050 CNRS for conducting the research is gratefully acknowledged. This study was also financially supported by VEGA-2/0060/18 and ITMS project (code 313021T081, Research & Innovation Operational Programme funded by the ERDF). We thank also Dr. F. Vivet, Dr. F. Fayon, and Dr. D. Massiot for useful discussions
Spectra and relaxation of electronic excitations in CsCdBr3:Yb3+ and CsCdBr3:Nd3+ monocrystals
Experimental and theoretical studies of the optical and EPR spectra, and the spin-lattice relaxation in CsCdBr3 crystals containing 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0 mol.% of impurity Yb3+ ions have been fulfilled. In the optical excitation spectrum, a broad charge transfer band has been detected in the wave-number range of 25000-35000 cm-1. The hybridization of the excited electron configuration corresponding to the charge transfer from the ligand (Br-) 4p closed shells on the ground 4f13 configuration of the ytterbium ion is considered to interpret the anomalously large crystal field splitting of the 2F5/2 multiplet. The EPR spectra with comparable intensities of the axial single-ion and symmetric dimer centres in the sample containing 0.3 mol.% of impurity Yb3+ ions were observed. Spin-lattice relaxation rates and linewidths in the EPR spectra of the single-ion and dimer centres were measured in the temperature range of 1.5 - 35 K at the frequency of 9.5 GHz at different directions of the applied magnetic field relative to the crystal symmetry axis. Experimental results are analyzed in the framework of the microscopic theory of the electron-phonon interaction with taking into account peculiarities of the phonon spectrum of the impurity CsCdBr3 lattice. High-frequency EPR spectra of dimer centres in CsCdBr3 crystals containing 0.2 and 0.5 mol.% of impurity Nd3+ ions were taken in the range of 205-250 GHz at 4.2 K in the magnetic fields up to 0.8 T parallel to the crystal symmetry axis. The crystal field splitting between the first excited and the ground Kramers doublets, and magnetic splitting factors of these doublets were determined. An estimate of the isotropic ferromagnetic exchange constant A = (2.3±0.3) 10-3 cm-1 in symmetric dimer centres formed by impurity Nd3+ ions was obtained from the zero-field splitting of the EPR signals
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