31,285 research outputs found

    A Summary of the Pioneer 10 Maneuver Strategy

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    The Pioneer Project placed a number of interesting and precise requirements on the navigation of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft flyby mission to Jupiter during 1972-1973. To satisfy these requirements the Pioneer navigation team employed a number of versatile computer programs to evaluate the strategies and maneuver sequences required to execute midcourse corrections. The Pioneer 10 mission objectives and the midcourse strategies used to satisfy these objectives are summarized

    Determination of surfaces of constant inelastic strain rate at elevated temperature

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    An experimental effort to perform special exploratory multiaxial deformation tests on tubular specimens of type 316 stainless steel at 650 C (1200 F) is described. One test specimen was subjected to a time-independent torsional shear strain test history, and surfaces of constant inelastic strain rate (SCISRs) in an axial/torsional stress space were measured at various predetermined points during the test. A second specimen was subjected to a 14-week time-dependent (creep-recovery-creep periods) torsional shear stress histogram SCISRs determinations made at 17 points during the test. The tests were conducted in a high temperature, computer controlled axial/torsional test facility using high-temperature multiaxial extensometer. The effort was successful, and for the first time the existence of surfaces of constant inelastic strain rate was experimentally demonstrated

    Transonic stability and control characteristics of a 0.015 scale model 69-0 of the space shuttle orbiter with forebody RSI modification in the NASA/LaRC 8 foot TPT (LA72)

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    Tests were conducted in the NASA/LaRC 8 foot transonic wind tunnel from March 26 through 31, 1976. The model was a 0.015 scale SSV Orbiter with forebody modifications to simulate slight reductions in the reusable surface insulation (RSI) thickness. Six component aerodynamic force and moment data were obtained at Mach numbers from 0.35 to 1.20 over an angle of attack range from -2 deg to 20 deg at sideslip angles of 0 deg and 5 deg

    Incompatible sets of gradients and metastability

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    We give a mathematical analysis of a concept of metastability induced by incompatibility. The physical setting is a single parent phase, just about to undergo transformation to a product phase of lower energy density. Under certain conditions of incompatibility of the energy wells of this energy density, we show that the parent phase is metastable in a strong sense, namely it is a local minimizer of the free energy in an L1L^1 neighbourhood of its deformation. The reason behind this result is that, due to the incompatibility of the energy wells, a small nucleus of the product phase is necessarily accompanied by a stressed transition layer whose energetic cost exceeds the energy lowering capacity of the nucleus. We define and characterize incompatible sets of matrices, in terms of which the transition layer estimate at the heart of the proof of metastability is expressed. Finally we discuss connections with experiment and place this concept of metastability in the wider context of recent theoretical and experimental research on metastability and hysteresis.Comment: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, to appea

    Lattice deformations at martensite-martensite interfaces in Ni-Al

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    The atomic configurations at macrotwin interfaces between microtwinned martensite plates in Ni65Al35Ni_{65}Al_{35} material are investigated using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The observed structures are interpreted in view of possible formation mechanisms of these interfaces. A distinction is made between cases in which the microtwins, originating from mutually perpendicular \{110\} austenite planes, enclose a final angle larger or smaller than 9090^{\circ}, measured over the boundary. Two different configurations, one with crossing microtwins and the other with ending microtwins producing a step configuration are described. The latter is related with the existence of microtwin sequences with changing variant widths. Although both features appear irrespective of the material’s preparation technique, rapid solidification seems to prefer the step configuration. Depending on the actual case, tapering, bending and tip splitting of the small microtwin variants is observed. Sever lattice deformations and reorientations occur in a region of 5 – 10 nm around the interface while sequences of single plane ledges gradually bending the microtwins are found up to 50 nm away form the interface. These structures and deformations are interpreted in view of the need to accommodate any remaining stresses

    Bivariate galaxy luminosity functions in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Bivariate luminosity functions (LFs) are computed for galaxies in the New York Value-Added Galaxy Catalogue, based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4. The galaxy properties investigated are the morphological type, inverse concentration index, Sérsic index, absolute effective surface brightness (SB), reference frame colours, absolute radius, eClass spectral type, stellar mass and galaxy environment. The morphological sample is flux limited to galaxies with r < 15.9 and consists of 37 047 classifications to an rms accuracy of ± half a class in the sequence E, S0, Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Im. These were assigned by an artificial neural network, based on a training set of 645 eyeball classifications. The other samples use r < 17.77 with a median redshift of z∼ 0.08, and a limiting redshift of z < 0.15 to minimize the effects of evolution. Other cuts, for example in axis ratio, are made to minimize biases. A wealth of detail is seen, with clear variations between the LFs according to absolute magnitude and the second parameter. They are consistent with an early-type, bright, concentrated, red population and a late-type, faint, less concentrated, blue, star-forming population. This bimodality suggests two major underlying physical processes, which in agreement with previous authors we hypothesize to be merger and accretion, associated with the properties of bulges and discs, respectively. The bivariate luminosity–SB distribution is fit with the Chołoniewski function (a Schechter function in absolute magnitude and Gaussian in SB). The fit is found to be poor, as might be expected if there are two underlying processes

    The social geography of childcare: 'making up' the middle class child

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    Childcare is a condensate of disparate social forces and social processes. It is gendered and classed. It is subject to an excess of policy and political discourse. It is increasingly a focus for commercial exploitation. This is a paper reporting on work in progress in an ESRC funded research project (R000239232) on the choice and provision of pre-school childcare by middle class (service class) families in two contrasting London locations. Drawing on recent work in class analysis the paper examines the relationships between childcare choice, middle class fractions and locality. It suggests that on the evidence of the findings to date, there is some evidence of systematic differences between fractions in terms of values, perspectives and preferences for childcare, but a more powerful case for intra-class similarities, particularly when it comes to putting preferences into practice in the 'making up of a middle class child' through care and education

    The design and development of transonic multistage compressors

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    The development of the transonic multistage compressor is reviewed. Changing trends in design and performance parameters are noted. These changes are related to advances in compressor aerodynamics, computational fluid mechanics and other enabling technologies. The parameters normally given to the designer and those that need to be established during the design process are identified. Criteria and procedures used in the selection of these parameters are presented. The selection of tip speed, aerodynamic loading, flowpath geometry, incidence and deviation angles, blade/vane geometry, blade/vane solidity, stage reaction, aerodynamic blockage, inlet flow per unit annulus area, stage/overall velocity ratio, and aerodynamic losses are considered. Trends in these parameters both spanwise and axially through the machine are highlighted. The effects of flow mixing and methods for accounting for the mixing in the design process are discussed