31 research outputs found

    Chromosome analyses in dairy cows exposed to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs using the SCE test

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    Peripheral blood cultures were performed to study the sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in samples from 15 cows (Valdostana x Piedmontese crossbreds) showing average milk values of dioxins+furans+PCBs higher (18.56 pg/g of fat as WHO-TEQ) than those permitted (6.0 pg/g of dioxins+furans+PCBs as WHO-TEQ) and the results were compared with samples from 16 Valdostana dairy cows (1.75 pg/g of fat as WHO-TEQ) used as control. Significant (P<0.01) higher mean number of SCE/cell (7.10±2.8) were found in cows showing higher levels of dioxins and PCB compared to those achieved in the controls (SCE/cell=5.24±2.51)

    Cocaina E Insufficienza Renale Acuta

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    Il consumo di cocaina ha raggiunto proporzioni epidemiche. le complicanze renali correlate al suo abuso sono sempre più frequentemente evidenziate. descriviamo 4 casi clinici di insufficienza renale acuta da overdose di cocaina da noi riscontrati negli ultimi 18 mesi. la insufficienza renale era in tutti i casi correlata a rabdomiolisi, che è il meccanismo patogenetico più comune. a causa del "late referral" alla nostra struttura, non è stata effettuata una pronta ed efficace terapia medica ed è stato necessario in tutti i casi istituire trattamento emodialitico prima della riprese funzionale dell'organo

    A rare case of necrotic thymoma

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    The Authors report the case of a patient who underwent resection of a huge anterior mediastinal mass, revealing to be a necrotic thymoma. The patient had been previously submitted to surgical biopsies of the mass yielding non-diagnostic results due to extensive necrosis. A sternotomy was then performed to resect the mediastinal mass originating from the thymus, en-bloc with the mediastinal fat and the apparently infiltrated lung. Histopathology showed a possible cyst/thymoma in massive necrosis, not further definable; revision by a specialized experienced pathologist (J. Rosai) confirmed total mass necrosis and no lung infiltration, thus orientating diagnosis towards a necrotic thymoma and excluding a lymphoblastic lymphoma, with similar histopathological features but more frequent in children or characterized by neoplastic infiltration of surrounding lung. Total body computed tomography (CT) scan and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET)/CT, show neither local recurrence, nor distant metastases two years after surgery. In case of anterior mediastinal mass with difficult histopathological diagnosis due to massive necrosis, the hypothesis of a necrotic thymoma should be considered. After radical removal prognosis is generally favourable and no adjuvant treatment is required

    Remote patient monitoring in dialysis patients: The "change of pace" for home dialysis

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    Lockdown and self-isolation are to date the only solution to limit the spread of recent outbreak of coronavirus disease (CoViD-19), highlighting the great advantage of home dialysis in a patient otherwise forced to travel from/to the dialysis center to receive this "life-saving" treatment. Indeed, to prevent spreading of CoViD-19 infection among extremely fragile dialysis patients, as well as among dialysis workers, hemodialysis (HD) centers are adopting specific procedures ("dedicated" dialysis facilities, portable osmosis, etc.) with a great economic and organizational commitment. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) represents a type of home dialysis therapy not yet adequately implemented to date, in spite of safe and simple practice, as well as similar dialytic efficiency vs in-center hemodialysis. Remote patient monitoring (RPM) systems have been developed in automated PD (APD) cyclers in order to improve the acceptance of this dialysis method, to increase the compliance to the prescribed therapy and to control treatment adequacy. In this review we assess the potential advantages of RPM in APD, that are the chance for patients to acquire greater independence and safety in the home treatment, to allow better access to care for residents in remote areas, faster resolution of problems, reduction in hospitalizations and mortality rates, as well as time and cost saving for both the patient and the staff. The use of medical devices (sphygmomanometer, glucometer, balance, etc.), connected by wireless to the clinician's portal, might also allow a wider diffusion of incremental dialysis, an integrated therapy that combines conservative management of ESKD patients with a soft dialysis based on the residual kidney function and symptomatology, with potential prognosis and economic benefits. Although the majority of the studies are small and observational, a wider use of RPM systems is desirable to broaden the spread of home dialysis, as we learnt from Coronavirus pandemic