632 research outputs found

    The Red Queen visits Minkowski Space

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    When Alice went `Through the Looking Glass' [1], she found herself in a situation where she had to run as fast as she could in order to stay still. In accordance with the dictum that truth is stranger than fiction, we will see that it is possible to find a situation in special relativity where running towards one's target is actually counter-productive. Although the situation is easily analysed algebraically, the qualitative properties of the analysis are greatly illuminated by the use of space-time diagrams

    On the Nature of the NGC 1275 System

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    Sub-arcsecond images, taken in B, R, and H-Alpha filters, and area spectroscopy obtained with the WIYN 3.5-m telescope provide the basis for an investigation of the unusual structures in the stellar body and ionized gas in and around the Perseus cluster central galaxy, NGC 1275. Our H-Alpha filter is tuned to gas at the velocity of NGC 1275, revealing complex, probably unresolved, small-scale features in the extended ionized gas, located up to 50/h kpc from NGC 1275. The mean H-Alpha surface brightness varies little along the outer filaments; this, together with the complex excitation state demonstrated by spectra, imply that the filaments are likely to be tubes, or ribbons, of gas. The morphology, location and inferred physical parameters of the gas in the filaments are consistent with a model whereby the filaments form through compression of the intracluster gas by relativistic plasma emitted from the active nucleus of NGC 1275. Imaging spectroscopy with the Densepak fiber array on WIYN suggests partial rotational support of the inner component of low velocity ionized gas. We confirm and extend evidence for features in the stellar body of NGC 1275, and identify outer stellar regions containing very blue, probably very young, star clusters. We interpret these as evidence for recent accretion of a gas-rich system, with subsequent star formation. We suggest that two main processes, which may be causally connected, are responsible for the rich phenomenology of the NGC 1275 system -- NGC 1275 experienced a recent merger/interaction with a group of gas-rich galaxies, and recent outflows from its AGN have compressed the intracluster gas, and perhaps the gas in the infalling galaxies, to produce a complex web of filaments. (Abridged)Comment: AJ, accepted; a recommended full resolution version is available at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~chris/pera.p

    Leptogenesis and Ό−τ\mu-\tau symmetry

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    If an exact Ό↔τ\mu\leftrightarrow \tau symmetry is the explanation of the maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing angle, it has interesting implications for origin of matter via leptogenesis in models where small neutrino masses arise via the seesaw mechanism. For seesaw models with two right handed neutrinos (NÎŒ,Nτ)(N_\mu, N_\tau), lepton asymmetry vanishes in the exact Ό↔τ\mu\leftrightarrow \tau symmetric limit, even though there are nonvanishing Majorana phases in the neutrino mixing matrix. On the other hand, for three right handed neutrino models, lepton asymmetry nonzero and is given directly by the solar mass difference square. We also find an upper bound on the lightest neutrino mass.Comment: 5 pages; latex; no figures; some typos correcte

    Optical Structure and Proper-Motion Age of the Oxygen-rich Supernova Remnant 1E 0102-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present new optical emission-line images of the young SNR 1E 0102-7219 (E0102) in the SMC obtained with the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). E0102 is a member of the oxygen-rich class of SNRs showing strong oxygen, neon , and other metal-line emissions in its optical and X-ray spectra, and an absence of H and He. The progenitor of E0102 may have been a Wolf-Rayet star that underwent considerable mass loss prior to exploding as a Type Ib/c or IIL/b SN. The ejecta in this SNR are fast-moving (V > 1000 km/s) and emit as they are compressed and heated in the reverse shock. In 2003, we obtained optical [O III], H-alpha, and continuum images with the ACS Wide Field Camera. The [O III] image captures the full velocity range of the ejecta, and shows considerable high-velocity emission projected in the middle of the SNR that was Doppler-shifted out of the narrow F502N bandpass of a previous Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 image from 1995. Using these two epochs separated by ~8.5 years, we measure the transverse expansion of the ejecta around the outer rim in this SNR for the first time at visible wavelengths. From proper-motion measurements of 12 ejecta filaments, we estimate a mean expansion velocity for the bright ejecta of ~2000 km/s and an inferred kinematic age for the SNR of \~2050 +/- 600 years. The age we derive from HST data is about twice that inferred by Hughes et al.(2000) from X-ray data, though our 1-sigma error bars overlap. Our proper-motion age is consistent with an independent optical kinematic age derived by Eriksen et al.(2003) using spatially resolved [O III] radial-velocity data. We derive an expansion center that lies very close to X-ray and radio hotspots, which could indicate the presence of a compact remnant (neutron star or black hole).Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, to appear in 20 April 2006 issue. Full resolution figures are posted at: http://stevenf.asu.edu/figure

    Magnetic relaxation in the Bianchi-I universe

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    Extended Einstein-Maxwell model and its application to the problem of evolution of magnetized Bianchi-I Universe are considered. The evolution of medium magnetization is governed by a relaxation type extended constitutive equation. The series of exact solutions to the extended master equations is obtained and discussed. The anisotropic expansion of the Bianchi-I Universe is shown to become non-monotonic (accelerated/decelerated) in both principal directions (along the magnetic field and orthogonal to it). A specific type of expansion, the so-called evolution with hidden magnetic field, is shown to appear when the magnetization effectively screens the magnetic field and the latter disappears from the equations for gravitational field.Comment: 32 page

    Four Poynting Theorems

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    The Poynting vector is an invaluable tool for analysing electromagnetic problems. However, even a rigorous stress-energy tensor approach can still leave us with the question: is it best defined as \Vec{E} \cross \Vec{H} or as \Vec{D} \cross \Vec{B}? Typical electromagnetic treatments provide yet another perspective: they regard \Vec{E} \cross \Vec{B} as the appropriate definition, because \Vec{E} and \Vec{B} are taken to be the fundamental electromagnetic fields. The astute reader will even notice the fourth possible combination of fields: i.e. \Vec{D} \cross \Vec{H}. Faced with this diverse selection, we have decided to treat each possible flux vector on its merits, deriving its associated energy continuity equation but applying minimal restrictions to the allowed host media. We then discuss each form, and how it represents the response of the medium. Finally, we derive a propagation equation for each flux vector using a directional fields approach; a useful result which enables further interpretation of each flux and its interaction with the medium.Comment: 8 pages. Updated slightly from EJP versio

    Hydrogen Two-Photon Continuum Emission from the Horseshoe Filament in NGC 1275

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    Far ultraviolet emission has been detected from a knot of Halpha emission in the Horseshoe filament, far out in the NGC 1275 nebula. The flux detected relative to the brightness of the Halpha line in the same spatial region is very close to that expected from Hydrogen two-photon continuum emission in the particle heating model of Ferland et al. (2009) if reddening internal to the filaments is taken into account. We find no need to invoke other sources of far ultraviolet emission such as hot stars or emission lines from CIV in intermediate temperature gas to explain these data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cepheid Calibration of the Peak Brightness of SNe Ia. X. SN 1991T in NGC 4527

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    Repeated imaging observations have been made of NGC 4527 with the Hubble Space Telescope between April and June 1999, over an interval of 69 days. Images were obtained on 12 epochs in the F555W band and on five epochs in the F814W band. The galaxy hosted the type Ia supernova SN1991T, which showed relatively unusual behavior by having both an abnormal spectrum near light maximum, and a slower declining light curve than the proto-typical Branch normal SNe Ia. A total of 86 variables that are putative Cepheids have been found, with periods ranging from 7.4 days to over 70 days. From photometry with the DoPHOT program, the de-reddened distance modulus is determined to be (m-M)_0 = 30.67 +/- 0.12 (internal uncertainty) using a subset of the Cepheid data whose reddening and error parameters are secure. A parallel analysis of the Cepheids using photometry with ROMAFOT yields (m -M)_0 =30.82 +/- 0.11. The final adopted modulus is (m -M)_0 =30.74 +/- 0.12 +/- 0.12 (d=14.1 +/- 0.8 +/- 0.8 Mpc). The photometric data for SN1991T are used in combination with the Cepheid distance to NGC 4527 to obtain the absolute magnitude for this supernova of M_V^0(max) = -19.85 +/- 0.29. The relatively large uncertainty is a result of the range in estimates of the reddening to the supernova. Thus SN1991T is seen to be only moderately brighter (by ~ 0.3 mag) than the mean for spectroscopically normal supernovae, although magnitude differences of up to 0.6 mag cannot be ruled out.Comment: 46 pages, LATEX using aaspp4.sty, including 9 embedded tables, 19 figures (gif and jpg files), a full-resolution version (ps files) is available at http://www.astro.unibas.ch/forschung/ll/cepheid.shtml, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    (B-L) Symmetry vs. Neutrino Seesaw

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    We compute the effective coupling of the Majoron to W bosons at \cO(\hbar) by evaluating the matrix element of the (B-L) current between the vacuum and a W+W−W^+W^- state. The (B-L) anomaly vanishes, but the amplitude does not vanish as a result of a UV finite and non-local contribution which is entirely due to the mixing between left-chiral and right-chiral neutrinos. The result shows how anomaly-like couplings may arise in spite of the fact that the (B-L) current remains exactly conserved to all orders in ℏ\hbar, lending additional support to our previous proposal to identify the Majoron with the axion.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, with additional explanations and clarification

    Maxwell equations in matrix form, squaring procedure, separating the variables, and structure of electromagnetic solutions

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    The Riemann -- Silberstein -- Majorana -- Oppenheimer approach to the Maxwell electrodynamics in vacuum is investigated within the matrix formalism. The matrix form of electrodynamics includes three real 4 \times 4 matrices. Within the squaring procedure we construct four formal solutions of the Maxwell equations on the base of scalar Klein -- Fock -- Gordon solutions. The problem of separating physical electromagnetic waves in the linear space \lambda_{0}\Psi^{0}+\lambda_{1}\Psi^{1}+\lambda_{2}\Psi^{2}+ lambda_{3}\Psi^{3} is investigated, several particular cases, plane waves and cylindrical waves, are considered in detail.Comment: 26 pages 16 International Seminar NCPC, May 19-22, 2009, Minsk, Belaru
