32,592 research outputs found

    Wind data from the 250-foot /76.2-meter/ tower at Wallops Island, Virginia

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    Statistical evaluation of sampled wind data from anemometers mounted on meteorological tower on Wallops Islan

    Optimal state encoding for quantum walks and quantum communication over spin systems

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    Recent work has shown that a simple chain of interacting spins can be used as a medium for high-fidelity quantum communication. We describe a scheme for quantum communication using a spin system that conserves z-spin, but otherwise is arbitrary. The sender and receiver are assumed to directly control several spins each, with the sender encoding the message state onto the larger state-space of her control spins. We show how to find the encoding that maximises the fidelity of communication, using a simple method based on the singular-value decomposition. Also, we show that this solution can be used to increase communication fidelity in a rather different circumstance: where no encoding of initial states is used, but where the sender and receiver control exactly two spins each and vary the interactions on those spins over time. The methods presented are computationally efficient, and numerical examples are given for systems having up to 300 spins.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 7 EPS figures. Corrected an error in the definition and interpretation of C_B(T

    Negative Refraction of Excitations in the Bose-Hubbard Model

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    Ultracold atoms in optical lattices provide a unique opportunity to study Bose- Hubbard physics. In this work we show that by considering a spatially varying onsite interaction it is possible to manipulate the motion of excitations above the Mott phase in a Bose-Hubbard system. Specifically, we show that it is possible to "engineer" regimes where excitations will negatively refract, facilitating the construction of a flat lens.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Curious Conundrum Regarding Sulfur Abundances In Planetary Nebulae

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    Sulfur abundances derived from optical emission line measurements and ionization correction factors in planetary nebulae are systematically lower than expected for the objects' metallicities. We have carefully considered a large range of explanations for this "sulfur anomaly", including: (1) correlations between the size of the sulfur deficit and numerous nebular and central star properties; (2) ionization correction factors which under-correct for unobserved ions; (3) effects of dielectronic recombination on the sulfur ionization balance; (4) sequestering of S into dust and/or molecules; and (5) excessive destruction of S or production of O by AGB stars. It appears that all but the second scenario can be ruled out. However, we find evidence that the sulfur deficit is generally reduced but not eliminated when S^+3 abundances determined directly from IR measurements are used in place of the customary sulfur ionization correction factor. We tentatively conclude that the sulfur anomaly is caused by the inability of commonly used ICFs to properly correct for populations of ionization stages higher than S^+2.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Constraints on Primordial Nongaussiantiy from the High-Redshift Cluster MS1054--03

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    The implications of the massive, X-ray selected cluster of galaxies MS1054--03 at z=0.83z=0.83 are discussed in light of the hypothesis that the primordial density fluctuations may be nongaussian. We generalize the Press-Schechter (PS) formalism to the nongaussian case, and calculate the likelihood that a cluster as massive as MS1054 would appear in the EMSS. The probability of finding an MS1054-like cluster depends only on \omegam and the extent of primordial nongaussianity. We quantify the latter by adopting a specific functional form for the PDF, denoted ψλ,\psi_\lambda, which tends to Gaussianity for λ1,\lambda\gg 1, and show how λ\lambda is related to the more familiar statistic T,T, the probability of 3σ\ge 3\sigma fluctuations for a given PDF relative to a Gaussian. We find that Gaussian initial density fluctuations are consistent with the data on MS1054 only if \omegam\simlt 0.2. For \omegam\ge 0.25 a significant degree of nongaussianity is required, unless the mass of MS1054 has been substantially overestimated by X-ray and weak lensing data. The required amount of nongaussianity is a rapidly increasing function of \omegam for 0.25 \le \omegam \le 0.45, with λ1\lambda \le 1 (T \simgt 7) at the upper end of this range. For a fiducial \omegam=0.3, \omegal=0.7 universe, favored by several lines of evidence we obtain an upper limit λ10,\lambda \le 10, corresponding to a T3.T\ge 3. This finding is consistent with the conclusions of Koyama, Soda, & Taruya (1999), who applied the generalized PS formalism to low (z\simlt 0.1) and intermediate (z\simlt 0.6) redshift cluster data sets.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal, uses emulateapj.st

    Poincare Indices of Rheoscopic Visualisations

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    Suspensions of small anisotropic particles, termed 'rheoscopic fluids', are used for flow visualisation. By illuminating the fluid with light of three different colours, it is possible to determine Poincare indices for vector fields formed by the longest axis of the particles. Because this vector field is non-oriented, half-integer Poincare indices are possible, and are observed experimentally. An exact solution for the direction vector appears to preclude the existence of topological singularities. However, we show that upon averaging over the random initial orientations of particles, singularities with half-integer Poincare index appear. We describe their normal forms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The stellar populations of spiral disks.II Measuring and modeling the radial distribution of absorption spectral indices

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    The radial distributions of the Mg2 and Fe5270 Lick spectral indices have been measured to large radial distances on the disks of NGC 4303 and NGC 4535 using an imaging technique based on interference filters. These data, added to those of NGC 4321 previously published in Paper I of this series are used to constraint chemical (multiphase) evolutionary models for these galaxies. Because the integrated light of a stellar disk is a time average over the history of the galaxy weighted by the star formation rate, these constraints complement the information on chemical gradients provided by the study of HII regions which, by themselves, can only provide the alpha-elements abundance accumulate over the life of the galaxy. The agreement between the observations and the model predictions shown here lends confidence to the models which are then used to describe the time evolution of galaxy parameters such as star formation rates, chemical gradients, and gradients in the mean age of the stellar population.Comment: to be published in Astrophysical Journa

    Far-UV Emission from Elliptical Galaxies at z=0.55

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    The restframe UV-to-optical flux ratio, characterizing the ``UV upturn'' phenomenon, is potentially the most sensitive tracer of age in elliptical galaxies; models predict that it may change by orders of magnitude over the course of a few Gyr. In order to trace the evolution of the UV upturn as a function of redshift, we have used the far-UV camera on the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph to image the galaxy cluster CL0016+16 at z=0.55. Our 25''x25'' field includes four bright elliptical galaxies, spectroscopically confirmed to be passively evolving cluster members. The weak UV emission from the galaxies in our image demonstrates that the UV upturn is weaker at a lookback time 5.6 Gyr earlier than our own, as compared to measurements of the UV upturn in cluster E and S0 galaxies at z=0 and z=0.375. These images are the first with sufficient depth to demonstrate the fading of the UV upturn expected at moderate redshifts. We discuss these observations and the implications for the formation history of galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, Latex. 2 figures. Uses corrected version of emulateapj.sty and apjfonts.sty (included). Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The Observed Relationship Between Water Vapor and Ozone in the Tropical Tropopause Saturation Layer and the Influence of Meridional Transport

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    We examine balloonsonde observations of water vapor and ozone from three Ticosonde campaigns over San Jose, Costa Rica [10 N, 84 W] during northern summer and a fourth during northern winter. The data from the summer campaigns show that the uppermost portion of the tropical tropopause layer between 360 and 380 K, which we term the tropopause saturation layer or TSL, is characterized by water vapor mixing ratios from proximately 3 to 15 ppmv and ozone from approximately 50 ppbv to 250 ppbv. In contrast, the atmospheric water vapor tape recorder at 380 K and above displays a more restricted 4-7 ppmv range in water vapor mixing ratio. From this perspective, most of the parcels in the TSL fall into two classes - those that need only additional radiative heating to rise into the tape recorder and those requiring some combination of additional dehydration and mixing with drier air. A substantial fraction of the latter class have ozone mixing ratios greater than 150 ppbv, and with water vapor greater than 7 ppmv this air may well have been transported into the tropics from the middle latitudes in conjunction with high-amplitude equatorial waves. We examine this possibility with both trajectory analysis and transport diagnostics based on HIRDLS ozone data. We apply the same approach to study the winter season. Here a very different regime obtains as the ozone-water vapor scatter diagram of the sonde data shows the stratosphere and troposphere to be clearly demarcated with little evidence of mixing in of middle latitude air parcels