12,164 research outputs found

    Thermal and non-thermal signatures of the Unruh effect in Casimir-Polder forces

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    We show that Casimir-Polder forces between two relativistic uniformly accelerated atoms exhibit a transition from the short distance thermal-like behavior predicted by the Unruh effect, to a long distance non-thermal behavior, associated with the breakdown of a local inertial description of the system. This phenomenology extends the Unruh thermal response detected by a single accelerated observer to an accelerated spatially extended system of two particles, and we identify the characteristic length scale for this crossover with the inverse of the proper acceleration of the two atoms. Our results are derived separating at fourth order in perturbation theory the contributions of vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction field to the Casimir-Polder interaction between two atoms moving in two generic stationary trajectories separated by a constant distance, and linearly coupled to a scalar field. The field can be assumed in its vacuum state or at finite temperature, resulting in a general method for the computation of Casimir-Polder forces in stationary regimes.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Revised versio

    Statistical transmutation of quantum bosonic strings coupled to general four-dimensional Chern-Simons theory

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    A bosonic string coupled to the generalized Chern-Simons theory in 3+1D acquires a magnetic field along itself, when it is closed, and a topological charge at its extremity, when it is open. We construct the creation operators for the full quantum field states associated to these strings and determine the dual algebra satisfied by them. We show that the creation operator fo the composite state of a quantum closed bosonic string, bearing a magnetic flux, and a topologically charged open bosonic string, possesses generalized statistics. The relation of our results with previous approaches to the problem is also established.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex

    Homogeneity of pristine and bromine intercalated graphite fibers

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    Wide variations in the resistivity of intercalated graphite fibers and to use these materials for electrical applications, their bulk properties must be established. The homogeneity of the diameter, the resistivity, and the mass density of 50 graphite fibers, before and after bromine intercalation was measured. Upon intercalation the diameter was found to expand by about 5%, the resistivity to decrease by a factor of five, and the density to increase by about 6%. Each individual fiber was found to have uniform diameter and resistivity over macroscopic regions for lengths as long as 7 cm. The ratio of pristine to intercalated resistivity increases as the pristine fiber diameter increases at a rate of 0.16 micron, but decreases with the increasing ratio of intercalated diameter to pristine diameter at a rate of 0.08

    Explicit Bosonization of the Massive Thirring Model in 3+1 Dimensions

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    We bosonize the Massive Thirring Model in 3+1D for small coupling constant and arbitrary mass. The bosonized action is explicitly obtained both in terms of a Kalb-Ramond tensor field as well as in terms of a dual vector field. An exact bosonization formula for the current is derived. The small and large mass limits of the bosonized theory are examined in both the direct and dual forms. We finally obtain the exact bosonization of the free fermion with an arbitrary mass.Comment: Latex, 7 page

    Charge and Magnetic Flux Correlations in Chern-Simons Theory with Fermions

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    Charge and magnetic flux bearing operators are introduced in Chern-Simons theory both in its pure form and when it is coupled to fermions. The magnetic flux creation operator turns out to be the Wilson line. The euclidean correlation functions of these operators are shown to be local and are evaluated exactly in the pure case and through an expansion in the inverse fermion mass whenever these are present. Physical states only occur in the presence of fermions and consist of composite charge-magnetic flux carrying states which are in general anyonic. The large distance behavior of the correlation functions indicates the condensation of charge and magnetic flux.Comment: Latex, 17 page

    Supersymmetric free-damped oscillators: Adaptive observer estimation of the Riccati parameter

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    A supersymmetric class of free damped oscillators with three parameters has been obtained in 1998 by Rosu and Reyes through the factorization of the Newton equation. The supplementary parameter is the integration constant of the general Riccati solution. The estimation of the latter parameter is performed here by employing the recent adaptive observer scheme of Besancon et al., but applied in a nonstandard form in which a time-varying quantity containing the unknown Riccati parameter is estimated first. Results of computer simulations are presented to illustrate the good feasibility of this approach for a case in which the estimation is not easily accomplished by other meansComment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Van der Waals and resonance interactions between accelerated atoms in vacuum and the Unruh effect

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    We discuss different physical effects related to the uniform acceleration of atoms in vacuum, in the framework of quantum electrodynamics. We first investigate the van der Waals/Casimir-Polder dispersion and resonance interactions between two uniformly accelerated atoms in vacuum. We show that the atomic acceleration significantly affects the van der Waals force, yielding a different scaling of the interaction with the interatomic distance and an explicit time dependence of the interaction energy. We argue how these results could allow for an indirect detection of the Unruh effect through dispersion interactions between atoms. We then consider the resonance interaction between two accelerated atoms, prepared in a correlated Bell-type state, and interacting with the electromagnetic field in the vacuum state, separating vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction contributions, both in the free-space and in the presence of a perfectly reflecting plate. We show that nonthermal effects of acceleration manifest in the resonance interaction, yielding a change of the distance dependence of the resonance interaction energy. This suggests that the equivalence between temperature and acceleration does not apply to all radiative properties of accelerated atoms. To further explore this aspect, we evaluate the resonance interaction between two atoms in non inertial motion in the coaccelerated (Rindler) frame and show that in this case the assumption of an Unruh temperature for the field is not required for a complete equivalence of locally inertial and coaccelerated points of views.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop DICE 2016 Spacetime - Matter - Quantum Mechanic

    Quantum global vortex strings in a background field

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    We consider quantum global vortex string correlation functions, within the Kalb-Ramond framework, in the presence of a background field-strength tensor and investigate the conditions under which this yields a nontrivial contribution to those correlation functions. We show that a background field must be supplemented to the Kalb-Ramond theory, in order to correctly describe the quantum properties of the vortex strings. The explicit form of this background field and the associated quantum vortex string correlation function are derived. The complete expression for the quantum vortex creation operator is explicitly obtained. We discuss the potential applicability of our results in the physics of superfluids and rotating Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera
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