7,259 research outputs found

    Tank tread assemblies with track-linking mechanism

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    The proposed tank tread assembly has adjacent tank tread segments joined by a link bearing tapered pins retained by clips inserted through the tread shells perpendicular to the axes of the pin. It also has highway pads attached by a release rod bearing tapered, grooved cams which interlockingly engage tabs inserted into the tread shells

    Convergent strand array liquid pumping system

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    A surface-tension liquid pumping system is provided by one or more arrays of converging solid monofilament fibers or metal wires (strands) spaced apart at an input end to gather liquid, and gathered close together at the opposite end where menisci forms between wetted strands to force liquid in the direction of convergence of the strands. The liquid pumping system is independent of gravity. It is illustrated as being used in a heat pump having a heating box to vaporize the liquid and a condensing chamber. Condensed liquid is returned by the pumping system to the heating box where it is again vaporized. A vapor tube carries the vapor to the condensing chamber. In that way, a closed system pumps heat from the heating box to the evaporating chamber and from there radiated to the atmosphere

    Experimental research of the aerodynamics of nozzles and plumes at hypersonic speeds

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    The purpose was to experimentally characterize the flow field created by the interaction of a single expansion ramp nozzle (SERN) flow with a hypersonic external stream. Data were obtained from a generic nozzle/afterbody model in the 3.5 Foot Hypersonic Wind Tunnel of the NASA Ames Research Center. The model design and test planning were performed in close cooperation with members of the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP) computational fluid dynamics (SFD) team, so that the measurements could be used in CFD code validation studies. Presented here is a description of the experiment, the extent of the measurements obtained, and the experimental results

    The potential influence of rain on airfoil performance

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    The potential influence of heavy rain on airfoil performance is discussed. Experimental methods for evaluating rain effects are reviewed. Important scaling considerations for extrapolating model data are presented. It is shown that considerable additional effort, both analytical and experimental, is necessary to understand the degree of hazard associated with flight operations in rain

    Sudan Grass, Soybeans, and Other Supplementary Hay and Pasture Crops

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    Electrorepulsive actuator

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    The invention is a linear actuator that operates under the principle that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. The linear actuator consists of first and second pairs of spaced opposed conductors where one member of each pair of conductors is attached to a fixed member, and where the other member of each pair of conductors is attached to a movable member such as an elongated rod. The two pairs of spaced conductors may be provided in the form of two spacedly interwound helical vanes where the conductors are located on the opposite sides of the two helical vanes. One helical vane extends inwardly from a housing and the other helical vane extends outwardly from an elongated rod. The elongated rod may be caused to move linearly with respect to the housing by applying appropriate charges of like or opposite polarity to the electrical conductors on the helical vanes

    Boundary-layer and wake measurements on a swept, circulation-control wing

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    Wind-tunnel measurements of boundary-layer and wake velocity profiles and surface static pressure distributions are presented for a swept, circulation-control wing. The model is an aspect-ratio-four semispan wing mounted on the tunnel side wall at a sweep angle of 45 deg. A full-span, tangential, rearward blowing, circulation-control slot is located ahead of the trailing edge on the upper surface. Flow surveys were obtained at mid-semispan at freestream Mach numbers of 0.425 and 0.70. Boundary-layer profiles measured on the forward portions of the wing are approximately streamwise and two dimensional. The flow in the vicinity of the jet exit and in the near wake is highly three dimensional. The jet flow near the slot on the Coanda surface is directed normal to the slot. Near-wake surveys show large outboard flows at the center of the wake. At Mach 0.425 and a 5-deg angle of attack, a range of jet-blowing rates was found for which an abrupt transition from incipient separation to attached flow occurs in the boundary layer upstream of the slot. The variation in the lower-surface separation location with blowing rate was determined from boundary-layer measurements at Mach 0.425

    Boundary-layer and wake measurements on a swept, circulation-control wing

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    Wind tunnel measurements of boundary layer and wake velocity profiles and surface static pressure distributions are presented for a swept, circulation control wing. The model is an aspect ratio four semispan wing mounted on the tunnel side wall as a sweep angle of 45 deg. A full span, tangetial, rearward blowing, circulation control slot is located ahead of the trailing edge on the upper surface. Flow surveys were obtained at mid-semispan at freestream Mach numbers of 0.425 and 0.70. Boundary layer profiles measured on the forward portions of the wing are approximately streamwise and two dimensional. The flow in the vicinity of the jet exit and in the near wake is highly three dimensional. The jet flow near the slot on the Coanda surface is directed normal to the slot. Near wake surveys show large outboard flows at the center of the wake. At Mach 0.425 and a 5 deg angle of attack, a range of jet blowing rates was found for which an abrupt transition from incipient separation to attached flow occurs in the boundary layer upstream of the slot. The variation in the lower surface separation location with blowing rate was determined from the boundary layer measurements at Mach 0.425

    Development of a liquid-fed water resistojet

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    A concept for a forced-flow once-through water vaporizer for application to resistojet thrusters was evaluated as an element of a laboratory model thruster and tested to investigate its operating characteristics. The vaporizer design concept employs flow swirling to attach the liquid flow to the boiler chamber wall, providing for separation of the two liquid phases. This vaporizer was modified with a nozzle and a centrally-located heater to facilitate vaporization, superheating, and expansion of the propellant, allowing it to function as a resistojet. Performance was measured at thrust levels ranging from 170 to 360 mN and at power levels ranging from 443 to 192 W. Maximum measured specific impulse was 192 sec

    Finite element methodology for integrated flow-thermal-structural analysis

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    Papers entitled, An Adaptive Finite Element Procedure for Compressible Flows and Strong Viscous-Inviscid Interactions, and An Adaptive Remeshing Method for Finite Element Thermal Analysis, were presented at the June 27 to 29, 1988, meeting of the AIAA Thermophysics, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, San Antonio, Texas. The papers describe research work supported under NASA/Langley Research Grant NsG-1321, and are submitted in fulfillment of the progress report requirement on the grant for the period ending February 29, 1988
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