758 research outputs found

    Half-Megasecond Chandra Spectral Imaging of the Hot Circumgalactic Nebula around Quasar Mrk 231

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    A deep 400-ksec ACIS-S observation of the nearest quasar known, Mrk 231, is combined with archival 120-ksec data obtained with the same instrument and setup to carry out the first ever spatially resolved spectral analysis of a hot X-ray emitting circumgalactic nebula around a quasar. The 65 x 50 kpc X-ray nebula shares no resemblance with the tidal debris seen at optical wavelengths. One notable exception is the small tidal arc 3.5 kpc south of the nucleus where excess soft X-ray continuum emission and Si XIII 1.8 keV line emission are detected, consistent with star formation and its associated alpha-element enhancement, respectively. An X-ray shadow is also detected at the location of the 15-kpc northern tidal tail. The hard X-ray continuum emission within 6 kpc of the center is consistent with being due entirely to the bright central AGN. The soft X-ray spectrum of the outer (>6 kpc) portion of the nebula is best described as the sum of two thermal components with T~3 and ~8 million K and spatially uniform super-solar alpha element abundances, relative to iron. This result implies enhanced star formation activity over ~10^8 yrs accompanied with redistribution of the metals on large scale. The low-temperature thermal component is not present within 6 kpc of the nucleus, suggesting extra heating in this region from the circumnuclear starburst, the central quasar, or the wide-angle quasar-driven outflow identified from optical IFU spectroscopy on a scale of >3 kpc. Significant azimuthal variations in the soft X-ray intensity are detected in the inner region where the outflow is present. The soft X-ray emission is weaker in the western quadrant, coincident with a deficit of Halpha and some of the largest columns of neutral gas outflowing from the nucleus. Shocks created by the interaction of the wind with the ambient ISM may heat the gas to high temperatures at this location. (abridged)Comment: 43 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Local Swift-BAT active galactic nuclei prefer circumnuclear star formation

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    We use Herschel data to analyze the size of the far-infrared 70micron emission for z<0.06 local samples of 277 hosts of Swift-BAT selected active galactic nuclei (AGN), and 515 comparison galaxies that are not detected by BAT. For modest far-infrared luminosities 8.5<log(LFIR)<10.5, we find large scatter of half light radii Re70 for both populations, but a typical Re70 <~ 1 kpc for the BAT hosts that is only half that of comparison galaxies of same far-infrared luminosity. The result mostly reflects a more compact distribution of star formation (and hence gas) in the AGN hosts, but compact AGN heated dust may contribute in some extremely AGN-dominated systems. Our findings are in support of an AGN-host coevolution where accretion onto the central black hole and star formation are fed from the same gas reservoir, with more efficient black hole feeding if that reservoir is more concentrated. The significant scatter in the far-infrared sizes emphasizes that we are mostly probing spatial scales much larger than those of actual accretion, and that rapid accretion variations can smear the distinction between the AGN and comparison categories. Large samples are hence needed to detect structural differences that favour feeding of the black hole. No size difference AGN host vs. comparison galaxies is observed at higher far-infrared luminosities log(LFIR)>10.5 (star formation rates >~ 6 Msun/yr), possibly because these are typically reached in more compact regions in the first place.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Environmental, genotypic, and ploidy effects on endopolyploidization within a genotype of Solanum phureja and its derivatives

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    Flow-cytometric analyses of DNA content were performed on chopped in vivo, in vitro, and protoplast-derived in vitro nuclei of Solanum phureja. An anther-derived monoploid genotype and a diploid and tetraploid clone, derived from callus culture of the monoploid genotype, were used to characterize the influence of in vivo and in vitro environment and explant ploidy level on the extent of endopolyploidization. In addition, protoplast-derived nuclei, from nine anther-derived monoploid genotypes, were examined for genotypic influences on endopolyploidization. DNA distributions of the anther-derived monoploid and callus-derived clones in vivo contained peaks corresponding to 1C, 2C, and 4C DNA levels. By comparison, diploid and tetraploid clones cultured in vitro did not contain 1C DNA peaks. Nuclear DNA content beyond the 4C level was not observed in any of the samples tested. The frequency of monoploid nuclei did not vary significantly among protoplast-derived nuclei from the monoploid genotypes; however, significant differences were detected between replications over time. Variability among the monoploid genotypes was shown for frequency of endoreplicated (4C) nuclei, indicating a genotypic influence on monoploid stability

    Variability for Critical Photoperiod for Tuberization and Tuber Yield Among Monoploid, Anther-derived Genotypes of Solanum phureja

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    Monoploid genotypes (2n = x = 12), derived by anther culture of a diplandrous (2n pollen-producing) clone of Solanum phureja Juz. & Buk., a South American diploid potato species, were examined for their use in germplasm development. Nine monoploid genotypes and the anther-donor genotype were grown in three chambers (10-, 14-, and 18-hr daylengths) to examine the effect of photoperiod on tuber yield and to determine the variability for critical photoperiod for tuberization. Significant differences were found among the monoploid genotypes for tuber weight and tuber number. Longer photoperiod treatments decreased and delayed tuberization. Axillary tuber formation from single-node cuttings was used to estimate the onset of tuber induction and demonstrated variability among monoploid genotypes for critical photoperiod for tuberization


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    Flow-cytometric analysis of pollen samples obtained from Solanum phureja, clone PP5, grown under 10, 14, and 18 hour photoperiods at the Southeastern Plant Environment Laboratories of North Carolina State University yielded two populations of pollen based on size parameters. These populations corresponded to pollen separation based on propidium iodide staining of DNA. Anther culture response from plants grown under 14 and 18 hour photo periods for 8, I 0, 12, and 14 weeks was greatest from 8 week old plants grown under a 14 hour photoperiod. Net photosynthesis was significantly higher for plants grown under a 10 hour photoperiod than for plants grown under either a 14, or 18 hour photoperiod. A significant positive correlation was found between net photosynthesis and tuber yield. Results suggest that vegetative growth is increased under short photoperiods, floral development is favored under long photoperiods, and androgenesis is greatest from young plants grown under an intermediate photoperiod


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    Flow-cytometric analysis of pollen samples obtained from Solanum phureja, clone PP5, grown under 10, 14, and 18 hour photoperiods at the Southeastern Plant Environment Laboratories of North Carolina State University yielded two populations of pollen based on size parameters. These populations corresponded to pollen separation based on propidium iodide staining of DNA. Anther culture response from plants grown under 14 and 18 hour photo periods for 8, I 0, 12, and 14 weeks was greatest from 8 week old plants grown under a 14 hour photoperiod. Net photosynthesis was significantly higher for plants grown under a 10 hour photoperiod than for plants grown under either a 14, or 18 hour photoperiod. A significant positive correlation was found between net photosynthesis and tuber yield. Results suggest that vegetative growth is increased under short photoperiods, floral development is favored under long photoperiods, and androgenesis is greatest from young plants grown under an intermediate photoperiod

    A Deep HST H-Band Imaging Survey of Massive Gas-Rich Mergers. II. The QUEST PG QSOs

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    We report the results from a deep HST NICMOS H-band imaging survey of 28 z < 0.3 QSOs from the Palomar-Green (PG) sample. This program is part of QUEST (Quasar / ULIRG Evolution STudy) and complements a similar set of data on 26 highly-nucleated ULIRGs presented in Paper I. Our analysis indicates that the fraction of QSOs with elliptical hosts is higher among QSOs with undetected far-infrared (FIR) emission, small infrared excess, and luminous hosts. The hosts of FIR-faint QSOs show a tendency to have less pronounced merger-induced morphological anomalies and larger QSO-to-host luminosity ratios on average than the hosts of FIR-bright QSOs, consistent with late-merger evolution from FIR-bright to FIR-faint QSOs. The spheroid sizes and total host luminosities of the radio-quiet PG QSOs in our sample are statistically indistinguishable from the ULIRG hosts presented in Paper I, while those of radio-loud PG QSOs are systematically larger and more luminous. ULIRGs and PG QSOs with elliptical hosts fall near, but not exactly on, the fundamental plane of inactive spheroids. We confirm the systematic trend noted in Paper I for objects with small (< 2 kpc) spheroids to be up to ~1 mag. brighter than inactive spheroids. The host colors and wavelength dependence of their sizes support the idea that these deviations are due at least in part to non-nuclear star formation. However, the amplitudes of these deviations does not depend on host R-H colors. Taken at face value (i.e., no correction for extinction or the presence of a young stellar population), the H-band spheroid-host luminosities imply BH masses ~5 -- 200 x 10^7 M_sun and sub-Eddington mass accretion rates for both QSOs and ULIRGs. These results are compared with published BH mass estimates derived from other methods. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 701, August 20 issue. Paper with high-resolution figures can be downloaded at http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/pubs/nicmos2.pd

    A Connection between Star Formation in Nuclear Rings and their Host Galaxies

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    We present results from a photometric H-alpha survey of 22 nuclear rings, aiming to provide insight into their star formation properties, including age distribution, dynamical timescales, star formation rates, and galactic bar influence. We find a clear relationship between the position angles and ellipticities of the rings and those of their host galaxies, which indicates the rings are in the same plane as the disk and circular. We use population synthesis models to estimate ages of each H-alpha emitting HII region, which range from 1 Myr to 10 Myrs throughout the rings. We find that approximately half of the rings contain azimuthal age gradients that encompass at least 25% of the ring, although there is no apparent relationship between the presence or absence of age gradients and the morphology of the rings or their host galaxies. NGC1343, NGC1530, and NGC4321 show clear bipolar age gradients, where the youngest HII regions are located near the two contact points of the bar and ring. We speculate in these cases that the gradients are related to an increased mass inflow rate and/or an overall higher gas density in the ring, which would allow for massive star formation to occur on short timescales, after which the galactic rotation would transport the HII regions around the ring as they age. Two-thirds of the barred galaxies show correlation between the locations of the youngest HII region(s) in the ring and the location of the contact points, which is consistent with predictions from numerical modeling.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures (7 color), 23 tables, accepted for publication in ApJS (Feb 08); NASA-GSFC, IAC, University of Maryland, STSc

    Spectroscopic FIR mapping of the disk and galactic wind of M82 with Herschel-PACS

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    [Abridged] We present maps of the main cooling lines of the neutral atomic gas ([OI] at 63 and 145 micron and [CII] at 158 micron) and in the [OIII] 88 micron line of the starburst galaxy M82, carried out with the PACS spectrometer on board the Herschel satellite. By applying PDR modeling we derive maps of the main ISM physical parameters, including the [CII] optical depth, at unprecedented spatial resolution (~300 pc). We can clearly kinematically separate the disk from the outflow in all lines. The [CII] and [OI] distributions are consistent with PDR emission both in the disk and in the outflow. Surprisingly, in the outflow, the atomic and the ionized gas traced by the [OIII] line both have a deprojected velocity of ~75 km/s, very similar to the average velocity of the outflowing cold molecular gas (~ 100 km/s) and several times smaller than the outflowing material detected in Halpha (~ 600 km/s). This suggests that the cold molecular and neutral atomic gas and the ionized gas traced by the [OIII] 88 micron line are dynamically coupled to each other but decoupled from the Halpha emitting gas. We propose a scenario where cold clouds from the disk are entrained into the outflow by the winds where they likely evaporate, surviving as small, fairly dense cloudlets (n_H\sim 500-1000 cm^-3, G_0\sim 500- 1000, T_gas\sim300 K). We show that the UV photons provided by the starburst are sufficient to excite the PDR shells around the molecular cores. The mass of the neutral atomic gas in the outflow is \gtrsim 5-12x 10^7 M_sun to be compared with that of the molecular gas (3.3 x 10^8 M_sun) and of the Halpha emitting gas (5.8 x 10^6 M_sun). The mass loading factor, (dM/dt)/SFR, of the molecular plus neutral atomic gas in the outflow is ~ 2. Energy and momentum driven outflow models can explain the data equally well, if all the outflowing gas components are taken into account.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figures, 4 Tables, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Multiscale Modeling of Damage Processes in Aluminum Alloys: Grain-Scale Mechanisms

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    This paper has two goals related to the development of a physically-grounded methodology for modeling the initial stages of fatigue crack growth in an aluminum alloy. The aluminum alloy, AA 7075-T651, is susceptible to fatigue cracking that nucleates from cracked second phase iron-bearing particles. Thus, the first goal of the paper is to validate an existing framework for the prediction of the conditions under which the particles crack. The observed statistics of particle cracking (defined as incubation for this alloy) must be accurately predicted to simulate the stochastic nature of microstructurally small fatigue crack (MSFC) formation. Also, only by simulating incubation of damage in a statistically accurate manner can subsequent stages of crack growth be accurately predicted. To maintain fidelity and computational efficiency, a filtering procedure was developed to eliminate particles that were unlikely to crack. The particle filter considers the distributions of particle sizes and shapes, grain texture, and the configuration of the surrounding grains. This filter helps substantially reduce the number of particles that need to be included in the microstructural models and forms the basis of the future work on the subsequent stages of MSFC, crack nucleation and microstructurally small crack propagation. A physics-based approach to simulating fracture should ultimately begin at nanometer length scale, in which atomistic simulation is used to predict the fundamental damage mechanisms of MSFC. These mechanisms include dislocation formation and interaction, interstitial void formation, and atomic diffusion. However, atomistic simulations quickly become computationally intractable as the system size increases, especially when directly linking to the already large microstructural models. Therefore, the second goal of this paper is to propose a method that will incorporate atomistic simulation and small-scale experimental characterization into the existing multiscale framework. At the microscale, the nanoscale mechanics are represented within cohesive zones where appropriate, i.e. where the mechanics observed at the nanoscale can be represented as occurring on a plane such as at grain boundaries or slip planes at a crack front. Important advancements that are yet to be made include: 1. an increased fidelity in cohesive zone modeling; 2. a means to understand how atomistic simulation scales with time; 3. a new experimental methodology for generating empirical models for CZMs and emerging materials; and 4. a validation of simulations of the damage processes at the nano-micro scale. With ever-increasing computer power, the long-term ability to employ atomistic simulation for the prognosis of structural components will not be limited by computation power, but by our lack of knowledge in incorporating atomistic models into simulations of MSFC into a multiscale framework
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