1,331 research outputs found

    Equilibrium topology of the intermediate state in type-I superconductors of different shapes

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    High-resolution magneto-optical technique was used to analyze flux patterns in the intermediate state of bulk Pb samples of various shapes - cones, hemispheres and discs. Combined with the measurements of macroscopic magnetization these results allowed studying the effect of bulk pinning and geometric barrier on the equilibrium structure of the intermediate state. Zero-bulk pinning discs and slabs show hysteretic behavior due to geometric barrier that results in a topological hysteresis -- flux tubes on penetration and lamellae on flux exit. (Hemi)spheres and cones do not have geometric barrier and show no hysteresis with flux tubes dominating the intermediate field region. It is concluded that flux tubes represent the equilibrium topology of the intermediate state in reversible samples, whereas laminar structure appears in samples with magnetic hysteresis (either bulk or geometric). Real-time video is available in http://www.cmpgroup.ameslab.gov/supermaglab/video/Pb.html NOTE: the submitted images were severely downsampled due to Arxiv's limitations of 1 Mb total size

    Hard spheres at a planar hard wall: Simulations and density functional theory

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    Hard spheres are a central and important model reference system for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous fluid systems. In this paper we present new high-precision molecular-dynamics computer simulations for a hard sphere fluid at a planar hard wall. For this system we present benchmark data for the density profile ρ(z) at various bulk densities, the wall surface free energy γ, the excess adsorption Γ, and the excess volume vex, which is closely related to Γ. We compare all benchmark quantities with predictions from state-of-the-art classical density functional theory calculations within the framework of fundamental measure theory. While we find overall good agreement between computer simulations and theory, significant deviations appear at sufficiently high bulk densities

    Studi Pelaksanaan Sistem Rujukan Rawat Jalan Tingkat Pertama (Rjtp) Padapeserta Bpjs Kesehatan di Puskesmas Perumnas Kota Kendari Tahun 2016

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    Pelayanan kesehatan dilaksanakan secara berjenjang dimulai dari pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama. Pelayanan kesehatan tingkat kedua hanya dapat diberikan atas rujukan dari pelayanan kesehatan tingkatpertama. Pelayanan kesehatan tingkat ketiga hanya dapat di berikan atas rujukan dari pelayanan kesehatantingkat kedua atau tingkat pertama, kecuali pada keadaan gawat darurat, kekhususan permasalahan kesehatanpasien, pertimbangan geografis, dan pertimbangan ketersediaan fasilitas Tingginya rasio rujukan di PuskesmasPerumnas melebihi standar ketetapan BPJS Kesehatan 15% berpengaruh pada tingginya pelayanan di rumah sakit.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran umum pelaksanaan sistem rujukan rawat jalan tingkatpertama peserta BPJS Kesehatan di Puskesmas Perumnas Kendari tahun 2016. Data primer berasal dari informankunci dan informan biasa yaitu mereka yang di anggap secara baik dan benar yang berjumlah 6 orang denganrincian 1 informan kunci dan 5 informan biasa sedangkan data sekunder di peroleh dari instansi terkait penelitian.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi aspek kebijakan system rujukan belum berjalan dengan baikdilihat dari tingginya rasio rujukan yang mencapai 16% melebihi dari standar ketetapan BPJS Kesehatan yaitu 15%,ketersediaan dokter telah memenuhi standar SDM, ketersediaan obat-obatan belum lengkap, ketersediaanfasilitas dan alat kesehatan medis fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan belum lengkap dan masih ada beberapa Pasienyang meminta rujukan namun apabila masih dapat ditangani di Puskesmas Perumnas maka tidak akan diberirujukan

    Determinan Kejadian Stunting pada Balita Usia 12-59 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Puuwatu Kota Kendari Tahun 2016

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    Stunting (pendek) berdasarkan umur adalah tinggi badan yang berada di bawah minus dua standardeviasi (<-2SD) dari tabel status gizi WHO child growth standard. Banyak faktor yang dapat memicu seorangbalita dapat menjadi stunting yaitu BBLR, tinggi badan ibu, jarak lahir dan paritas. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui faktor BBLR, tinggi badan ibu, jarak lahir dan paritas sebagai det erminan kejadian stuntingpada Balita usia 12-59 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Puuwatu Kota Kendari 2016. Penelitian ini adalahpenelitian epidemiologi analitik observasional menggunakan desain case control dengan prosedur matching.Populasi dalam penelitian ini 2.186 Balita dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 65 kasus dan 65 kontrol.Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan pendekatan fixed disease pada sampelkasus maupun kontrol. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis bivariat menggunakan McNemar dan multivariatmenggunakan uji Conditional Logistic Regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BBLR (OR=5,5;95%CI=1,200-51,065), tinggi ibu (OR=2,5; 95% CI=1,159-5,832) dan paritas (OR=3,25; 95% CI=1,428-8,305)merupakan determinan kejadian stunting. Jarak lahir (OR= 3; 95%CI= 0,536-30,393) bukan merupakandeterminan kejadian stunting. Pada analisis multivariat, determinan yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadapkejadian stunting adalah tinggi badan ibu (OR=2,4; 95%CI=1,131-5,371)

    Tc-99m NIDP and Tc-99m HMPAO labelled leukocyte scans in tuberculous spondylitis

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    A study was undertaken to assess the pattern of uptake on bone and labelled leukocyte scans in tuberculous spondylitis. Nine consecutive newly diagnosed cases were studied with Tc-99m MDP bone scans and Tc-99m HMPAO labelled leukocyte scans.The patients had basic laboratory investigations, plain chest and spine radiographs and computed tomography of the spine. Static images of bone scans were acquired at 3 hours and labelled leukocyte scans were acquired at 1,3 and 24 hours post-injection. A total of 11 spinal lesions were detected. Six bone scans were done demonstrating eight lesions and all showed abnormally increased activity.Labelled leukocyte scans were done in eight patients involving ten lesions and all except one showed photopaenic defects at the regions of interest.Both bone scan and leukocyte scan provided important information about the extent of the lesions and the combination of their pattern of uptake helped in the diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis

    Topological Hysteresis in the Intermediate State of Type-I Superconductors

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    Magneto-optical imaging of thick stress-free lead samples reveals two distinct topologies of the intermediate state. Flux tubes are formed upon magnetic field penetration (closed topology) and laminar patterns appear upon flux exit (open topology). Two-dimensional distributions of shielding currents were obtained by applying an efficient inversion scheme. Quantitative analysis of the magnetic induction distribution and correlation with magnetization measurements indicate that observed topological differences between the two phases are responsible for experimentally observable magnetic hysteresis.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex

    Likelihood-ratio ranking of gravitational-wave candidates in a non-Gaussian background

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    We describe a general approach to detection of transient gravitational-wave signals in the presence of non-Gaussian background noise. We prove that under quite general conditions, the ratio of the likelihood of observed data to contain a signal to the likelihood of it being a noise fluctuation provides optimal ranking for the candidate events found in an experiment. The likelihood-ratio ranking allows us to combine different kinds of data into a single analysis. We apply the general framework to the problem of unifying the results of independent experiments and the problem of accounting for non-Gaussian artifacts in the searches for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO data. We show analytically and confirm through simulations that in both cases the likelihood ratio statistic results in an improved analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Determination of Safety Indicators in the Developed Muffins with Non-traditional Raw Materials

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    The aim of research is studying the effect of unconventional raw materials (buckwheat, oatmeal, rye, corn, milk whey, skimmed milk powder, propolis, flower pollen, bean powder, sesame oil, pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil, walnut kernels, candied fruit mixes (apple-cherry fruits of bilberries, natural honey with floral pollen, natural honey with propolis) for the quality and safety of new muffins. The article analyzes the results of the study of the quality and safety indicators of muffins of improved composition, manufactured using non-traditional raw materials. For the preparation of new types of muffins, part of the wheat flour was replaced with buckwheat, corn, oat, milk whey, skimmed milk powder and additives of vegetable origin. Margarine has been replaced by vegetable oils. It has been established that flour confectionery products have high organoleptic properties. From the physico-chemical parameters, the mass fraction of total sugar was determined, which ranged from 28.17 % to 33.07 %, the mass fraction of fat – 16.2–20.66 %, the mass fraction of moisture – 18.0–22.0, mass fraction of ash – 0.03–1.3 %, alkalinity – 0.03–1.8°, the content of toxic elements (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury) and microbiological indicators were also determined. Based on the data obtained as a research result, the expediency of using non-traditional raw materials to expand the range of flour confectionery products, in particular muffins is substantiated