3,519 research outputs found

    The Write Approach to Mathematics or How I Found the Middle Way

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    Revising a course is a multifaceted process. Often, reform efforts are focused on a particular aspect, that of inquiry-based collaborative learning. This article discusses the implementation of another aspect of the reform of a course for pre-service elementary teachers: the use of journals and writing exercises for evaluation and assessment. The evolution of this particular reform is traced, with emphasis on the reactions of students and faculty, the issues raised by these reactions, and the solution and resolution attained by the author is outlined

    Static observables of relativistic three-fermion systems with instantaneous interactions

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    We show that static properties like the charge radius and the magnetic moment of relativistic three-fermion bound states with instantaneous interactions can be formulated as expectation values with respect to intrinsically defined wavefunctions. The resulting operators can be given a natural physical interpretation in accordance with relativistic covariance. We also indicate how the formalism may be generalized to arbitrary moments. The method is applied to the computation of static baryon properties with numerical results for the nucleon charge radii and the baryon octet magnetic moments. In addition we make predictions for the magnetic moments of some selected nucleon resonances and discuss the decomposition of the nucleon magnetic moments in contributions of spin and angular momentum, as well as the evolution of these contributions with decreasing quark mass.Comment: 13 pages, including 2 figures and 3 tables, submitted to Eur.Phys.J.

    Pairing in the Framework of the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM): Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations

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    In this first in a series of articles, we apply effective interactions derived by the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM) to the description of open-shell nuclei, using a self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov framework to account for pairing correlations. To disentangle the particle-hole and particle-particle channels and assess the pairing properties of \VUCOM, we consider hybrid calculations using the phenomenological Gogny D1S interaction to derive the particle-hole mean field. In the main part of this article, we perform calculations of the tin isotopic chain using \VUCOM in both the particle-hole and particle-particle channels. We study the interplay of both channels, and discuss the impact of non-central and non-local terms in realistic interactions as well as the frequently used restriction of pairing interactions to the 1S0{}^1S_0 partial wave. The treatment of the center-of-mass motion and its effect on theoretical pairing gaps is assessed independently of the used interactions.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. C, title modified accordingl

    Spin-orbit coupling in nuclei and realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials

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    We analyze the spin-orbit coupling term in the nuclear energy density functional in terms of a zero-range NN-contact interaction and finite-range contributions from two-pion exchange. We show that the strength of the spin-orbit contact interaction as extracted from high-precision nucleon-nucleon potentials is in perfect agreement with that of phenomenological Skyrme forces employed in non-relativistic nuclear structure calculations. Additional long-range contributions from chiral two-pion exchange turn out to be relatively small. These explicitly density-dependent contributions reduce the ratio of the isovector to the isoscalar spin-orbit strength significantly below the Skyrme value 1/3. We perform a similar analysis for the strength function of the (ρ)2(\vec \nabla \rho)^2-term and find values not far from those of phenomenological Skyrme parameterizations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review C70 (2004

    Beyond the relativistic mean-field approximation (II): configuration mixing of mean-field wave functions projected on angular momentum and particle number

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    The framework of relativistic self-consistent mean-field models is extended to include correlations related to the restoration of broken symmetries and to fluctuations of collective variables. The generator coordinate method is used to perform configuration mixing of angular-momentum and particle-number projected relativistic wave functions. The geometry is restricted to axially symmetric shapes, and the intrinsic wave functions are generated from the solutions of the relativistic mean-field + Lipkin-Nogami BCS equations, with a constraint on the mass quadrupole moment. The model employs a relativistic point-coupling (contact) nucleon-nucleon effective interaction in the particle-hole channel, and a density-independent δ\delta-interaction in the pairing channel. Illustrative calculations are performed for 24^{24}Mg, 32^{32}S and 36^{36}Ar, and compared with results obtained employing the model developed in the first part of this work, i.e. without particle-number projection, as well as with the corresponding non-relativistic models based on Skyrme and Gogny effective interactions.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Beyond the relativistic mean-field approximation: configuration mixing of angular momentum projected wave functions

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    We report the first study of restoration of rotational symmetry and fluctuations of the quadrupole deformation in the framework of relativistic mean-field models. A model is developed which uses the generator coordinate method to perform configuration mixing calculations of angular momentum projected wave functions, calculated in a relativistic point-coupling model. The geometry is restricted to axially symmetric shapes, and the intrinsic wave functions are generated from the solutions of the constrained relativistic mean-field + BCS equations in an axially deformed oscillator basis. A number of illustrative calculations are performed for the nuclei 194Hg and 32Mg, in comparison with results obtained in non-relativistic models based on Skyrme and Gogny effective interactions.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Color symmetrical superconductivity in a schematic nuclear quark model

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    In this note, a novel BCS-type formalism is constructed in the framework of a schematic QCD inspired quark model, having in mind the description of color symmetrical superconducting states. The physical properties of the BCS vacuum (average numbers of quarks of different colors) remain unchanged under an arbitrary color rotation. In the usual approach to color superconductivity, the pairing correlations affect only the quasi-particle states of two colors, the single particle states of the third color remaining unaffected by the pairing correlations. In the theory of color symmetrical superconductivity here proposed, the pairing correlations affect symmetrically the quasi-particle states of the three colors and vanishing net color-charge is automatically insured. It is found that the groundstate energy of the color symmetrical sector of the Bonn model is well approximated by the average energy of the color symmetrical superconducting state proposed here

    Microscopic study of 240Pu, mean-field and beyond

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    The influence of exact angular-momentum projection and configuration mixing on properties of a heavy, well-deformed nucleus is discussed for the example of Pu240. Starting from a self-consistent model using Skyrme interactions, we analyze the resulting modifications of the deformation energy, the fission barrier height, the excitation energy of the superdeformed minimum associated with the fission isomer, the structure of the lowest rotational bands with normal deformation and superdeformation, and the corresponding quadrupole moments and transition moments. We present results obtained with the Skyrme interactions SLy4 and SLy6, which have slightly different surface tensions.Comment: 7 pages REVTEX4, 4 figures. accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Global study of quadrupole correlation effects

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    We discuss the systematics of ground-state quadrupole correlations of binding energies and mean-square charge radii for all even-even nuclei, from O16 up to the superheavies, for which data are available. To that aim we calculate their correlated J=0 ground state by means of the angular-momentum and particle-number projected generator coordinate method, using the axial mass quadrupole moment as the generator coordinate and self-consistent mean-field states only restricted by axial, parity, and time-reversal symmetries. The calculation is performed within the framework of a non-relativistic self-consistent mean-field model using the same non-relativistic Skyrme interaction SLy4 and a density-dependent pairing force to generate the mean-field configurations and mix them. (See the paper for the rest of the abstract).Comment: 28 pages revtex, 29 eps figures (2 of which in color), 10 tables. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Hartree-Fock and Many-Body Perturbation Theory with Correlated Realistic NN-Interactions

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    We employ correlated realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions for the description of nuclear ground states throughout the nuclear chart within the Hartree-Fock approximation. The crucial short-range central and tensor correlations, which are induced by the realistic interaction and cannot be described by the Hartree-Fock many-body state itself, are included explicitly by a state-independent unitary transformation in the framework of the unitary correlation operator method (UCOM). Using the correlated realistic interaction V_UCOM resulting from the Argonne V18 potential, bound nuclei are obtained already on the Hartree-Fock level. However, the binding energies are smaller than the experimental values because long-range correlations have not been accounted for. Their inclusion by means of many-body perturbation theory leads to a remarkable agreement with experimental binding energies over the whole mass range from He-4 to Pb-208, even far off the valley of stability. The observed perturbative character of the residual long-range correlations and the apparently small net effect of three-body forces provides promising perspectives for a unified nuclear structure description.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, using REVTEX