204 research outputs found

    Clavo gamma en el tratamiento de las fracturas del macizo trocantérico: estudio comparativo entre el Clavo Gamma Trocantérico y el Gamma 3

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    El clavo Gamma es una técnica bien establecida en el tratamiento de las fracturas del macizo trocantéreo. Hemos realizado un estudio prospectivo en 40 pacientes para comparar dos tipos de clavos. En 20 se utilizó el clavo gamma trocantérico y en 20 un nuevo dispositivo llamado Gamma3 fabricado en titanio y con modificaciones en el diseño para permitir una menor incisión y mayor faciliad en su implante. De todos los parámetros estudiados tanto intra como postoperatorios sólo hemos encontrado diferencias en cuanto al tiempo del acto quirúrgico y al tamaño de la incisión, encontrando menor tiempo y menor tamaño de la incisión en el clavo gamma 3. No encontramos diferencias en cuanto a las complicaciones técnicas, ni en cuanto al dolor, tiempo transcurrido hasta la consolidación o grado de independencia obtenido. Consideramos el clavo Gamma3 como una técnica valiosa que disminuye el tiempo de cirugía y el traumatismo de las partes blandas.The nail Gamma is a well-established technique in the treatment of the trochanteric fractures. We have made a prospective study in 40 patients for compare two Gamma nail types. In 20 we use the Trochanteric Gamma Nail and in 20 a new device called Gamma 3 manufactured in titanium and with modifications in the design to permit a less incision and most facilities in his implantation. Of all of the parameters studied both intra and postoperative we have found differences in the time of surgical act and in the size of the incision, finding less time and less size of the approach in the gamma 3 nail. We do not find differences about technical complications, neither as to the pain, time to the consolidation or independence grade obtained. We regard to the nail Gamma 3 as a valuable technique that decreases the time of surgery and the traumatism of the soft tissues

    Mineral content in semiarid grassland systems affected by community structure and soil characteristics

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    This work was supported by the European Union project nº 8001-CT90-0021.Mineral element concentrations in plants and their relationships with botanical composition and soil characteristics were analyzed over two consecutive years in herbage samples from semiarid grassland systems (central-western Spain) affected by a topographic gradient. There were not significant differences in the mineral concentration of the plant community between sampling years suggesting that factors other than those related to interannual climatic variation are more important in determining the mineral concentration of plant community in semiarid grasslands. A significant effect of slope position on aboveground biomass production, soil characteristics and plant tissue nutrient contents was found. As compared to the upper and middle zones, the lower zones of slope showed greater aboveground biomass production, a lower proportion of forbs, a higher proportion of grasses, higher concentrations of N, Ca, Mg and Na in botanical groups, and lower concentrations of P and K in botanical components. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that most of the variation in N, P, K, Ca, and Mg concentrations in the plant community along the slope can be explained by botanical composition and its specific mineral content. Several soil properties (organic matter, total N, total C, coarse sand) proved to be significantly correlated with the N, Ca, Mg, and Na concentrations of grasses, legumes and forbs, indicating an increase in plant tissue concentrations with increasing eutrophic status in soil from the upper to the lower zones of the slope. The P and K concentrations of legumes and forbs varied according to the phosphorus or potassium contents in soil, which decreased from the upper and middle to the lower zones. The results showed that the mineral concentrations of botanical components were dependent on soil characteristics in different ways.Peer reviewe

    Estimation of mineral content in natural grasslands by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy

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    Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was tested to predict nitrogen and mineral concentration (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) in natural grassland samples. The samples were taken from different community types according to the topographic gradient, at different maturation stages and during a period of four consecutive years. A subset of 95 samples was selected on the basis of the spectral variation. Chemical values from the calibratíon sample set were regressed on the corresponding spectral data using a stepwise multiple regression analysís. Another subset of 75 samples was used as the validation set. Standard errors of prediction and correlation coefficients, respectively, were: 0.71 and 0.97 (N), 0.22 and 0.73 (P), 1.83 and 0.84 (K), 0.83 and 0.92 (Ca), 0.15 and 0.92 (Mg), 3.94 and 0.66 (Na), 44 and 0.84 (Mn), 19 and 0.75 (Fe), 1.01 and 0.77 (Cu), 3.9 and 0.79 (Zn).This work was supported by the European Uníon (Contract N 8001-CT90-0021). Thanks are due to L.G. Criado, C. Estévez and M. Hernández for their assistance in the field work.Peer reviewe

    Isolation of a New Mexican Strain of Bacillus subtilis with Antifungal and Antibacterial Activities

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    Although several strains of B. subtilis with antifungal activity have been isolated worldwide, to date there are no published reports regarding the isolation of a native B. subtilis strain from strawberry plants in Mexico. A native bacterium (Bacillus subtilis 21) demonstrated in vitro antagonistic activity against different plant pathogenic fungi. Under greenhouse conditions, it was shown that plants infected with Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium verticillioides and treated with B. subtilis 21 produced augment in the number of leaves per plant and an increment in the length of healthy leaves in comparison with untreated plants. In addition, B. subtilis 21 showed activity against pathogenic bacteria. Secreted proteins by B. subtilis 21 were studied, detecting the presence of proteases and bacteriocin-like inhibitor substances that could be implicated in its antagonistic activity. Chitinases and zwittermicin production could not be detected. Then, B. subtilis 21 could potentially be used to control phytopathogenic fungi that infect strawberry plants

    Proyecciones poblacionales y económicas bajo diferentes escenarios para México [Population and economic projections under different scenarios for Mexico]

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    Los escenarios existentes que incluyen proyecciones poblacionales y económicas no permiten ser utilizados a niveles sub-nacionales. En países en desarrollo la información a nivel sub-nacional y la contextualización de escenarios es escasa. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar cómo pueden superarse estas limitaciones desarrollando: 1) proyecciones demográficas (probabilísticas y determinísticas) y económicas (probabilísticas) bajo diferentes escenarios y escalas temporales y espaciales, y 2) espacializar la distribución de la población a una resolución de un km2. Los resultados indican que para el 2050, la población mexicana podría ser entre 22 a 55 por ciento más grande que en el 2010 y tener un crecimiento del PIB entre 0.54 y 2.5 por ciento. Este estudio muestra cómo los escenarios socioeconómicos sub-nacionales son necesarios para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad de los sistemas socio-ecológicos

    International migration of unaccompanied minors: trends, health risks, and legal protection

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    The global population of unaccompanied minors—children and adolescents younger than 18 years who migrate without their legal guardians—is increasing. However, as data are not systematically collected in any region, if collected at all, little is known about this diverse group of young people. Compared with adult migrants, unaccompanied minors are at greater risk of harm to their health and integrity because they do not have the protection provided by a family, which can affect their short-term and long-term health. This Review summarises evidence regarding the international migration and health of unaccompanied minors. Unaccompanied minors are entitled to protection that should follow their best interests as a primary consideration; however, detention, sometimes under the guise of protection, is a widespread practice. If these minors are provided with appropriate forms of protection, including health and psychosocial care, they can thrive and have good long-term outcomes. Instead, hostile immigration practices persist, which are not in the best interests of the child

    Experimental and theoretical assessment of native oxide in the superconducting TaN

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    In this manuscript, we show through an experimental-computational proof of concept the native oxide formation into superconducting TaN films. First, TaN was synthesized at an ultra-high vacuum system by reactive pulsed laser deposition and characterized in situ by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The material was also characterized ex situ by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and the four-point probe method. It was detected that TaN contained considerable oxygen impurities (up to 26 %O) even though it was grown in an ultra-high vacuum chamber. Furthermore, the impurified TaN evidence a face-centered cubic crystalline structure only and exhibits superconductivity at 2.99 K. To understand the feasibility of the native oxide in TaN, we study the effect of incorporating different amounts of O atoms in TaN using ab-initio calculations. A thermodynamic stability analysis shows that a TaOxN1-x model increases its stability as oxygen is added, demonstrating that oxygen may always be present in TaN, even when obtained at ultra-high vacuum conditions. All analyzed models exhibit metallic behavior. Charge density difference maps reveal that N and O atoms have a higher charge density redistribution than Ta atoms. The electron localization function maps and line profiles indicate that Ta-O and Ta-N bonds are mainly ionic. As expected, stronger ionic behavior is observed in the Ta-O bonds due to the electronegativity difference between O and N atoms. Recent evidence points to superconductivity in bulk TaO, confirming the asseverations of superconductivity in our samples. The results discussed here highlight the importance of considering native oxide when reporting superconductivity in TaN films since the TaO regions formed in the compound may be key to understanding the different critical temperatures reported in the literature.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    A Parenting Program to Reduce Disruptive Behavior in Hispanic Children with Acquired Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial Conducted in Mexico

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    Children with acquired brain injury (ABI) are at risk of impairments in self-regulation and disruptive behavior. We aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Signposts program to reduce disruptive behavior and improve self-regulation in Hispanic children with ABI, and reduce parental stress and improve parenting practices. Using a randomized controlled trial design, we assigned children (n = 71) and their parents to Signposts or generic telephone support. Blinded assessors conducted assessments at pre-intervention, immediately post-intervention, and at 3 months post-intervention. Signposts was effective in reducing dysfunctional parenting practices. Further, when analyzing participants at risk of behavioral disturbance (n = 46), Signposts was effective in reducing child disruptive behavior in the home environment and emotional self-regulation. No differences were found for parental stress, parent sense of competence, child disruptive behaviors at school, and child cognitive and behavioral selfregulation. The reduction in disruptive behavior was associated with the implementation of authoritative parenting practices (external regulation), and not as

    Parenting and the dysregulation profile predict executive functioning in children with acquired brain injury

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    Background: Children with acquired brain injury (ABI) present with high rates of psychological disorders commonly accompanied by deficits in hot and cold executive functions (EFs). Impairments in EFs have been reported to precede mental health problems. Moreover, children who are vulnerable to developing mental health problems in adulthood frequently present with a dysregulation profile in childhood, characterized by impairments in cognitive, behavioral and emotional regulation. Objective: To identify profiles of behaviors associated with impairment in hot and cold EFs and compare injury factors, envi

    Ultrasonic monitoring of iberian fat crystallization during cold storage

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    [EN] The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of ultrasonic measurements to characterize the crystallization process and to assess the textural changes of Iberian fat and Iberian ham during cold storage. The ultrasonic velocity was measured in two types of Iberian fats (Montanera and Cebo) during cold storage (0, 2, 5, 7 and 10 ºC) and in vacuum packaged Iberian ham stored at 6ºC for 120 days. The fatty acid profile, thermal behaviour and textural properties of fat were determined. The ultrasonic velocity and textural measurements showed a two step increase during cold storage, which was related with the separate crystallization of two fractions of triglycerides. It was observed that the harder the fat, the higher the ultrasonic velocity. Likewise, Cebo fat resulted harder than Montanera due to a higher content of saturated triglycerides. The ultrasonic velocity in Iberian ham showed an average increase of 55 m/s after 120 days of cold storage due to fat crystallization. Thus, non-destructive ultrasonic technique could be a reliable method to follow the crystallization of fats and to monitor the changes in the textural properties of Iberian ham during cold storage.Corona Jimenez, E.; García Pérez, JV.; Santacatalina Bonet, JV.; Peña Cerveró, R.; Benedito Fort, JJ. (2012). Ultrasonic monitoring of iberian fat crystallization during cold storage. IOP: Materials Science and Engineering. 42:9-12. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/42/1/012035S91242Niñoles, L., Clemente, G., Ventanas, S., & Benedito, J. (2007). Quality assessment of Iberian pigs through backfat ultrasound characterization and fatty acid composition. Meat Science, 76(1), 102-111. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.10.018Santacatalina, J. V., Garcia-Perez, J. V., & Benedito, E. C., J. (2011). Ultrasonic monitoring of lard crystallization during storage. Food Research International, 44(1), 146-155. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2010.10.048Himawan, C., Starov, V. M., & Stapley, A. G. F. (2006). Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of fat crystallization. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 122(1-3), 3-33. doi:10.1016/j.cis.2006.06.01