7,888 research outputs found

    Stability of Coalescence Hidden variable Fractal Interpolation Surfaces

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    In the present paper, the stability of Coalescence Hidden variable Fractal Interpolation Surfaces(CHFIS) is established. The estimates on error in approximation of the data generating function by CHFIS are found when there is a perturbation in independent, dependent and hidden variables. It is proved that any small perturbation in any of the variables of generalized interpolation data results in only small perturbation of CHFIS. Our results are likely to be useful in investigations of texture of surfaces arising from the simulation of surfaces of rocks, sea surfaces, clouds and similar natural objects wherein the generating function depends on more than one variable

    Publishing in face of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Doctors around the world are desperately looking for guidance to enable them to better manage their COVID-19 patients..

    Pre-discovery observations of CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b with the BEST survey

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    The BEST wide-angle telescope installed at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence and operated in remote control from Berlin by the Institut fuer Planetenforschung, DLR, has observed the CoRoT target fields prior to the mission. The resulting archive of stellar photometric lightcurves is used to search for deep transit events announced during CoRoT's alarm-mode to aid in fast photometric confirmation of these events. The "initial run" field of CoRoT (IRa01) has been observed with BEST in November and December 2006 for 12 nights. The first "long run" field (LRc01) was observed from June to September 2005 for 35 nights. After standard CCD data reduction, aperture photometry has been performed using the ISIS image subtraction method. About 30,000 lightcurves were obtained in each field. Transits of the first detected planets by the CoRoT mission, CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b, were found in archived data of the BEST survey and their lightcurves are presented here. Such detections provide useful information at the early stage of the organization of follow-up observations of satellite alarm-mode planet candidates. In addition, no period change was found over ~4 years between the first BEST observation and last available transit observations.Comment: AJ, accepte

    Efficient optical quantum information processing

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    Quantum information offers the promise of being able to perform certain communication and computation tasks that cannot be done with conventional information technology (IT). Optical Quantum Information Processing (QIP) holds particular appeal, since it offers the prospect of communicating and computing with the same type of qubit. Linear optical techniques have been shown to be scalable, but the corresponding quantum computing circuits need many auxiliary resources. Here we present an alternative approach to optical QIP, based on the use of weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities and homodyne measurements. We show how this approach provides the fundamental building blocks for highly efficient non-absorbing single photon number resolving detectors, two qubit parity detectors, Bell state measurements and finally near deterministic control-not (CNOT) gates. These are essential QIP devicesComment: Accepted to the Journal of optics B special issue on optical quantum computation; References update

    Predicting total reaction cross sections for nucleon-nucleus scattering

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    Nucleon total reaction and neutron total cross sections to 300 MeV for 12C and 208Pb, and for 65 MeV spanning the mass range, are predicted using coordinate space optical potentials formed by full folding of effective nucleon-nucleon interactions with realistic nuclear ground state densities. Good to excellent agreement is found with existing data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Formation of the planet around the millisecond pulsar J1719-1438

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    Context. Recently the discovery of PSR J1719-1438, a 5.8 ms pulsar with a companion in a 2.2 hr orbit, was reported. The combination of this orbital period and the very low mass function is unique. The discoverers, Bailes et al., proposed an ultracompact X-ray binary (UCXB) as the progenitor system. However, the standard UCXB scenario would not produce this system as the time required to reach this orbital period exceeds the current estimate of the age of the Universe. The detached state of the system aggravates the problem. Aims. We want to understand the evolutionary history of PSR J1719-1438, and determine under which circumstances it could have evolved from an UCXB. Methods. We model UCXB evolution varying the donor size and investigate the effect of a wind mass loss from the donor, and compare the results with the observed characteristics of PSR J1719-1438. Results. An UCXB can reach a 2.2 hr orbit within the age of the Universe, provided that 1) the millisecond pulsar can significantly heat and expand the donor by pulsar irradiation, or 2) the system loses extra orbital angular momentum, e.g. via a fast wind from the donor. Conclusions. The most likely scenario for the formation of PSR J1719-1438 is UCXB evolution driven by angular momentum loss via the usual gravitational wave emission, which is enhanced by angular momentum loss via a donor wind of ~3x10^-13 Msun/yr. Depending on the size of the donor during the evolution, the companion presently probably has a mass of ~1-3 Jupiter masses, making it a very low mass white dwarf as proposed by Bailes et al. Its composition can be either helium or carbon-oxygen. A helium white dwarf companion makes the long (for an UCXB) orbital period easier to explain, but the required inclination makes it a priori less likely than a carbon-oxygen white dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. v2: Updated a referenc

    Layer Features of the Lattice Gas Model for Self-Organized Criticality

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    A layer-by-layer description of the asymmetric lattice gas model for 1/f-noise suggested by Jensen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3103 (1990)] is presented. The power spectra of the lattice layers in the direction perpendicular to the particle flux is studied in order to understand how the white noise at the input boundary evolves, on the average, into 1/f-noise for the system. The effects of high boundary drive and uniform driving force on the power spectrum of the total number of diffusing particles are considered. In the case of nearest-neighbor particle interactions, high statistics simulation results show that the power spectra of single lattice layers are characterized by different βx\beta_x exponents such that βx→1.9\beta_x \to 1.9 as one approaches the outer boundary.Comment: LaTeX, figures upon reques
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