424 research outputs found

    Loop Equations for + and - Loops in c = 1/2 Non-Critical String Theory

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    New loop equations for all genera in c=12c = \frac{1}{2} non-critical string theory are constructed. Our loop equations include two types of loops, loops with all Ising spins up (+ loops) and those with all spins down ( −- loops). The loop equations generate an algebra which is a certain extension of W3W_3 algebra and are equivalent to the W3W_3 constraints derived before in the matrix-model formulation of 2d gravity. Application of these loop equations to construction of Hamiltonian for c=12c = \frac{1}{2} string field theory is considered.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex file, no figure

    Loop models, random matrices and planar algebras

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    We define matrix models that converge to the generating functions of a wide variety of loop models with fugacity taken in sets with an accumulation point. The latter can also be seen as moments of a non-commutative law on a subfactor planar algebra. We apply this construction to compute the generating functions of the Potts model on a random planar map

    Complex Curve of the Two Matrix Model and its Tau-function

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    We study the hermitean and normal two matrix models in planar approximation for an arbitrary number of eigenvalue supports. Its planar graph interpretation is given. The study reveals a general structure of the underlying analytic complex curve, different from the hyperelliptic curve of the one matrix model. The matrix model quantities are expressed through the periods of meromorphic generating differential on this curve and the partition function of the multiple support solution, as a function of filling numbers and coefficients of the matrix potential, is shown to be the quasiclassical tau-function. The relation to softly broken N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is discussed. A general class of solvable multimatrix models with tree-like interactions is considered.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, TeX; final version appeared in special issue of J.Phys. A on Random Matrix Theor

    Analytic Study for the String Theory Landscapes via Matrix Models

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    We demonstrate a first-principle analysis of the string theory landscapes in the framework of non-critical string/matrix models. In particular, we discuss non-perturbative instability, decay rate and the true vacuum of perturbative string theories. As a simple example, we argue that the perturbative string vacuum of pure gravity is stable; but that of Yang-Lee edge singularity is inescapably a false vacuum. Surprisingly, most of perturbative minimal string vacua are unstable, and their true vacuum mostly does not suffer from non-perturbative ambiguity. Importantly, we observe that the instability of these tachyon-less closed string theories is caused by ghost D-instantons (or ghost ZZ-branes), the existence of which is determined only by non-perturbative completion of string theory.Comment: v1: 5 pages, 2 figures; v2: references and footnote added; v3: 7 pages, 4 figures, organization changed, explanations expanded, references added, reconstruction program from arbitrary spectral curves shown explicitl

    Kepler-413b: a slightly misaligned, Neptune-size transiting circumbinary planet

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    We report the discovery of a transiting, Rp = 4.347+/-0.099REarth, circumbinary planet (CBP) orbiting the Kepler K+M Eclipsing Binary (EB) system KIC 12351927 (Kepler-413) every ~66 days on an eccentric orbit with ap = 0.355+/-0.002AU, ep = 0.118+/-0.002. The two stars, with MA = 0.820+/-0.015MSun, RA = 0.776+/-0.009RSun and MB = 0.542+/-0.008MSun, RB = 0.484+/-0.024RSun respectively revolve around each other every 10.11615+/-0.00001 days on a nearly circular (eEB = 0.037+/-0.002) orbit. The orbital plane of the EB is slightly inclined to the line of sight (iEB = 87.33+/-0.06 degrees) while that of the planet is inclined by ~2.5 degrees to the binary plane at the reference epoch. Orbital precession with a period of ~11 years causes the inclination of the latter to the sky plane to continuously change. As a result, the planet often fails to transit the primary star at inferior conjunction, causing stretches of hundreds of days with no transits (corresponding to multiple planetary orbital periods). We predict that the next transit will not occur until 2020. The orbital configuration of the system places the planet slightly closer to its host stars than the inner edge of the extended habitable zone. Additionally, the orbital configuration of the system is such that the CBP may experience Cassini-States dynamics under the influence of the EB, in which the planet's obliquity precesses with a rate comparable to its orbital precession. Depending on the angular precession frequency of the CBP, it could potentially undergo obliquity fluctuations of dozens of degrees (and complex seasonal cycles) on precession timescales.Comment: 48 pages, 13 figure

    Continuum Annulus Amplitude from the Two-Matrix Model

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    An explicit expression for continuum annulus amplitudes having boundary lengths ℓ1\ell_{1} and ℓ2\ell_{2} is obtained from the two-matrix model for the case of the unitary series; (p,q)=(m+1,m)(p,q) = (m + 1, m). In the limit of vanishing cosmological constant, we find an integral representation of these amplitudes which is reproduced, for the cases of the m=2 (c=0)m = 2~(c=0) and the m→∞ (c=1)m \rightarrow \infty~(c=1), by a continuum approach consisting of quantum mechanics of loops and a matter system integrated over the modular parameter of the annulus. We comment on a possible relation to the unconventional branch of the Liouville gravity.Comment: 9 pages, OU-HET 190, revised version. A part of the conclusions has been corrected. A new result on integral representation of the annulus amplitudes has been adde

    Matrix eigenvalue model: Feynman graph technique for all genera

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    We present the diagrammatic technique for calculating the free energy of the matrix eigenvalue model (the model with arbitrary power β\beta by the Vandermonde determinant) to all orders of 1/N expansion in the case where the limiting eigenvalue distribution spans arbitrary (but fixed) number of disjoint intervals (curves).Comment: Latex, 27 page

    Holomorphic matrix models

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    This is a study of holomorphic matrix models, the matrix models which underlie the conjecture of Dijkgraaf and Vafa. I first give a systematic description of the holomorphic one-matrix model. After discussing its convergence sectors, I show that certain puzzles related to its perturbative expansion admit a simple resolution in the holomorphic set-up. Constructing a `complex' microcanonical ensemble, I check that the basic requirements of the conjecture (in particular, the special geometry relations involving chemical potentials) hold in the absence of the hermicity constraint. I also show that planar solutions of the holomorphic model probe the entire moduli space of the associated algebraic curve. Finally, I give a brief discussion of holomorphic ADEADE models, focusing on the example of the A2A_2 quiver, for which I extract explicitly the relevant Riemann surface. In this case, use of the holomorphic model is crucial, since the Hermitian approach and its attending regularization would lead to a singular algebraic curve, thus contradicting the requirements of the conjecture. In particular, I show how an appropriate regularization of the holomorphic A2A_2 model produces the desired smooth Riemann surface in the limit when the regulator is removed, and that this limit can be described as a statistical ensemble of `reduced' holomorphic models.Comment: 45 pages, reference adde

    Extended Seiberg-Witten Theory and Integrable Hierarchy

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    The prepotential of the effective N=2 super-Yang-Mills theory perturbed in the ultraviolet by the descendents of the single-trace chiral operators is shown to be a particular tau-function of the quasiclassical Toda hierarchy. In the case of noncommutative U(1) theory (or U(N) theory with 2N-2 fundamental hypermultiplets at the appropriate locus of the moduli space of vacua) or a theory on a single fractional D3 brane at the ADE singularity the hierarchy is the dispersionless Toda chain. We present its explicit solutions. Our results generalize the limit shape analysis of Logan-Schepp and Vershik-Kerov, support the prior work hep-th/0302191 which established the equivalence of these N=2 theories with the topological A string on CP^1 and clarify the origin of the Eguchi-Yang matrix integral. In the higher rank case we find an appropriate variant of the quasiclassical tau-function, show how the Seiberg-Witten curve is deformed by Toda flows, and fix the contact term ambiguity.Comment: 49 page
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