3,852 research outputs found

    Vitamin A in diets for Nile tilapia.

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Dietary vitamin supplementation decrease stress caused by high stocking density, and boosts immunological system of farmed fish. A studied was carried out to determine vitamin A requirements of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in an all male group (13.8 ± 1.2 g) and a mixed sex population (9.8 ± 2.3 g). Fish stocked in 100-L plastic aquaria (26.0 ± 1.0ºC) were fed to near satiety, twice a day, seven days a week, during 75 days with vitamin A-free, semi-purified diets supplemented with 0; 600; 1,200; 1,800; 2,400; 3,000; 3,600; 4,200; 4,800 and 5,400 International Units (IU) of retinyl palmitate (30% vitamin A) per kg of diet in a completely randomized experimental design, factorial arrangement 2c10 (n = 4). Deficiency signs of vitamin A were observed in fish fed 0 to 1.200 IU vitamin A kg-1 diet; moderate signs were observed in fish fed diets with 1.800 to 3.600 IU vitamin A kg-1 diet; no interactions group*level (p 0.05). A group effect was observed regarding all performance variables (p 0,05). Foi observado efeito de grupo no desempenho dos peixes (p < 0,0001). Foi detectado o retinol hepático através de HPLC somente no grupo alimentado com 5.400 UI de retinol kg-1 de dieta, caracterizando assim que o mesmo foi utilizado e armazenado. A quantidade de 5.400 IU de retinol kg-1 de dieta é a mínima recomendada para tilápia do Nilo.666751756Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP_Brasi

    Nutritional properties of yellow mombin (Spondias mombin L.) pulp.

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    Yellow mombin (Spondias mombin L.) is a tropical fruit with increasing acceptance in both national and international fruit markets. The aim of this work was to evaluate the centesimal composition, mineral content, total phenolics, antioxidant activity, and characterize the carotenoids of frozen yellow mombin pulp. Results indicated that the yellow mombin pulp contained an important amount of potassium and copper. The antioxidant activity and total phenolic values scored 17.5 mmol TEAC g&#8722;1 and 260 mg galic acid/100 g respectively, higher than those reported for other fruits. Five carotenoids were identified, &#946;-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeinoxanthin, &#945; and &#946; carotene, being &#946;-cryptoxanthin the major one, accounting for the high level of pro-vitamin A activity in the pulp. A 100 g portion of yellow mombin pulp can provide more than 37% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A

    Recomendação de adubação para aveia, em dois sistemas de plantio, em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico.

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    A Nomadic Testbed for Teaching Computer Architecture

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    A nomadic laboratory or testbed, based on Raspberry Pi 3 computers and Arduino microcontrollers, has been developed in order to teach subjects related to computer architecture. The testbed can be transported to the classroom. Students can access it through the available network, which can be a wireless LAN, wired LAN o a custom network. The student can access without constraints to the platforms, therefore there are a wide range of possible experiments. This laboratory was used during 2017 for practical works in the course Introduction to Technology, and during 2018 in the course Computers Architecture at Universidad Nacional of Cuyo. Some of the experiments that are been carried out by students are: to explore and analyse the architecture of the computers through Linux commands, write and run programs on different programing languages, input and output operations through memory mapped addressing and isolated addressing, write interrupt service routines in order to service interrupts, multithreading programing, explore memory maps, CPU features, etc. This paper describes the testbed architecture, experiments performed by students in the mentioned subjects, present the students feedback, and describes the possible methods in order to integrate it to a remote laboratory.XVII Workshop Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Resposta de aveia à adubação, em dois sistemas de plantio.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar para a linhagem de aveia UPF 87111, a dose de NPK que possibilite obter máxima produção e qualidade de forragem, em dois sistemas de plantio: convencional e cobertura morta. O delineamento experimental foi fatorial fracionado tipo (1/2)43 com dois blocos ao acaso, um total de 32 parcelas sem repetição. Os tratamentos foram quatro doses de N e de K2O (0,70,140 e 210 Kg ha-1), na forma de uréia e de cloreto de potássio e quatro doses de N e K2O (0,70,140 e 210 kg ha-1), na forma de ureia e de cloreto de potássio e quatro doses de P (0,60, 120, 180 kg ha-1 de P2O5), como super fosfato triplo. Nos dois sistemas de plantio a resposta ao nitrogênio apresentou o maior retorno em produção de forragem por unidade de nutriente aplicado. Embora no plantio com cobertura morta a aplicado. Embora no plantio com cobertura morta a eficiência do N tenha sido menor, provavelmente devido a sua imobilização parcial pela palhada, o potencial de produção foi 26% superior ao do plantio convencional

    Draft genome sequences of Streptomyces virginiae strain CMAA1738, Paenibacillus ottowiistrain CMAA1739 and Pseudomonas inefficax strain CMAA1741, isolated from rhizosphere of wheat landraces.

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    Abstract: In this study, we have identified and characterized three genomes from bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of Triticum aestivum. Streptomyces virginiae CMAA1738 and Paenibacillus ottowii CMAA1739 were obtained from the wheat landrace Iran 1-29-11334, and Pseudomonas inefficax CMAA1741 was isolated from the wheat landrace Karakilcik.On-line first