4,974 research outputs found

    Statistics of Cosmological Black Hole Jet Sources: Blazar Predictions for GLAST

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    A study of the statistics of cosmological black-hole jet sources is applied to EGRET blazar data, and predictions are made for GLAST. Black-hole jet sources are modeled as collimated relativistic plasma outflows with radiation beamed along the jet axis due to strong Doppler boosting. The comoving rate density of blazar flares is assumed to follow a blazar formation rate (BFR), modeled by analytic functions based on astronomical observations and fits to EGRET data. The redshift and size distributions of gamma-ray blazars observed with EGRET, separated into BL Lac object (BL) and flat spectrum radio quasar (FSRQ) distributions, are fit with monoparametric functions for the distributions of the jet Lorentz factor \Gamma, comoving directional power l'_e, and spectral slope. A BFR factor ~10 x greater at z ~ 1 than at present is found to fit the FSRQ data. A smaller comoving rate density and greater luminosity of BL flares at early times compared to the present epoch fits the BL data. Based on the EGRET observations, ~1000 blazars consisting of ~800 FSRQs and FR2 radio galaxies and ~200 BL Lacs and FR1 radio galaxies will be detected with GLAST during the first year of the mission. Additional AGN classes, such as hard-spectrum BL Lacs that were mostly missed with EGRET, could add more GLAST sources. The FSRQ and BL contributions to the EGRET gamma-ray background at 1 GeV are estimated at the level of ~10 - 15% and ~2 - 4%, respectively. EGRET and GLAST sensitivities to blazar flares are considered in the optimal case, and a GLAST analysis method for blazar detection is outlined.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, ApJ, in press, v.660, May 1, 2007 (minor changes from previous version

    Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Light Storage in an Atomic Mott Insulator

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    We experimentally demonstrate electromagnetically induced transparency and light storage with ultracold 87Rb atoms in a Mott insulating state in a three dimensional optical lattice. We have observed light storage times of about 240 ms, to our knowledge the longest ever achieved in ultracold atomic samples. Using the differential light shift caused by a spatially inhomogeneous far detuned light field we imprint a "phase gradient" across the atomic sample, resulting in controlled angular redirection of the retrieved light pulse.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Large-Scale QSO-Galaxy Correlations and Weak Lensing

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    Several recent studies show that bright, intermediate and high redshift optically and radio selected QSOs are positively correlated with nearby galaxies on a range of angular scales up to a degree. Obscuration by unevenly distributed Galactic dust can be ruled out as the cause, leaving weak statistical lensing as the physical process responsible. However the amplitude of correlations on < 1 degree scales is at least a factor of a few larger than lensing model predictions. A possible way to reconcile the observations and theory is to revise the weak lensing formalism. We extend the standard lensing formulation to include the next higher order term (second order) in the geodesic equation of motion for photons. We derive relevant equations applicable in the weak lensing regime, and discuss qualitative properties of the updated formulation. We then perform numerical integrations of the revised equation and study the effect of the extra term using two different types of cosmic mass density fluctuations. We find that nearby large-scale coherent structures increase the amplitude of the predicted lensing-induced correlations between QSOs and foreground galaxies by ~ 10% (not a factor of several required by observations), while the redshift of the optimal, i.e. `most correlated' structures is moved closer to the observer compared to what is predicted using the standard lensing equation.Comment: extended Section 2; 20 pages, including 4 figures, accepted to Ap

    New Cosmological Structures on Medium Angular Scales Detected with the Tenerife Experiments

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    We present observations at 10 and 15 GHz taken with the Tenerife experiments in a band of the sky at Dec.=+35 degrees. These experiments are sensitive to multipoles in the range l=10-30. The sensitivity per beam is 56 and 20 microK for the 10 and the 15 GHz data, respectively. After subtraction of the prediction of known radio-sources, the analysis of the data at 15 GHz at high Galactic latitude shows the presence of a signal with amplitude Delta Trms ~ 32 microK. In the case of a Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum for the primordial fluctuations, a likelihood analysis shows that this signal corresponds to a quadrupole amplitude Q_rms-ps=20.1+7.1-5.4 microK, in agreement with our previous results at Dec.+=40 degrees and with the results of the COBE DMR. There is clear evidence for the presence of individual features in the RA range 190 degrees to 250 degrees with a peak to peak amplitude of ~110 microK. A preliminary comparison between our results and COBE DMR predictions for the Tenerife experiments clearly indicates the presence of individual features common to both. The constancy in amplitude over such a large range in frequency (10-90 GHz) is strongly indicative of an intrinsic cosmological origin for these structures.Comment: ApJ Letters accepted, 13 pages Latex (uses AASTEX) and 4 encapsulated postscript figures

    Exclusive measurement of coherent eta photoproduction from the deuteron

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    Coherent photoproduction of eta mesons from the deuteron has been measured from threshold up to incident photon energies of 750 MeV using the photon spectrometer TAPS at the tagged photon facility at the Mainz microtron MAMI. For the first time, differential coherent cross sections have been deduced from the coincident detection of the eta meson and the recoil deuteron. A missing energy analysis was used for the suppression of background events so that a very clean identification of coherent eta-photoproduction was achieved. The resulting cross sections agree with previous experimental results except for angles around 90 deg in the photon-deuteron cm-system where they are smaller. They are compared to various model calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    VLA Observations of a New Population of Blazars

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    We present the first deep VLA radio images of flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ) with multiwavelength emission properties similar to those of BL Lacs with synchrotron X-rays. Our observations of twenty-five of these sources show that their radio morphologies are similar to those of other radio quasars. However, their range of extended powers is more similar to that of BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) and extends down to the low values typical of FR I radio galaxies. Five out of our nine lobe-dominated sources have extended radio powers in the range typical of both FR I and FR II radio galaxies, but their extended radio structure is clearly FR II-like. Therefore, we have not yet found a large population of radio quasars hosted by FR Is. Two thirds of our sources have a core-dominated radio morpholgy and thus X-rays likely dominated by the jet. We find that their ratios of radio core to total X-ray luminosity are low and in the regime indicative of synchrotron X-rays. This result shows that also blazars with strong emission lines can produce jets of high-energy synchrotron emission and undermines at least in part the ``blazar sequence'' scenario which advocates that particle Compton cooling by an external radiation field governs the frequency of the synchrotron emission peak.Comment: 26 pages, 33 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Neutral Hydrogen 21cm Absorption at Redshift 0.673 towards 1504+377

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    We detect the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen in absorption at a redshift of 0.673 towards the 1 Jy radio source 1504+377. The 1504+377 radio source is located toward the center of what appears to be an inclined disk galaxy at z = 0.674. The 21 cm absorption line shows multiple velocity components over a velocity range of about 100 km sec1^{-1}, with a total HI column density: N(HI) = 3.8×1019×(Tsf)3.8\times10^{19}\times({{T_s}\over{f}}) cm2^{-2}. The velocity-integrated optical depth of this system is the largest yet seen for redshifted HI 21 cm absorption line systems (Carilli 1995). The 21 cm absorption line is coincident in redshift with a previously detected broad molecular absorption line system (Wiklind and Combes 1996). We do not detect HI 21 cm absorption associated with the narrow molecular absorption line system at z = 0.67150, nor do we detect absorption at these redshifts by the 18 cm lines of OH, nor by the 2 cm transition of H2_2CO. There is no evidence for a bright optical AGN in 1504+377, suggesting significant obscuration through the disk -- a hypothesis supported by the strong absorption observed. The 1504+377 system resembles the ``red quasar'' PKS 1413+135, which has been modeled as a optically obscured AGN with a very young radio jet in the center of a gas rich disk galaxy (Perlman et al. 1996). The presence of very bright radio jets at the centers of these two disk galaxies presents a challenge to unification schemes for extragalactic radio sources and to models for the formation of radio loud AGN.Comment: 17 pages, postscrip

    The VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey

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    The Very Large Array (VLA) Low-frequency Sky Survey (VLSS) has imaged 95% of the 3*pi sr of sky north of declination = -30 degrees at a frequency of 74 MHz (4 meter wavelength). The resolution is 80" (FWHM) throughout, and the typical RMS noise level is ~0.1 Jy/beam. The typical point-source detection limit is 0.7 Jy/beam and so far nearly 70,000 sources have been catalogued. This survey used the 74 MHz system added to the VLA in 1998. It required new imaging algorithms to remove the large ionospheric distortions at this very low frequency throughout the entire ~11.9 degree field of view. This paper describes the observation and data reduction methods used for the VLSS and presents the survey images and source catalog. All of the calibrated images and the source catalog are available online (http://lwa.nrl.navy.mil/VLSS) for use by the astronomical community.Comment: 53 pages, including 3 tables and 15 figures. Has been accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Legacy data and cosmological constraints from the angular-size/redshift relation for ultra-compact radio sources

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    We have re-examined an ancient VLBI survey of ultra-comact radio sources at 2.29 GHz, which gave fringe amplitudes for 917 such objects with total flux density >0.5 Jy approximately. A number of cosmological investigations based upon this survey have been published in recent years. We have updated the sample with respect to both redshift and radio information, and now have full data for 613 objects, significantly larger than the number (337) used in earlier investigations. The corresponding angular-size/redshift diagram gives Omega_m=0.25+0.04/-0.03, Omega_\Lambda=0.97+0.09/-0.13 and K=0.22+0.07/-0.10. In combination with supernova data, and a simple-minded approach to CMB data based upon the angular size of the acoustic horizon, our best figures are Omega_m=0.298+0.025/-0.024, Omega_\Lambda=0.702+0.035/-0.036 and K= 0.000+0.021/-0.019. We have examined simple models of dynamical vacuum energy; the first, based upon a scalar potential V(phi)=omega_C^2 phi^2/2, gives w(0)=-1.00+0.06/-0.00, (dw/dz)_0=+0.00/-0.08; in this case conditions at z=0 require particular attention, to preclude behaviour in which phi becomes singular as z -->infinity. For fixed w limits are w=-1.20+0.15/-0.14. The above error bars are 68% confidence limits.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Clonal interference and Muller's ratchet in spatial habitats

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    Competition between independently arising beneficial mutations is enhanced in spatial populations due to the linear rather than exponential growth of clones. Recent theoretical studies have pointed out that the resulting fitness dynamics is analogous to a surface growth process, where new layers nucleate and spread stochastically, leading to the build up of scale-invariant roughness. This scenario differs qualitatively from the standard view of adaptation in that the speed of adaptation becomes independent of population size while the fitness variance does not. Here we exploit recent progress in the understanding of surface growth processes to obtain precise predictions for the universal, non-Gaussian shape of the fitness distribution for one-dimensional habitats, which are verified by simulations. When the mutations are deleterious rather than beneficial the problem becomes a spatial version of Muller's ratchet. In contrast to the case of well-mixed populations, the rate of fitness decline remains finite even in the limit of an infinite habitat, provided the ratio Ud/s2U_d/s^2 between the deleterious mutation rate and the square of the (negative) selection coefficient is sufficiently large. Using again an analogy to surface growth models we show that the transition between the stationary and the moving state of the ratchet is governed by directed percolation