42,563 research outputs found

    Error estimation in the histogram Monte Carlo method

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    We examine the sources of error in the histogram reweighting method for Monte Carlo data analysis. We demonstrate that, in addition to the standard statistical error which has been studied elsewhere, there are two other sources of error, one arising through correlations in the reweighted samples, and one arising from the finite range of energies sampled by a simulation of finite length. We demonstrate that while the former correction is usually negligible by comparison with statistical fluctuations, the latter may not be, and give criteria for judging the range of validity of histogram extrapolations based on the size of this latter correction.Comment: 7 pages including 3 postscript figures, typeset in LaTeX using the RevTeX macro packag

    Remote sensing analysis of Lake Livingston aquatic plants

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    Results obtained during 1975 to monitor the growth of aquatic plants in the Lake Livingston area, using remote sensing photographic imagery, were described. Sequential total coverage was provided of the Jungle and White Rock Creek, plus coverage of smaller areas of localized infestation downlake, including Brushy Creek, KOA Kampground Marina, Penwaugh Slough, Memorial Point Marina, the Beacon Bay marinas and Pine Island. The imagery was generally good, photographic exposure being increased as the season progressed in order to obtain better pictures of the submerged vegetation. Some very significant differences in growth patterns, species interaction, and species dominance were observed when compared to 1974. Observation of the following plants was discussed: water hyacinth, hydrilla, coontail, potamageton. In general, the level of infestation was lower in 1975 than in 1974, due to the combined effect of more systematic application of herbicides and harsher intervening winter weather conditions

    Interacting epidemics and coinfection on contact networks

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    The spread of certain diseases can be promoted, in some cases substantially, by prior infection with another disease. One example is that of HIV, whose immunosuppressant effects significantly increase the chances of infection with other pathogens. Such coinfection processes, when combined with nontrivial structure in the contact networks over which diseases spread, can lead to complex patterns of epidemiological behavior. Here we consider a mathematical model of two diseases spreading through a single population, where infection with one disease is dependent on prior infection with the other. We solve exactly for the sizes of the outbreaks of both diseases in the limit of large population size, along with the complete phase diagram of the system. Among other things, we use our model to demonstrate how diseases can be controlled not only by reducing the rate of their spread, but also by reducing the spread of other infections upon which they depend.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Potts Model On Random Trees

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    We study the Potts model on locally tree-like random graphs of arbitrary degree distribution. Using a population dynamics algorithm we numerically solve the problem exactly. We confirm our results with simulations. Comparisons with a previous approach are made, showing where its assumption of uniform local fields breaks down for networks with nodes of low degree.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Input description for Jameson's three-dimensional transonic airfoil analysis program

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    The input parameters are presented for a computer program which performs calculations for inviscid isentropic transonic flow over three dimensional airfoils with straight leading edges. The free stream Mach number is restricted only by the isentropic assumption. Weak shock waves are automatically located where they occur in the flow. The finite difference form of the full equation for the velocity potential is solved by the method of relaxation, after the flow exterior to the airfoil is mapped to the upper half plane

    Engine bleed air reduction in DC-10

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    An 0.8 percent fuel savings was achieved by a reduction in engine bleed air through the use of cabin air recirculation. The recirculation system was evaluated in revenue service on a DC-10. The cabin remained comfortable with reductions in cabin fresh air (engine bleed air) as much as 50 percent. Flight test verified the predicted fuel saving of 0.8 percent

    Twisting Null Geodesic Congruences, Scri, H-Space and Spin-Angular Momentum

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    The purpose of this work is to return, with a new observation and rather unconventional point of view, to the study of asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein equations. The essential observation is that from a given asymptotically flat space-time with a given Bondi shear, one can find (by integrating a partial differential equation) a class of asymptotically shear-free (but, in general, twistiing) null geodesic congruences. The class is uniquely given up to the arbitrary choice of a complex analytic world-line in a four-parameter complex space. Surprisingly this parameter space turns out to be the H-space that is associated with the real physical space-time under consideration. The main development in this work is the demonstration of how this complex world-line can be made both unique and also given a physical meaning. More specifically by forcing or requiring a certain term in the asymptotic Weyl tensor to vanish, the world-line is uniquely determined and becomes (by several arguments) identified as the `complex center-of-mass'. Roughly, its imaginary part becomes identified with the intrinsic spin-angular momentum while the real part yields the orbital angular momentum.Comment: 26 pages, authors were relisted alphabeticall

    Statistics of Certain Models of Evolution

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    In a recent paper, Newman surveys the literature on power law spectra in evolution, self-organised criticality and presents a model of his own to arrive at a conclusion that self-organised criticality is not necessary for evolution. Not only did he miss a key model (Ecolab) that has a clear self-organised critical mechanism, but also Newman's model exhibits the same mechanism that gives rise to power law behaviour as does Ecolab. Newman's model is, in fact, a ``mean field'' approximation of a self-organised critical system. In this paper, I have also implemented Newman's model using the Ecolab software, removing the restriction that the number of species remains constant. It turns out that the requirement of constant species number is non-trivial, leading to a global coupling between species that is similar in effect to the species interactions seen in Ecolab. In fact, the model must self-organise to a state where the long time average of speciations balances that of the extinctions, otherwise the system either collapses or explodes. In view of this, Newman's model does not provide the hoped-for counter example to the presence of self-organised criticality in evolution, but does provide a simple, almost analytic model that can used to understand more intricate models such as Ecolab.Comment: accepted in Phys Rev E.; RevTeX; See http://parallel.hpc.unsw.edu.au/rks/ecolab.html for more informatio

    Characterizing the structure of small-world networks

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    We give exact relations which are valid for small-world networks (SWN's) with a general `degree distribution', i.e the distribution of nearest-neighbor connections. For the original SWN model, we illustrate how these exact relations can be used to obtain approximations for the corresponding basic probability distribution. In the limit of large system sizes and small disorder, we use numerical studies to obtain a functional fit for this distribution. Finally, we obtain the scaling properties for the mean-square displacement of a random walker, which are determined by the scaling behavior of the underlying SWN