4,211 research outputs found

    Polynomial loss of memory for maps of the interval with a neutral fixed point

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    We give an example of a sequential dynamical system consisting of intermittent-type maps which exhibits loss of memory with a polynomial rate of decay. A uniform bound holds for the upper rate of memory loss. The maps may be chosen in any sequence, and the bound holds for all compositions.Comment: 16 page

    Intra-assessor consistency in question answering

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    In this paper we investigate the consistency of answer assessment in a complex question answering task examining features of assessor consistency, types of answers and question type

    A multistage linear array assignment problem

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    The implementation of certain algorithms on parallel processing computing architectures can involve partitioning contiguous elements into a fixed number of groups, each of which is to be handled by a single processor. It is desired to find an assignment of elements to processors that minimizes the sum of the maximum workloads experienced at each stage. This problem can be viewed as a multi-objective network optimization problem. Polynomially-bounded algorithms are developed for the case of two stages, whereas the associated decision problem (for an arbitrary number of stages) is shown to be NP-complete. Heuristic procedures are therefore proposed and analyzed for the general problem. Computational experience with one of the exact problems, incorporating certain pruning rules, is presented with one of the exact problems. Empirical results also demonstrate that one of the heuristic procedures is especially effective in practice

    Lithium hydroxide dihydrate: A new type of icy material at elevated pressure

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    We show that, in addition to the known monohydrate, LiOH forms a dihydrate at elevated pressure. The dihydrate involves a large number of H-bonds establishing chains along the direction. In addition, the energy surface exhibits a saddle point for proton locations along certain O interatomic distances, a feature characteristic for superprotonic conductors. However, MD simulations indicate that LiOH·2H_2O is not a superprotonic conductor and suggest the relevant interpolyhedral O–O distances being too large to allow for proton transfer between neighboring Li-coordinated polyhedra at least on the time scale of the MD-simulations

    Contextual information and assessor characteristics in complex question answering

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    The ciqa track investigates the role of interaction in answering complex questions: questions that relate two or more entities by some specified relationship. In our submission to the first ciqa track we were interested in the interplay between groups of variables: variables describing the question creators, the questions asked and the presentation of answers to the questions. We used two interaction forms - html questionnaires completed before answer assessment - to gain contextual information from the answer assessors to better understand what factors influence assessors when judging retrieved answers to complex questions. Our results indicate the importance of understanding the assessor's personal relationship to the question - their existing topical knowledge for example - and also the presentation of the answers - contextual information about the answer to aid in the assessment of the answer

    Theory of the critical current in two-band superconductors with application to MgB2

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    Using a Green's function formulation of the superfluid current j_s, where a momentum q_s is applied to the Cooper pair, we have calculated j_s as a function of q_s, temperature, and impurity scattering for a two-band superconductor. We consider both renormalized BCS and full strong-coupling Eliashberg theory. There are two peaks in the current as a function of q_s due to the two energy scales for the gaps and this can give rise to non-standard behavior for the critical current. The critical current j_c, which is given as the maximum in j_s, can exhibit a kink as a function of temperature as the maximum is transferred from one peak to other. Other temperature variations are also possible and the universal BCS behavior is violated. The details depend on the material parameters of the system, such as the amount of coupling between the bands, the gap anisotropy, the Fermi velocities, and the density of states of each band. The Ginzburg-Landau relation between j_c, the penetration depth lambda_L and thermodynamic critical field H_c, is modified. Using Eliashberg theory with the electron-phonon spectral densities given from bandstructure calculations, we have applied our calculations for j_s and j_c to the case of MgB2 and find agreement with experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Effectiveness of a web-based intervention aimed at healthy dietary and physical activity behavior: a randomized controlled trial about users and usage

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    Background:\ud Recent studies have shown the potential of Web-based interventions for changing dietary and physical activity (PA) behavior. However, the pathways of these changes are not clear. In addition, nonusage poses a threat to these interventions. Little is known of characteristics of participants that predict usage.\ud \ud Objective:\ud In this study we investigated the users and effect of the Healthy Weight Assistant (HWA), a Web-based intervention aimed at healthy dietary and PA behavior. We investigated the value of a proposed framework (including social and economic factors, condition-related factors, patient-related factors, reasons for use, and satisfaction) to predict which participants are users and which participants are nonusers. Additionally, we investigated the effectiveness of the HWA on the primary outcomes, self-reported dietary and physical activity behavior.\ud \ud Methods:\ud Our design was a two-armed randomized controlled trial that compared the HWA with a waiting list control condition. A total of 150 participants were allocated to the waiting list group, and 147 participants were allocated to the intervention group. Online questionnaires were filled out before the intervention period started and after the intervention period of 12 weeks. After the intervention period, respondents in the waiting list group could use the intervention. Objective usage data was obtained from the application itself.\ud \ud Results:\ud In the intervention group, 64% (81/147) of respondents used the HWA at least once and were categorized as “users.” Of these, 49% (40/81) used the application only once. Increased age and not having a chronic condition increased the odds of having used the HWA (age: beta = 0.04, P = .02; chronic condition: beta = 2.24, P = .003). Within the intervention group, users scored better on dietary behavior and on knowledge about healthy behavior than nonusers (self-reported diet: χ22 = 8.4, P = .02; knowledge: F1,125 = 4.194, P = .04). Furthermore, users underestimated their behavior more often than nonusers, and nonusers overestimated their behavior more often than users (insight into dietary behavior: χ22 = 8.2, P = .02). Intention-to-treat analyses showed no meaningful significant effects of the intervention. Exploratory analyses of differences between pretest and posttest scores of users, nonusers, and the control group showed that on dietary behavior only the nonusers significantly improved (effect size r = −.23, P = .03), while on physical activity behavior only the users significantly improved (effect size r = −.17, P = .03).\ud \ud Conclusions:\ud Respondents did not use the application as intended. From the proposed framework, a social and economic factor (age) and a condition-related factor (chronic condition) predicted usage. Moreover, users were healthier and more knowledgeable about healthy behavior than nonusers. We found no apparent effects of the intervention, although exploratory analyses showed that choosing to use or not to use the intervention led to different outcomes. Combined with the differences between groups at baseline, this seems to imply that these groups are truly different and should be treated as separate entities

    Considering the impact of situation-specific motivations and constraints in the design of naturally ventilated and hybrid buildings

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    A simple logical model of the interaction between a building and its occupants is presented based on the principle that if free to do so, people will adjust their posture, clothing or available building controls (windows, blinds, doors, fans, and thermostats) with the aim of achieving or restoring comfort and reducing discomfort. These adjustments are related to building design in two ways: first the freedom to adjust depends on the availability and ease-of-use of control options; second the use of controls affects building comfort and energy performance. Hence it is essential that these interactions are considered in the design process. The model captures occupant use of controls in response to thermal stimuli (too warm, too cold etc.) and non-thermal stimuli (e.g. desire for fresh air). The situation-specific motivations and constraints on control use are represented through trigger temperatures at which control actions occur, motivations are included as negative constraints and incorporated into a single constraint value describing the specifics of each situation. The values of constraints are quantified for a range of existing buildings in Europe and Pakistan. The integration of the model within a design flow is proposed and the impact of different levels of constraints demonstrated. It is proposed that to minimise energy use and maximise comfort in naturally ventilated and hybrid buildings the designer should take the following steps: 1. Provide unconstrained low energy adaptive control options where possible, 2. Avoid problems with indoor air quality which provide motivations for excessive ventilation rates, 3. Incorporate situation-specific adaptive behaviour of occupants in design simulations, 4. Analyse the robustness of designs against variations in patterns of use and climate, and 5. Incorporate appropriate comfort standards into the operational building controls (e.g. BEMS)

    Nonlinear current response of one- and two-band superconductors

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    We have calculated the nonlinear current of a number of single band s-wave electron-phonon superconductors. Among issues considered were those of dimensionality, strong electron-phonon coupling, impurities, and comparison with BCS. For the case of two bands, particular attention is paid to the role of anisotropy, the integration effects of the off-diagonal electron-phonon interaction, as well as inter- and intraband impurities. For the specific case of MgB2, we present results based on the known microscopic parameters of band theory.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Self-similar signature of the active solar corona within the inertial range of solar-wind turbulence

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    We quantify the scaling of magnetic energy density in the inertial range of solar-wind turbulence seen in situ at 1 AU with respect to solar activity. At solar maximum, when the coronal magnetic field is dynamic and topologically complex, we find self-similar scaling in the solar wind, whereas at solar minimum, when the coronal fields are more ordered, we find multifractality. This quantifies the solar-wind signature that is of direct coronal origin and distinguishes it from that of local MHD turbulence, with quantitative implications for coronal heating of the solar wind
