21,694 research outputs found

    Effects of squash leaf trichome exudates and honey on adult feeding, survival, and fecundity of the squash bug (Heteroptera: Coreidae) egg parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

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    Citation: Olson, D., & Nechols, J. Effects of Squash Leaf Trichome Exudates and Honey on Adult Feeding, Survival, and Fecundity of the Squash Bug (Heteroptera: Coreidae) Egg Parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). Environmental Entomology, 24(2), 454-458. https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/24.2.454A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine whether leaf exudates could be used as a source of adult nutrition for the squash bug, Auasa tristis (De Geer), egg parasitoid, Gryon pennsylvanicum (Ashmead), and to compare adult and progeny fitness traits when female Wasps were provided with squash leaves, a standard honey diet, a combination of leaves and honey, or water only Results showed that fecundity, progeny developmental rates, and progeny survival did not differ significantly when females were exposed to different dietary sources. Adult longevity was shorter on squash leaves without honey than on leaves with honey or the honey-only diet. However, reproductive fitness was not reduced because oviposition had been completed before death of the adult females. When only water was provided, parasitoid females lived only a few days. Observations showed that squash leaves have two kinds of trichomes (hair-like and peg-like), both of which produce droplets that are fed on by both sexes of G. pennsylvanicum. Nutrient analyses revealed that exudates from the hair-like trichomes are composed predominantly of monosaccharides (mainly glucose and galactose), and that the peg-like trichomes produce glucose and some protein. Thus, these trichomes appear to serve as extrafloral nectaries and may provide an important energy source for augmentatively released G. pennsylvanicum

    Emissivity coatings for low-temperature space radiators Quarterly progress report no. 1, 1 Jul. - 30 Sep. 1965

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    Emissivity coatings for low temperature spacecraft radiator

    CELSS Transportation Analysis

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    Regenerative life support systems based on the use of biological material was considered for inclusion in manned spacecraft. Biological life support systems are developed in the controlled ecological life support system (CELSS) program. Because of the progress achieved in the CELSS program, it is determined which space missions may profit from use of the developing technology. Potential transportation cost savings by using CELSS technology for selected future manned space missions was evaluated. Six representative missions were selected which ranged from a low Earth orbit mission to those associated with asteroids and a Mars sortie. The crew sizes considered varied from four persons to five thousand. Other study parameters included mission duration and life support closure percentages, with the latter ranging from complete resupply of consumable life support materials to 97% closure of the life support system. The analytical study approach and the missions and systems considered, together with the benefits derived from CELSS when applicable are described

    Numerical solution of the time-dependent compressible Navier-Stokes equations in inlet regions

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    The results of a study to determine the effects of compressibility on the viscous flow through channels that have straight, parallel walls are presented. Two channel configurations are considered, the flow between two semi-infinite flat plates with uniform flow prescribed at the inlet plane and a cascade of semi-infinite flat plates with uniform flow introduced upstream. The flow field is modeled by using the time dependent, compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Time dependent solutions are obtained by using an explicit finite difference technique which advances the pressure on near field subsonic boundaries such that accurate steady state solutions are obtained. Steady state results at Reynolds number 20 and 150 are presented for Mach numbers between 0.09 and 0.36 and compared with the incompressible solutions of previous studies

    Digital frequency synthesizer for radar astronomy

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    The digital frequency synthesizer (DFS) is an integral part of the programmable local oscillator (PLO) which is being developed for the NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) and radar astronomy. Here, the theory of operation and the design of the DFS are discussed, and the design parameters in application for the Goldstone Solar System Radar (GSSR) are specified. The spectral purity of the DFS is evaluated by analytically evaluating the output spectrum of the DFS. A novel architecture is proposed for the design of the DFS with a frequency resolution of 1/2(exp 48) of the clock frequency (0.35 mu Hz at 100 MHz), a phase resolution of 0.0056 degrees (16 bits), and a frequency spur attenuation of -96 dBc

    Spectral variability in early-type binary X-ray systems

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    Theoretical models for the ionization of trace elements in a strong stellar wind by a compact binary X-ray source and for the resulting orbital phase dependence of the emergent soft X-ray spectra and the profiles of ultraviolet resonance lines are presented. Model results agree qualitatively with the X-ray and ultraviolet spectra of the system 4U 0900-40/HD 77581 and explain the suppression of the absorption profiles of the Si IV upsilon 1394 and C IV upsilon 1548 lines when the X-ray sources is in front of the star. The model predicts that the absorption profiles of the N V upsilon 1239 and O VI upsilon 1032 lines will be enhanced rather than suppressed during this orbital phase. We predict phase-dependent linear polarization in the resonance lines profiles. Future observations of these phase dependent effects in early-type binary X-ray systems may be used to investigate the dynamics of stellar winds and their interactions with the X-ray source

    Aerodynamic characteristics of the 40- by 80/80- by 120-foot wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center

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    The design and testing of vane sets and air-exchange inlet for the 40 x 80/80 x 120-ft wind tunnel at NASA Ames are reported. Boundary-layer analysis and 2D and 3D inviscid panel codes are employed in computer models of the system, and a 1/10-scale 2D facility and a 1/50-scale 3D model of the entire wind tunnel are used in experimental testing of the vane sets. The results are presented in graphs, photographs, drawings, and diagrams are discussed. Generally good agreement is found between the predicted and measured performance

    Plasma Sterilization Technology for Spacecraft Applications

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    The application of plasma gas technology to sterilization and decontamination of spacecraft components is considered. Areas investigated include: effective sterilizing ranges of four separate gases; lethal constituents of a plasma environment; effectiveness of plasma against a diverse group of microorganisms; penetrating efficiency of plasmas for sterilization; and compatibility of spacecraft materials with plasma environments. Results demonstrated that plasma gas, specifically helium plasma, is a highly effective sterilant and is compatible with spacecraft materials

    Restoration of multichannel microwave radiometric images

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    A constrained iterative image restoration method is applied to multichannel diffraction-limited imagery. This method is based on the Gerchberg-Papoulis algorithm utilizing incomplete information and partial constraints. The procedure is described using the orthogonal projection operators which project onto two prescribed subspaces iteratively. Some of its properties and limitations are also presented. The selection of appropriate constraints was emphasized in a practical application. Multichannel microwave images, each having different spatial resolution, were restored to a common highest resolution to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Both noise-free and noisy images were used in this investigation