6,514 research outputs found

    The carbon abundance in two h 2 regions of the small Megallanic Cloud

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    Observations of the ultraviolet spectra of two locations in the H II region NGC 346 and of the entire H II region IC 1644 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) were made using the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite. The abundance of carbon in the nebulae was derived using theoretical model analysis combined with ground-based spectrophotometry of other emission lines. The abundance of C relative to H in the SMC was found to be lower by -0.9 dex compared with the Sun and lower by -0.8 dex compared with the Orion Nebula. This C deficiency is similar to that of O, Ne, S, and Ar in the SMC, but not as great as found for N. The sites and history of C nucleosynthesis in galaxies is similar to that of O, Ne, S, and Ar, in contrast to that of N, which appears to be more complex, perhaps because of a mixture of secondary primary sources or a significant contribution from intermediate-mass long-lived stars

    Precise Atmospheric Parameters for the Shortest Period Binary White Dwarfs: Gravitational Waves, Metals, and Pulsations

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    We present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 61 low mass white dwarfs and provide precise atmospheric parameters, masses, and updated binary system parameters based on our new model atmosphere grids and the most recent evolutionary model calculations. For the first time, we measure systematic abundances of He, Ca and Mg for metal-rich extremely low mass white dwarfs and examine the distribution of these abundances as a function of effective temperature and mass. Based on our preliminary results, we discuss the possibility that shell flashes may be responsible for the presence of the observed He and metals. We compare stellar radii derived from our spectroscopic analysis to model-independent measurements and find good agreement except for those white dwarfs with Teff < 10,000 K. We also calculate the expected gravitational wave strain for each system and discuss their significance to the eLISA space-borne gravitational wave observatory. Finally, we provide an update on the instability strip of extremely low mass white dwarf pulsators.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Carbon in Spiral Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy

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    We present measurements of the gas-phase C/O abundance ratio in six H II regions in the spiral galaxies M101 and NGC 2403, based on ultraviolet spectroscopy using the Faint Object Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The C/O ratios increase systematically with O/H in both galaxies, from log C/O approximately -0.8 at log O/H = -4.0 to log C/O approx. -0.1 at log O/H = -3.4. C/N shows no correlation with O/H. The rate of increase of C/O is somewhat uncertain because of uncertainty as to the appropriate UV reddening law, and uncertainty in the metallicity dependence on grain depletions. However, the trend of increasing C/O with O/H is clear, confirming and extending the trend in C/O indicated previously from observations of irregular galaxies. Our data indicate that the radial gradients in C/H across spiral galaxies are steeper than the gradients in O/H. Comparing the data to chemical evolution models for spiral galaxies shows that models in which the massive star yields do not vary with metallicity predict radial C/O gradients that are much flatter than the observed gradients. The most likely hypothesis at present is that stellar winds in massive stars have an important effect on the yields and thus on the evolution of carbon and oxygen abundances. C/O and N/O abundance ratios in the outer disks of spirals determined to date are very similar to those in dwarf irregular galaxies. This implies that the outer disks of spirals have average stellar population ages much younger than the inner disks.Comment: 38 pages, 9 postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    A Dark Spot on a Massive White Dwarf

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    We present the serendipitous discovery of eclipse-like events around the massive white dwarf SDSS J152934.98+292801.9 (hereafter J1529+2928). We selected J1529+2928 for time-series photometry based on its spectroscopic temperature and surface gravity, which place it near the ZZ Ceti instability strip. Instead of pulsations, we detect photometric dips from this white dwarf every 38 minutes. Follow-up optical spectroscopy observations with Gemini reveal no significant radial velocity variations, ruling out stellar and brown dwarf companions. A disintegrating planet around this white dwarf cannot explain the observed light curves in different filters. Given the short period, the source of the photometric dips must be a dark spot that comes into view every 38 min due to the rotation of the white dwarf. Our optical spectroscopy does not show any evidence of Zeeman splitting of the Balmer lines, limiting the magnetic field strength to B<70 kG. Since up to 15% of white dwarfs display kG magnetic fields, such eclipse-like events should be common around white dwarfs. We discuss the potential implications of this discovery on transient surveys targeting white dwarfs, like the K2 mission and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.Comment: ApJ Letters, in pres

    High Carbon in I Zwicky 18: New Results from Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy

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    We present new measurements of the gas-phase C/O abundance ratio in both the NW and SE components of the extremely metal-poor dwarf irregular galaxy I Zw 18, based on ultraviolet spectroscopy of the two H II regions using the Faint Object Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. We determine values of log C/O = -0.63 +/- 0.10 for the NW component and log C/O = -0.56 +/- 0.09 for the SE component. In comparison, log C/O = -0.37 in the sun, while log C/O = -0.85 +/- 0.07 in the three most metal-poor irregular galaxies measured by Garnett et al. (1995a). Our measurements show that C/O in I Zw 18 is significantly higher than in other comparably metal-poor irregular galaxies, and above predictions for the expected C/O from massive star nucleosynthesis. These results suggest that carbon in I Zw 18 has been enhanced by an earlier population of lower-mass carbon producing stars; this idea is supported by stellar photometry of I Zw 18 and its companion, which demonstrate that the current bursts of massive stars were not the first. Despite its very low metallicity, it is likely that I Zw 18 is not a ``primeval'' galaxy.Comment: 14 pages including 4 figures; uses aaspp4.sty. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Postscript version also available by e-mail request to author at [email protected]

    The Discovery of the Most Metal-Rich White Dwarf: Composition of a Tidally Disrupted Extrasolar Dwarf Planet

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    Cool white dwarf stars are usually found to have an outer atmosphere that is practically pure in hydrogen or helium. However, a small fraction have traces of heavy elements that must originate from the accretion of extrinsic material, most probably circumstellar matter. Upon examining thousands of Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra, we discovered that the helium-atmosphere white dwarf SDSS J073842.56+183509.6 shows the most severe metal pollution ever seen in the outermost layers of such stars. We present here a quantitative analysis of this exciting star by combining high S/N follow-up spectroscopic and photometric observations with model atmospheres and evolutionary models. We determine the global structural properties of our target star, as well as the abundances of the most significant pollutants in its atmosphere, i.e., H, O, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, and Fe. The relative abundances of these elements imply that the source of the accreted material has a composition similar to that of Bulk Earth. We also report the signature of a circumstellar disk revealed through a large infrared excess in JHK photometry. Combined with our inferred estimate of the mass of the accreted material, this strongly suggests that we are witnessing the remains of a tidally disrupted extrasolar body that was as large as Ceres.Comment: 7 pages in emulateapj, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Evidence for a merger of binary white dwarfs: the case of GD 362

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    GD 362 is a massive white dwarf with a spectrum suggesting a H-rich atmosphere which also shows very high abundances of Ca, Mg, Fe and other metals. However, for pure H-atmospheres the diffusion timescales are so short that very extreme assumptions have to be made to account for the observed abundances of metals. The most favored hypothesis is that the metals are accreted from either a dusty disk or from an asteroid belt. Here we propose that the envelope of GD 362 is dominated by He, which at these effective temperatures is almost completely invisible in the spectrum. This assumption strongly alleviates the problem, since the diffusion timescales are much larger for He-dominated atmospheres. We also propose that the He-dominated atmosphere of GD 362 is likely to be the result of the merger of a binary white dwarf.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter
