28 research outputs found

    Model main dental disease prevention in small town Lyantor

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    Earlier epidemiological studies have shown a high prevalence and intensity of major dental diseases. The implementation of prevention programs for most major cities before reaching the small towns. An in-depth study on the risk factors and the development of major dental diseases among the population living in small towns were not conducted.Ранее проведенные эпидемиологические исследования показывают, высокую распространенность и интенсивность основных стоматологических заболеваний[6]. Реализация программ профилактики чаще всего касается больших городов, не доходя до малых городов. Углубленного исследования по изучению факторов риска возникновения и развития основных стоматологических заболеваний среди населения, проживающих в малых городах Западной Сибири не проводились

    The influence of various factors on dental morbidity

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    The given epidemiological research on stomatologic disease has been spent in the city of Lyantor, for the purpose of an estimation and forecasting of interrelations between change of health and influence of various factors in regions with oil and gas extraction industry in the conditions of the district equal to regions of the Far North on example HMAO-Jugra.Данное эпидемиологическое исследование по стоматологической заболеваемости было проведено в городе Лянтор, с целью оценки и прогнозирования взаимосвязей между изменением здоровья и воздействием различных факторов в регионах с нефтегазодобывающей промышленностью в условиях местности, приравненной к районам Крайнего Севера на примере ХМАО-Югра


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    The results of multicenter, open-label trial aimed at assessing the effectiveness, safety, and compliance of medication Ketonal Duo in 602 patients with osteoarthritis (OA) are presented. The trial duration was 28 days. The medication demonstrated a reliable analgesic effect and good tolerance; adverse events were observed in 4.7% of patients. The effect was observed in 97.9% of patients with OA according to the physician's opinion and in 99.1% as reported by the patients. Most patients and physicians consider the medication to have maximal convenience

    The influence of climate, geographical factors, natural nidal diseases and social conditions on the native inhabitants’ stomatological health of the Tyumen North

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    The territories of Khanty-Mansi Okrug are epidemiological by opisthorchiasis. They are an epidemiological center of the largest nidus in the world. The stomatological investigation was carried out with the purpose of an analysis of invasion’s influence on oral cavity’s condition and the major stomatological diseases' clinical course. We estimated the influence of geographical factors and parasites on the native inhabitants’ stomatological morbidity. We also rated the native inhabitants’ hygienic skills and needs of stomatological treatment. In the course of a research we supposed the negative influence of climate and geographical factors , natural nidal diseases on the native inhabitants’ stomatological health.Территории Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа являются гиперэндемичными по описторхозу, представляя собой эпидемиологический центр крупнейшего в мире очага. С целью изучения влияния описторхозной инвазии на состояние органов полости рта и течение основных стоматологических заболеваний нами было проведено стоматологическое обследование 46 коренных жителей, национальности хант. (г. Лянтор, ХМАО). Оценивалось влияние климатогеографических факторов и природно-обусловленных паразитов на стоматологическую заболеваемость коренного населения. Проводилась оценка социально-гигиенических навыков. оценивали потребность и нуждаемость местных жителей в основных видах стоматологической помощи. В ходе исследования было предположено негативное влияние климатогеографических факторов и природноочаговых заболеваний


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    In this work, the electret properties of polymer composite materials based on polylactic acid and aerosol are investigated. It was found that the introduction of aerosil increases the electret properties of polylactic acid

    Glucocorticoids Target Ependymal Glia and Inhibit Repair of the Injured Spinal Cord

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    Following injury, the mammalian spinal cord forms a glial scar and fails to regenerate. In contrast, vertebrate fish spinal cord tissue regenerates significantly to restore function. Cord transection in zebrafish (Danio rerio) initially causes paralysis and neural cell death. Subsequently, ependymal glia proliferate, bipolar glia extend across the lesion, and new neurons are born; axons from spared and nascent neurons extend along trans-lesional glial bridges to restore functional connectivity. Here we report that glucocorticoids, used in the clinical management of spinal cord injury, directly inhibit neural repair by targeting ependymal glia independently of hematogenous cells and microglia. After transecting injury, the glucocorticoid receptor in ependymal glia is regulated differentially in zebrafish (becoming inactive) vs. the rat (becoming active). Glucocorticoid blockade of neural regeneration via a direct effect on ependymal glia has important therapeutic implications for the putative benefit of corticosteroids in early management of spinal cord injury

    Ревматоидный артрит в реальной клинической практике. Результаты проекта «Компьютерные терминалы самооценки для пациентов с ревматическими заболеваниями» («ТЕРМИНАЛ-I»)

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    Objective: to describe the portrait of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in real clinical practice, to assess disease activity from the point of view of a physician and a patient, functional status, quality of life (QOL), and the efficiency of the therapy performed.Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 976 RA patients from a cohort of patients in the TERMINAL-I multicenter study, who, when visiting a rheumatologist, independently assessed the disease activity and QOL using a computer system (the «Computer Terminals of SelfAssessment for Patients with Rheumatic Diseases» project). The mean age of the patients was 52.30±13.3 years; women accounted for 85%; the median disease duration 8.0 [4.0; 14.0] years. Baseline clinical parameters and pharmacotherapy were evaluated for 6 months. The disease activity was determined by the DAS28 and RAPID-3 indices; functional status and quality of life were evaluated by the HAQ and the EQ-5D, respectively.Results. 83% of the RA patients were positive for rheumatoid factor and 60% were for anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies. There was a preponderance of patients with high (40.5%) and moderate (46.8%) RA activity; 6.9% were observed to have a low activity; 5.8% had clinical remission. The mean values of DAS28 and RAPID-3 were 4.7±1.3 and 13.7±3.6, respectively. Only 14.3% of patients had a good functional status that was comparable with the population-based control (HAQ≤0.5). The remaining patients were found to have a substantial decrease in joint functional parameters (median HAQ 1.88 [1.0; 2.5]) and EQ-5D QOL (0.60 [0.60; 0.74). Prosthetic joints were present in 7.4% of patients. At visit 1 to a rheumatologist, the therapy was changed in 15% of patients. During 6-month follow-up, conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs were taken by almost all (91.2%) patients. Of them, 70.9% of the patients were treated with methotrexate (MTX): 77.0% received the latter at a dose of 15 mg/week and 23.0% had it at a dose of >15 mg (17.5 to 40 mg/week). Glucocorticoids could be stopped in 20.5% of the patients within six months. Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors and anti-B-cell therapy were used in 6.6 and 16.2% of patients, respectively. At 6-month follow-up (Visit 2), 54% of patients achieved a 20% clinical improvement in the ACR criteria. At the same time, the DAS28 scores decreased substantially from 4.5±1.2 to 3.8±1.1 (p = 0.0001). There was a minimal functional improvement in the HAQ index in 64% of patients and a better EQ-D QOL scores in 16%.Conclusion. The majority of RA patients who came to the rheumatologists showed high to moderate disease activity. This was due to long disease duration, inadequate MTX dose, and insufficient patient monitoring in real clinical practice. Introduction of a computer system for selfassessment of their health status by RA patients in an outpatient setting could improve the interaction of physicians, nurses, and patients, better monitor disease activity, and enhance therapeutic efficiency. Цель исследования – описание «портрета» пациента с ревматоидным артритом (РА) в реальной клинической практике, оценка активности заболевания с точки зрения врача и пациента, функционального состояния, качества жизни (КЖ) и эффективности проводимой терапии.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 976 пациентов с РА из когорты больных, входящих в многоцентровое исследование «ТЕРМИНАЛ-I», которые при обращении к ревматологу самостоятельно оценивали активность заболевания и КЖ с помощью компьютерной системы (проект «Компьютерные терминалы самооценки для пациентов с ревматическими заболеваниями»). Средний возраст пациентов составил 52,30±13,3 года, 85% – женщины, медиана длительности заболевания – 8,0 [4,0; 14,0] лет. Проводилась оценка базовых клинических параметров и фармакотерапии в течение 6 мес. Активность заболевания определялась по индексам DAS28 и RAPID-3, функциональный статус – по индексу HAQ, качество жизни – по EQ-5D.Результаты. 83% больных РА были позитивными по ревматоидному фактору и 60% – по антителам к циклическому цитруллинированному пептиду. Преобладали пациенты с высокой (40,5%) и умеренной (46,8%) активностью РА, у 6,9% отмечалась низкая активность, у 5,8% –клиническая ремиссия. Среднее значение индекса DAS28 составило 4,7±1,3, RAPID-3 – 13,7±3,6. Только 14,3% пациентов имели хорошее функциональное состояние, сравнимое с популяционным контролем (HAQ ≤0,5). У остальных больных отмечалось значительное снижение показателей функции суставов (медиана HAQ 1,88 [1,0; 2,5]) и КЖ по индексу EQ-5D (0,60 [0,60; 0,74]). Протезированные суставы имели 7,4% больных. При 1-м визите к ревматологу терапия была изменена у 15% пациентов. В течение 6 мес наблюдения практически все пациенты (91,2%) получали стандартные базисные противовоспалительные препараты. Из них 70,9% пациентов находились на терапии метотрексатом (МТ): 77,0% получали его в дозе 15 мг/нед и 23,0% – >15 мг (от 17,5 до 40 мг/нед). 20,5% пациентам в течение полугода удалось отменить глюкокортикоиды. Ингибиторы фактора некроза опухоли α использовали 6,6% больных, анти-В-клеточную терапию – 16,2%. После 6 мес наблюдения (2-й визит к врачу) 20% клиническое улучшение по критериям ACR достигнуто у 54% больных. При этом отмечалось значительное снижение индекса DAS28 (с 4,5±1,2 до 3,8±1,1 балла; p=0,0001). Минимальное функциональное улучшение по индексу HAQ зафиксировано у 64% пациентов, улучшение КЖ по EQ-5D – у 16%.Выводы. Высокая и умеренная активность заболевания, снижение показателей КЖ были характерны для большинства пациентов с РА, обратившихся к ревматологу. Это было связано с большой длительностью заболевания, неадекватной дозой МТ и недостаточным мониторингом пациентов в реальной клинической практике. Введение компьютерной системы самооценки состояния здоровья пациентов с РА на поликлиническом уровне позволило улучшить взаимодействие врачей, медицинских сестер и пациентов, более качественно контролировать активность заболевания и повысить эффективность терапии.

    The comparative responsiveness of Hospital Universitario Princesa Index and other composite indices for assessing rheumatoid arthritis activity

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    Objective To evaluate the responsiveness in terms of correlation of the Hospital Universitario La Princesa Index (HUPI) comparatively to the traditional composite indices used to assess disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and to compare the performance of HUPI-based response criteria with that of the EULAR response criteria. Methods Secondary data analysis from the following studies: ACT-RAY (clinical trial), PROAR (early RA cohort) and EMECAR (pre-biologic era long term RA cohort). Responsiveness was evaluated by: 1) comparing change from baseline (Delta) of HUPI with Delta in other scores by calculating correlation coefficients; 2) calculating standardised effect sizes. The accuracy of response by HUPI and by EULAR criteria was analyzed using linear regressions in which the dependent variable was change in global assessment by physician (Delta GDA-Phy). Results Delta HUPI correlation with change in all other indices ranged from 0.387 to 0.791); HUPI's standardized effect size was larger than those from the other indices in each database used. In ACT-RAY, depending on visit, between 65 and 80% of patients were equally classified by HUPI and EULAR response criteria. However, HUPI criteria were slightly more stringent, with higher percentage of patients classified as non-responder, especially at early visits. HUPI response criteria showed a slightly higher accuracy than EULAR response criteria when using Delta GDA-Phy as gold standard. Conclusion HUPI shows good responsiveness in terms of correlation in each studied scenario (clinical trial, early RA cohort, and established RA cohort). Response criteria by HUPI seem more stringent than EULAR''s