1,043 research outputs found

    Temperature records from a small Canterbury stream

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    The Development of Maternal-Fetal Attachment

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    Tunable beam displacer

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    We report the implementation of a tunable beam displacer, composed of a polarizing beam splitter (PBS) and two mirrors, that divides an initially polarized beam into two parallel beams whose separation can be continuously tuned. The two output beams are linearly polarized with either vertical or horizontal polarization and no optical path difference is introduced between them. The wavelength dependence of the device as well as the maximum separation between the beams achievable is limited mainly by the PBS characteristics.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Rolling of asymmetric disks on an inclined plane

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    In a recent papers, Turner and Turner (2010 {\em Am. J. Phys.} {\bf 78} 905-7) and Jensen (2011 {\em Eur. J. Phys.} {\bf 32} 389-397) analysed the motion of asymmetric rolling rigid bodies on a horizontal plane. These papers addressed the common misconception that the instantaneous point of contact of the rolling body with the plane can be used to evaluate the angular momentum L\mathbf L and the torque τ\boldsymbol\tau in the equation of motion dL/dt=τd\mathbf L/dt = \boldsymbol\tau. To obtain the correct equation of motion, the "phantom torque" or various rules that depend on the motion of the point about which L\mathbf L and τ\boldsymbol\tau are evaluated were discussed. In this paper, I consider asymmetric disks rolling down an inclined plane and describe the most basic way of obtaining the correct equation of motion; that is, to choose the point about which L\mathbf L and τ\boldsymbol\tau are evaluated that is stationary in an inertial frame

    Riccati parameter modes from Newtonian free damping motion by supersymmetry

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    We determine the class of damped modes \tilde{y} which are related to the common free damping modes y by supersymmetry. They are obtained by employing the factorization of Newton's differential equation of motion for the free damped oscillator by means of the general solution of the corresponding Riccati equation together with Witten's method of constructing the supersymmetric partner operator. This procedure leads to one-parameter families of (transient) modes for each of the three types of free damping, corresponding to a particular type of %time-dependent angular frequency. %time-dependent, antirestoring acceleration (adding up to the usual Hooke restoring acceleration) of the form a(t)=\frac{2\gamma ^2}{(\gamma t+1)^{2}}\tilde{y}, where \gamma is the family parameter that has been chosen as the inverse of the Riccati integration constant. In supersymmetric terms, they represent all those one Riccati parameter damping modes having the same Newtonian free damping partner modeComment: 6 pages, twocolumn, 6 figures, only first 3 publishe

    Optical analog of Rabi oscillation suppression due to atomic motion

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    The Rabi oscillations of a two-level atom illuminated by a laser on resonance with the atomic transition may be suppressed by the atomic motion through averaging or filtering mechanisms. The optical analogs of these velocity effects are described. The two atomic levels correspond in the optical analogy to orthogonal polarizations of light and the Rabi oscillations to polarization oscillations in a medium which is optically active, naturally or due to a magnetic field. In the later case, the two orthogonal polarizations could be selected by choosing the orientation of the magnetic field, and one of them be filtered out. It is argued that the time-dependent optical polarization oscillations or their suppression are observable with current technology.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer with cavities: theory

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    We study the number of coincidences in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer exit whose arms have been supplemented with the addition of one or two optical cavities. The fourth-order correlation function at the beam-splitter exit is calculated. In the regime where the cavity length are larger than the one-photon coherence length, photon coalescence and anti-coalescence interference is observed. Feynman's path diagrams for the indistinguishable processes that lead to quantum interference are presented. As application for the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer with two cavities, it is discussed the construction of an optical XOR gate

    Inertial forces and the foundations of optical geometry

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    Assuming a general timelike congruence of worldlines as a reference frame, we derive a covariant general formalism of inertial forces in General Relativity. Inspired by the works of Abramowicz et. al. (see e.g. Abramowicz and Lasota, Class. Quantum Grav. 14 (1997) A23), we also study conformal rescalings of spacetime and investigate how these affect the inertial force formalism. While many ways of describing spatial curvature of a trajectory has been discussed in papers prior to this, one particular prescription (which differs from the standard projected curvature when the reference is shearing) appears novel. For the particular case of a hypersurface-forming congruence, using a suitable rescaling of spacetime, we show that a geodesic photon is always following a line that is spatially straight with respect to the new curvature measure. This fact is intimately connected to Fermat's principle, and allows for a certain generalization of the optical geometry as will be further pursued in a companion paper (Jonsson and Westman, Class. Quantum Grav. 23 (2006) 61). For the particular case when the shear-tensor vanishes, we present the inertial force equation in three-dimensional form (using the bold face vector notation), and note how similar it is to its Newtonian counterpart. From the spatial curvature measures that we introduce, we derive corresponding covariant differentiations of a vector defined along a spacetime trajectory. This allows us to connect the formalism of this paper to that of Jantzen et. al. (see e.g. Bini et. al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 6 (1997) 143).Comment: 42 pages, 7 figure
