1,465 research outputs found

    Computational alternatives to obtain time optimal jet engine control

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    Two computational methods to determine an open loop time optimal control sequence for a simple single spool turbojet engine are described by a set of nonlinear differential equations. Both methods are modifications of widely accepted algorithms which can solve fixed time unconstrained optimal control problems with a free right end. Constrained problems to be considered have fixed right ends and free time. Dynamic programming is defined on a standard problem and it yields a successive approximation solution to the time optimal problem of interest. A feedback control law is obtained and it is then used to determine the corresponding open loop control sequence. The Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient method has been selected for adaptation to solve a nonlinear optimal control problem with state variable and control constraints

    Alternatives for Jet Engine Control

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    Approaches are developed as alternatives to current design methods which rely heavily on linear quadratic and Riccati equation methods. The main alternatives are discussed in two broad categories, local multivariable frequency domain methods and global nonlinear optimal methods

    Simplified simulation models for control studies of turbojet engines

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    The essential dynamical characteristics of a simple single spool turbojet engine were determined through simulation of low order system models on an analog computer. An accurate model was studied and system complexity was reduced through various linearizations and approximations. A derivation of a seventh order simplified simulation model is presented with a derivation of an even simpler third order model, and simulation results from each. The control problem studied is one of getting from zero fuel flow equilibrium to a high thrust equilibrium while taking into account surge margin and turbine inlet temperature constraints

    Structural Examination of Au/Ge(001) by Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

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    The one-dimensional reconstruction of Au/Ge(001) was investigated by means of autocorrelation functions from surface x-ray diffraction (SXRD) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Interatomic distances found in the SXRD-Patterson map are substantiated by results from STM. The Au coverage, recently determined to be 3/4 of a monolayer of gold, together with SXRD leads to three non-equivalent positions for Au within the c(8x2) unit cell. Combined with structural information from STM topography and line profiling, two building blocks are identified: Au-Ge hetero-dimers within the top wire architecture and Au homo-dimers within the trenches. The incorporation of both components is discussed using density functional theory and model based Patterson maps by substituting Germanium atoms of the reconstructed Ge(001) surface.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Genetic structure of community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300.

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    BackgroundCommunity-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) is a significant bacterial pathogen that poses considerable clinical and public health challenges. The majority of the CA-MRSA disease burden consists of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) not associated with significant morbidity; however, CA-MRSA also causes severe, invasive infections resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. The broad range of disease severity may be influenced by bacterial genetic variation.ResultsWe sequenced the complete genomes of 36 CA-MRSA clinical isolates from the predominant North American community acquired clonal type USA300 (18 SSTI and 18 severe infection-associated isolates). While all 36 isolates shared remarkable genetic similarity, we found greater overall time-dependent sequence diversity among SSTI isolates. In addition, pathway analysis of non-synonymous variations revealed increased sequence diversity in the putative virulence genes of SSTI isolates.ConclusionsHere we report the first whole genome survey of diverse clinical isolates of the USA300 lineage and describe the evolution of the pathogen over time within a defined geographic area. The results demonstrate the close relatedness of clinically independent CA-MRSA isolates, which carry implications for understanding CA-MRSA epidemiology and combating its spread

    Engram size varies with learning and reflects memory content and precision

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    Memories are rarely acquired under ideal conditions, rendering them vulnerable to profound omissions, errors, and ambiguities. Consistent with this, recent work using context fear conditioning has shown that memories formed after inadequate learning time display a variety of maladaptive properties, including overgeneralization to similar contexts. However, the neuronal basis of such poor learning and memory imprecision remains unknown. Using c-fos to track neuronal activity in male mice, we examined how these learning-dependent changes in context fear memory precision are encoded in hippocampal ensembles. We found that the total number of c-fos-encoding cells did not correspond with learning history but instead more closely reflected the length of the session immediately preceding c-fos measurement. However, using a c-fos-driven tagging method (TRAP2 mouse line), we found that the degree of learning and memory specificity corresponded with neuronal activity in a subset of dentate gyrus cells that were active during both learning and recall. Comprehensive memories acquired after longer learning intervals were associated with more double-labeled cells. These were preferentially reactivated in the conditioning context compared with a similar context, paralleling behavioral discrimination. Conversely, impoverished memories acquired after shorter learning intervals were associated with fewer double-labeled cells. These were reactivated equally in both contexts, corresponding with overgeneralization. Together, these findings provide two surprising conclusions. First, engram size varies with learning. Second, larger engrams support better neuronal and behavioral discrimination. These findings are incorporated into a model that describes how neuronal activity is influenced by previous learning and present experience, thus driving behavior.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Memories are not always formed under ideal circumstances. This is especially true in traumatic situations, such as car accidents, where individuals have insufficient time to process what happened around them. Such memories have the potential to overgeneralize to irrelevant situations, producing inappropriate fear and contributing to disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. However, it is unknown how such poorly formed fear memories are encoded within the brain. We find that restricting learning time results in fear memories that are encoded by fewer hippocampal cells. Moreover, these fewer cells are inappropriately reactivated in both dangerous and safe contexts. These findings suggest that fear memories formed at brief periods overgeneralize because they lack the detail-rich information necessary to support neuronal discrimination

    Three-dimensional Bragg coherent diffraction imaging of an extended ZnO crystal

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    A complex three-dimensional quantitative image of an extended zinc oxide (ZnO) crystal has been obtained using Bragg coherent diffraction imaging integrated with ptychography. By scanning a 2.5 µm-long arm of a ZnO tetrapod across a 1.3 µm X-ray beam with fine step sizes while measuring a three-dimensional diffraction pattern at each scan spot, the three-dimensional electron density and projected displacement field of the entire crystal were recovered. The simultaneously reconstructed complex wavefront of the illumination combined with its coherence properties determined by a partial coherence analysis implemented in the reconstruction process provide a comprehensive characterization of the incident X-ray bea

    Evolution of the interfacial structure of LaAlO3 on SrTiO3

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    The evolution of the atomic structure of LaAlO3 grown on SrTiO3 was investigated using surface x-ray diffraction in conjunction with model-independent, phase-retrieval algorithms between two and five monolayers film thickness. A depolarizing buckling is observed between cation and oxygen positions in response to the electric field of polar LaAlO3, which decreases with increasing film thickness. We explain this in terms of competition between elastic strain energy, electrostatic energy, and electronic reconstructions. The findings are qualitatively reproduced by density-functional theory calculations. Significant cationic intermixing across the interface extends approximately three monolayers for all film thicknesses. The interfaces of films thinner than four monolayers therefore extend to the surface, which might affect conductivity