520 research outputs found

    How to recognise a kick : A cognitive task analysis of drillers’ situation awareness during well operations

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    Acknowledgements This article is based on a doctoral research project of the first author which was sponsored by an international drilling rig operator. The views presented are those of the authors and should not be taken to represent the position or policy of the sponsor. The authors wish to thank the industrial supervisor and the drilling experts for their contribution and patience, as well as Aberdeen Drilling School for allowing the first author to attend one of their well control courses.Peer reviewedPostprin

    'Everything was fine': an analysis of the drill crew's situation awareness on Deepwater Horizon.

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    Purpose: Investigation reports into the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig disaster identified issues with the drill crew's situation awareness (SA). The aim was to (1) apply the Driller's Situation Awareness (DSA) model to the cognitive data extracted from accident reports from this event to determine if it could help to explain why the crew erroneously concluded that the well was stable, which would (2) provide a preliminary evaluation of the model's validity. Method: The DSA model was used for a content analysis of the SA components in the accounts of the crew's actions during two Negative Pressure Tests (NPT), in the hours before the blowout. Results: The analysis provided (1) insight into the crew's likely cognitive processes before the blowout. In particular, it revealed issues with their interpretation and mental models of the well state, as well as possible influencing factors including expectation, distraction and experience, emphasising the impact that SA can have on process safety. The categorisation has (2) initially suggested that the DSA model does contain the appropriate components. Limitations: There are limited first hand reports of this event and thus cognitive processes have to be inferred with a degree of caution. Practical implications: The findings give a preliminary validation of the DSA model for further use in training and in investigation of well control events. Recommendations based on the findings are offered for assisting driller SA and consequently, for supporting safe and efficient drilling operations. There is also the opportunity to adapt the DSA model and apply the recommendations from the analysis to similar monitoring positions, where SA is essential, within the process industries

    Interdisciplinary communication in the intensive care unit

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    Background. Patient safety research has shown poor communication among intensive care unit (ICU) nurses and doctors to be a common causal factor underlying critical incidents in intensive care. This study examines whether ICU doctors and nurses have a shared perception of interdisciplinary communication in the UK ICU. Methods. Cross-sectional survey of ICU nurses and doctors in four UK hospitals using a previously established measure of ICU interdisciplinary collaboration. Results. A sample of 48 doctors and 136 nurses (47% response rate) from four ICUs responded to the survey. Nurses and doctors were found to have differing perceptions of interdisciplinary communication, with nurses reporting lower levels of communication openness between nurses and doctors. Compared with senior doctors, trainee doctors also reported lower levels of communication openness between doctors. A regression path analysis revealed that communication openness among ICU team members predicted the degree to which individuals reported understanding their patient care goals (adjR2 = 0.17). It also showed that perceptions of the quality of unit leadership predicted open communication. Conclusions. Members of ICU teams have divergent perceptions of their communication with one another. Communication openness among team members is also associated with the degree to which they understand patient care goals. It is necessary to create an atmosphere where team members feel they can communicate openly without fear of reprisal or embarrassment

    Analytic provenance as constructs of behavioural markers for externalizing thinking processes in criminal intelligence analysis

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    Studying how analysts use interaction in visualization systems is an important part of evaluating how well these interactions support analysis needs, like generating insights or performing tasks. Analytic Provenance commonly known as interaction histories contains information about the sequence of choices that analysts make when exploring data or performing a task. This research work presents a compositional reductionist approach as a way of externalizing analyst’s thinking processes by using markers of analytical behaviour extracted from such interaction histories. Set of Behavioural Markers (BMs) have been identified through a workshop with domain experts and a systematic literature review to use them as cognitive attributes of imagination, insight, transparency, fluidity and rigour to enhance performance in criminal intelligence analysis. A low level semantic action sequence computation also has been proposed as a detection approach of identified BMs and found from computation that BMs can act as bridge between human cognition and computation through semantic interaction. This research work has addressed problems of existing qualitative experiments to extract these BMs through cognitive task analysis and found that the proposed computational technique can be a supplementary approach for validating experimental results

    Skills, knowledge and senior managers’ demonstrations of safety commitment.

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    Senior managers’ safety commitment is emphasised in the safety literature as a crucial influence on organisational safety. Yet there is little understanding of the characteristics that underpin their ability to engage in behaviours that demonstrate safety commitment. This study investigates the contribution of problem-solving, social competence and safety knowledge to such behaviours. Senior managers (N = 60) from European and North American air traffic management organisations participated in interviews consisting of open questions designed to trigger safety knowledge and descriptions of behaviours that demonstrate safety commitment as well as scenarios designed to trigger problem-solving and social competence. Reliable scores were generated through systematic scoring procedures involving two independent coders. The results indicated that problem-solving, namely the number of issues and information sources considered when understanding problems and generating ideas to solve a problem were positively related to demonstrations of safety commitment. The ability to perceive others was also found to correlate with safety commitment, whereas safety knowledge was not associated with behaviours that demonstrate safety commitment. It is proposed that training and guidance designed for senior managers should focus on their problem-solving abilities and perception of others in order to support them in demonstrating safety commitment

    Weak lensing surveys and the intrinsic correlation of galaxy ellipticities

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    We explore the possibility that an intrinsic correlation between galaxy ellipticities arising during the galaxy formation process may account for part of the shear signal recently reported by several groups engaged in weak lensing surveys. Using high resolution N-body simulations we measure the projected ellipticities of dark matter halos and their correlations as a function of pair separation. With this simplifying, but not necessarily realistic assumption (halo shapes as a proxy for galaxy shapes), we find a positive detection of correlations up to scales of at least 20 h^-1mpc (limited by the box size). The signal is not strongly affected by variations in the halo finding technique, or by the resolution of the simulations. We translate our 3d results into angular measurements of ellipticity correlation functions and shear variance which can be directly compared to observations. We also measure similar results from simulated angular surveys made by projecting our simulation boxes onto the plane of the sky and applying a radial selection function. Interestingly, the shear variance we measure is a small, but not entirely negligible fraction (from ~10-20 %) of that seen by the observational groups, and the ellipticity correlation functions approximately mimic the functional form expected to be caused by weak lensing. The amplitude depends on the width in redshift of the galaxy distribution. If photometric redshifts are used to pick out a screen of background galaxies with a small width, then the intrinsic correlation may become comparable to the weak lensing signal. Although we are dealing with simulated dark matter halos, whether there is a signal from real galaxies could be checked with a nearby sample with known redshifts.Comment: 12 pages, 11 ps figures, emulateapj.sty, submitted to Ap

    Einstein Cluster Alignments Revisited

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    We have examined whether the major axes of rich galaxy clusters tend to point toward their nearest neighboring cluster. We have used the data of Ulmer, McMillan, and Kowalski, who used position angles based on X-ray morphology. We also studied a subset of this sample with updated positions and distances from the MX Northern Abell Cluster Survey (for rich clusters (R≄1R \geq 1) with well known redshifts). A Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test showed no significant signal for nonrandom angles on any scale ≀100h−1\leq 100h^{-1}Mpc. However, refining the null hypothesis with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, we found a high confidence signal for alignment. Confidence levels increase to a high of 99.997% as only near neighbors which are very close are considered. We conclude there is a strong alignment signal in the data, consistent with gravitational instability acting on Gaussian perturbations.Comment: Minor revisions. To be published in Ap

    A proposed quantitative methodology for the evaluation of the effectiveness of Human Element, Leadership and Management (HELM) training in the UK

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    In 2006, a review of maritime accidents found that non-technical skills (NTSs) are the single largest contributing factor towards such incidents. NTSs are composed of both interpersonal and cognitive elements. These include things such as situational awareness, teamwork, decision making, leadership, management and communication skills. In a crisis situation, good NTSs allow a deck officer to quickly recognise that a problem exists and then harness the resources that are at their disposal to safely and efficiently bring the situation back under control. This paper has two aims. The first is to develop a methodology which will enable educators to quantitatively assess the impact of Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)-approved Human Element, Leadership and Management (HELM) training on deck officer’s NTSs with a view to identifying further training requirements. The second is to determine whether the HELM training provided to develop the NTSs of trainee deck officers is fit for purpose. To achieve these aims, a three-phase approach was adopted. Initially, a taxonomy for deck officer’s NTSs is established, behavioural markers are identified and the relative importance of each attribute is calculated using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Subsequently, a set of scenarios were identified for the assessment of deck officer’s NTSs in a ship bridge simulator environment. A random selection of students that have completed the Chief Mate (CM) programme was performed, and data regarding their NTS-related performance in the scenarios was collected. Finally, the collected data was fed into the evidential reasoning (ER) algorithm, utility values were produced and, having established these values, the effectiveness of the HELM training that the students have received was then evaluated
