40,169 research outputs found

    The relation between magnetic and material arms in models for spiral galaxies

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    Context. Observations of polarized radio emission show that large-scale (regular) magnetic fields in spiral galaxies are not axisymmetric, but generally stronger in interarm regions. In some nearby galaxies such as NGC 6946 they are organized in narrow magnetic arms situated between the material spiral arms. Aims. The phenomenon of magnetic arms and their relation to the optical spiral arms (the material arms) call for an explanation in the framework of galactic dynamo theory. Several possibilities have been suggested but are not completely satisfactory; here we attempt a consistent investigation. Methods. We use a 2D mean-field dynamo model in the no-z approximation and add injections of small-scale magnetic field, taken to result from supernova explosions, to represent the effects of dynamo action on smaller scales. This injection of small scale field is situated along the spiral arms, where star-formation mostly occurs. Results. A straightforward explanation of magnetic arms as a result of modulation of the dynamo mechanism by material arms struggles to produce pronounced magnetic arms, at least with realistic parameters, without introducing new effects such as a time lag between Coriolis force and {\alpha}-effect. In contrast, by taking into account explicitly the small-scale magnetic field that is injected into the arms by the action of the star forming regions that are concentrated there, we can obtain dynamo models with magnetic structures of various forms that can be compared with magnetic arms. (abbrev). Conclusions. We conclude that magnetic arms can be considered as coherent magnetic structures generated by large-scale dynamo action, and associated with spatially modulated small-scale magnetic fluctuations, caused by enhanced star formation rates within the material arms.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication to A&

    Filamentary Diffusion of Cosmic Rays on Small Scales

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    We investigate the diffusion of cosmic rays (CR) close to their sources. Propagating individual CRs in purely isotropic turbulent magnetic fields with maximal scale of spatial variations Lmax, we find that CRs diffuse anisotropically at distances r <~ Lmax from their sources. As a result, the CR densities around the sources are strongly irregular and show filamentary structures. We determine the transition time t* to standard diffusion as t* ~ 10^4 yr (Lmax/150 pc)^b (E/PeV)^(-g) (Brms/4 muG)^g, with b ~ 2 and g = 0.25-0.5 for a turbulent field with Kolmogorov power spectrum. We calculate the photon emission due to CR interactions with gas and the resulting irregular source images.Comment: 5 pages (2 columns), 4 figures. Published in Physical Review Letter

    High efficiency deterministic Josephson Vortex Ratchet

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    We investigate experimentally a Josephson vortex ratchet -- a fluxon in an asymmetric periodic potential driven by a deterministic force with zero time average. The highly asymmetric periodic potential is created in an underdamped annular long Josephson junction by means of a current injector providing efficiency of the device up to 91%. We measured the ratchet effect for driving forces with different spectral content. For monochromatic high-frequency drive the rectified voltage becomes quantized. At high driving frequencies we also observe chaos, sub-harmonic dynamics and voltage reversal due to the inertial mass of a fluxon.Comment: accepted by PRL. To see status click on

    A search for extended radio emission from selected compact galaxy groups

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    Context. Studies on compact galaxy groups have led to the conclusion that a plenitude of phenomena take place in between galaxies that form them. However, radio data on these objects are extremely scarce and not much is known concerning the existence and role of the magnetic field in intergalactic space. Aims. We aim to study a small sample of galaxy groups that look promising as possible sources of intergalactic magnetic fields; for example data from radio surveys suggest that most of the radio emission is due to extended, diffuse structures in and out of the galaxies. Methods. We used the Effelsberg 100 m radio telescope at 4.85 GHz and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data at 1.40 GHz. After subtraction of compact sources we analysed the maps searching for diffuse, intergalactic radio emission. Spectral index and magnetic field properties were derived. Results. Intergalactic magnetic fields exist in groups HCG 15 and HCG 60, whereas there are no signs of them in HCG 68. There are also hints of an intergalactic bridge in HCG 44 at 4.85 GHz. Conclusions. Intergalactic magnetic fields exist in galaxy groups and their energy density may be comparable to the thermal (X-ray) density, suggesting an important role of the magnetic field in the intra-group medium, wherever it is detected.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Hybrid Atom--Photon Quantum Gate in a Superconducting Microwave Resonator

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    We propose a novel hybrid quantum gate between an atom and a microwave photon in a superconducting coplanar waveguide cavity by exploiting the strong resonant microwave coupling between adjacent Rydberg states. Using experimentally achievable parameters gate fidelities >0.99> 0.99 are possible on sub-μ\mus timescales for waveguide temperatures below 40 mK. This provides a mechanism for generating entanglement between two disparate quantum systems and represents an important step in the creation of a hybrid quantum interface applicable for both quantum simulation and quantum information processing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quenching of the Deuteron in Flight

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    We investigate the Lorentz contraction of a deuteron in flight. Our starting point is the Blankenbecler-Sugar projection of the Bethe-Salpeter equation to a 3-dimensional quasi potential equation, wqhich we apply for the deuteron bound in an harmonic oscillator potential (for an analytical result) and by the Bonn NN potential for a more realistic estimate. We find substantial quenching with increasing external momenta and a significant modification of the high momentum spectrum of the deuteron.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Optimized Coplanar Waveguide Resonators for a Superconductor-Atom Interface

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    We describe the design and characterization of superconducting coplanar waveguide cavities tailored to facilitate strong coupling between superconducting quantum circuits and single trapped Rydberg atoms. For initial superconductor-atom experiments at 4.2 K, we show that resonator quality factors above 10410^4 can be readily achieved. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the incorporation of thick-film copper electrodes at a voltage antinode of the resonator provides a route to enhance the zero-point electric fields of the resonator in a trapping region that is 40 μ\mum above the chip surface, thereby minimizing chip heating from scattered trap light. The combination of high resonator quality factor and strong electric dipole coupling between the resonator and the atom should make it possible to achieve the strong coupling limit of cavity quantum electrodynamics with this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The population of deformed bands in 48^{48}Cr by emission of 8^{8}Be from the 32^{32}S + 24^{24}Mg reaction

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    Using particle-γ\gamma coincidences we have studied the population of final states after the emission of 2 α\alpha-particles and of 8^{8}Be in nuclei formed in 32^{32}S+24^{24}Mg reactions at an energy of EL(32S)=130MeV\textrm{E}_{\rm L}(^{32}\textrm{S}) = 130 {\rm MeV}. The data were obtained in a setup consisting of the GASP γ\gamma-ray detection array and the multidetector array ISIS. Particle identification is obtained from the Δ\DeltaE and E signals of the ISIS silicon detector telescopes, the 8^{8}Be being identified by the instantaneous pile up of the Δ\DeltaE and E pulses. γ\gamma-ray decays of the 48^{48}Cr nucleus are identified with coincidences set on 2 α\alpha-particles and on 8^{8}Be. Some transitions of the side-band with Kπ=4K^\pi=4^{-} show stronger population for 8^{8}Be emission relative to that of 2 α\alpha-particles (by a factor This observation is interpreted as due to an enhanced emission of 8^{8}Be into a more deformed nucleus. Calculations based on the extended Hauser-Feshbach compound decay formalism confirm this observation quantitatively.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    A dynamical model for the heavily ram pressure stripped Virgo spiral galaxy NGC 4522

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    A dynamical model including ram pressure stripping is applied to the strongly HI deficient Virgo spiral galaxy NGC 4522. A carefully chosen model snapshot is compared with existing VLA HI observations. The model successfully reproduces the large-scale gas distribution and the velocity field. However it fails to reproduce the large observed HI linewidths in the extraplanar component, for which we give possible explanations. In a second step, we solve the induction equation on the velocity fields of the dynamical model and calculate the large scale magnetic field. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of relativistic electrons we obtain the distribution of polarized radio continuum emission which is also compared with our VLA observations at 6 cm. The observed maximum of the polarized radio continuum emission is successfully reproduced. Our model suggests that the ram pressure maximum occurred only ~50 Myr ago. Since NGC 4522 is located far away from the cluster center (~1 Mpc) where the intracluster medium density is too low to cause the observed stripping if the intracluster medium is static and smooth, two scenarios are envisaged: (i) the galaxy moves very rapidly within the intracluster medium and is not even bound to the cluster; in this case the galaxy has just passed the region of highest intracluster medium density; (ii) the intracluster medium is not static but moving due to the infall of the M49 group of galaxies. In this case the galaxy has just passed the region of highest intracluster medium velocity. This study shows the strength of combining high resolution HI and polarized radio continuum emission with detailed numerical modeling of the evolution of the gas and the large-scale magnetic field.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&