156 research outputs found

    Wellness Programming in Collegiate Athletics: A Movement Toward Balance

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    This is a commentary on whether athletic participation leads to positive personal development of athletes, suggesting six dimensions of wellness to focus programming on for athletes

    Telephone multiline signaling using common signal pair

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    An operator can rapidly and automatically produce coded electrical signals by manipulating mechanical thumb wheel switches so as to instruct a service center to connect any number of telephone lines to the console thus enabling the operator to listen and/or talk over several lines simultaneously. The system includes an on-site console having several mechanically operated thumb wheel switches to which the desired lines to be connected can be dialed in. Electrical coded signals are fed to a number of banks of line AND gates representing units, tens and hundreds, a group of channel gates, and a command gate. These signals are gated out in a controlled manner to an encoder which generates tones that are transmitted over a single line to a communication service center

    Multivariate association analysis of the components of metabolic syndrome from the Framingham Heart Study

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    Metabolic syndrome, by definition, is the manifestation of multiple, correlated metabolic impairments. It is known to have both strong environmental and genetic contributions. However, isolating genetic variants predisposing to such a complex trait has limitations. Using pedigree data, when available, may well lead to increased ability to detect variants associated with such complex traits. The ability to incorporate multiple correlated traits into a joint analysis may also allow increased detection of associated genes. Therefore, to demonstrate the utility of both univariate and multivariate family-based association analysis and to identify possible genetic variants associated with metabolic syndrome, we performed a scan of the Affymetrix 50 k Human Gene Panel data using 1) each of the traits comprising metabolic syndrome: triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, blood glucose, and body mass index, and 2) a composite trait including all of the above, jointly. Two single-nucleotide polymorphisms within the cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) gene remained significant even after correcting for multiple testing in both the univariate (p < 5 × 10-7) and multivariate (p < 5 × 10-9) association analysis. Three genes met significance for multiple traits after correction for multiple testing in the univariate analysis, while five genes remained significant in the multivariate association. We conclude that while both univariate and multivariate family-based association analysis can identify genes of interest, our multivariate approach is less affected by multiple testing correction and yields more significant results

    Defining and assessing spiritual health : a comparative study among 13- to 15-year-old pupils attending secular schools, Anglican schools, and private Christian schools in England and Wales

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    This article argues that the nation's commitment to young people involves proper concern for their physical health, their psychological health, and their spiritual health. In this context the notion of spiritual health is clarified by a critique of John Fisher's model of spiritual health. Fisher developed a relational model of spiritual health, which defines good spiritual health in terms of an individual's relationship to four domains: the personal, the communal, the environmental, and the transcendental. In the present analysis, we make comparisons between pupils educated in three types of schools: publicly funded schools without religious foundation, publicly funded schools with an Anglican foundation, and new independent Christian schools (not publicly funded). Our findings draw attention to significant differences in the levels of spiritual health experienced by pupils within these three types of schools

    Association of Genetic Loci with Sleep Apnea in European Americans and African-Americans: The Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe)

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    Although obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is known to have a strong familial basis, no genetic polymorphisms influencing apnea risk have been identified in cross-cohort analyses. We utilized the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) to identify sleep apnea susceptibility loci. Using a panel of 46,449 polymorphisms from roughly 2,100 candidate genes on a customized Illumina iSelect chip, we tested for association with the apnea hypopnea index (AHI) as well as moderate to severe OSA (AHI≥15) in 3,551 participants of the Cleveland Family Study and two cohorts participating in the Sleep Heart Health Study. Among 647 African-Americans, rs11126184 in the pleckstrin (PLEK) gene was associated with OSA while rs7030789 in the lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPAR1) gene was associated with AHI using a chip-wide significance threshold of p-value<2×10−610^{−6}. Among 2,904 individuals of European ancestry, rs1409986 in the prostaglandin E2 receptor (PTGER3) gene was significantly associated with OSA. Consistency of effects between rs7030789 and rs1409986 in LPAR1 and PTGER3 and apnea phenotypes were observed in independent clinic-based cohorts. Novel genetic loci for apnea phenotypes were identified through the use of customized gene chips and meta-analyses of cohort data with replication in clinic-based samples. The identified SNPs all lie in genes associated with inflammation suggesting inflammation may play a role in OSA pathogenesis

    Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) for Detection of Pleiotropy within the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Network

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    Using a phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) approach, we comprehensively tested genetic variants for association with phenotypes available for 70,061 study participants in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) network. Our aim was to better characterize the genetic architecture of complex traits and identify novel pleiotropic relationships. This PheWAS drew on five population-based studies representing four major racial/ethnic groups (European Americans (EA), African Americans (AA), Hispanics/Mexican-Americans, and Asian/Pacific Islanders) in PAGE, each site with measurements for multiple traits, associated laboratory measures, and intermediate biomarkers. A total of 83 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were genotyped across two or more PAGE study sites. Comprehensive tests of association, stratified by race/ethnicity, were performed, encompassing 4,706 phenotypes mapped to 105 phenotype-classes, and association results were compared across study sites. A total of 111 PheWAS results had significant associations for two or more PAGE study sites with consistent direction of effect with a significance threshold of p<0.01 for the same racial/ethnic group, SNP, and phenotype-class. Among results identified for SNPs previously associated with phenotypes such as lipid traits, type 2 diabetes, and body mass index, 52 replicated previously published genotype-phenotype associations, 26 represented phenotypes closely related to previously known genotype-phenotype associations, and 33 represented potentially novel genotype-phenotype associations with pleiotropic effects. The majority of the potentially novel results were for single PheWAS phenotype-classes, for example, for CDKN2A/B rs1333049 (previously associated with type 2 diabetes in EA) a PheWAS association was identified for hemoglobin levels in AA. Of note, however, GALNT2 rs2144300 (previously associated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in EA) had multiple potentially novel PheWAS associations, with hypertension related phenotypes in AA and with serum calcium levels and coronary artery disease phenotypes in EA. PheWAS identifies associations for hypothesis generation and exploration of the genetic architecture of complex traits

    Hi-MC: a novel method for high-throughput mitochondrial haplogroup classification

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    Effective approaches for assessing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation are important to multiple scientific disciplines. Mitochondrial haplogroups characterize branch points in the phylogeny of mtDNA. Several tools exist for mitochondrial haplogroup classification. However, most require full or partial mtDNA sequence which is often cost prohibitive for studies with large sample sizes. The purpose of this study was to develop Hi-MC, a high-throughput method for mitochondrial haplogroup classification that is cost effective and applicable to large sample sizes making mitochondrial analysis more accessible in genetic studies. Using rigorous selection criteria, we defined and validated a custom panel of mtDNA single nucleotide polymorphisms that allows for accurate classification of European, African, and Native American mitochondrial haplogroups at broad resolution with minimal genotyping and cost. We demonstrate that Hi-MC performs well in samples of European, African, and Native American ancestries, and that Hi-MC performs comparably to a commonly used classifier. Implementation as a software package in R enables users to download and run the program locally, grants greater flexibility in the number of samples that can be run, and allows for easy expansion in future revisions. Hi-MC is available in the CRAN repository and the source code is freely available at https://github.com/vserch/himc
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