4,407 research outputs found

    High-temperature capacitive strain measurement system

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    Capacitive strain gage and signal conditioning system measures stress-induced strain and cancels thermal expansion strain at temperatures to 1,500 F (815 C). Gage does not significantly restrain or reinforce specimen

    Path-integral Monte Carlo simulations for interacting few-electron quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling

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    We develop path-integral Monte Carlo simulations for a parabolic two-dimensional (2D) quantum dot containing NN interacting electrons in the presence of Dresselhaus and/or Rashba spin-orbit couplings. Our method solves in a natural way the spin contamination problem and allows for numerically exact finite-temperature results at weak spin-orbit coupling. For N<10N<10 electrons, we present data for the addition energy, the particle density, and the total spin SS in the Wigner molecule regime of strong Coulomb interactions. We identify magic numbers at N=3 and N=7 via a peak in the addition energy. These magic numbers differ both from weak-interaction and classical predictions, and are stable with respect to (weak) spin-orbit couplings.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, few minor changes, published versio

    Roadmap to Majorana surface codes

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    Surface codes offer a very promising avenue towards fault-tolerant quantum computation. We argue that two-dimensional interacting networks of Majorana bound states in topological superconductor/semiconductor heterostructures hold several distinct advantages in that direction, both concerning the hardware realization and the actual operation of the code. We here discuss how topologically protected logical qubits in this Majorana surface code architecture can be defined, initialized, manipulated, and read out. All physical ingredients needed to implement these operations are routinely used in topologically trivial quantum devices. In particular, we show that by means of quantum interference terms in linear conductance measurements, composite single-electron pumping protocols, and gate-tunable tunnel barriers, the full set of quantum gates required for universal quantum computation can be implemented.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Towards realistic implementations of a Majorana surface code

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    Surface codes have emerged as promising candidates for quantum information processing. Building on the previous idea to realize the physical qubits of such systems in terms of Majorana bound states supported by topological semiconductor nanowires, we show that the basic code operations, namely projective stabilizer measurements and qubit manipulations, can be implemented by conventional tunnel conductance probes and charge pumping via single-electron transistors, respectively. The simplicity of the access scheme suggests that a functional code might be in close experimental reach.Comment: 5 pages, 1 p. suppl.mat, PRL in pres

    Diamagnetism of doped two-leg ladders and probing the nature of their commensurate phases

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    We study the magnetic orbital effect of a doped two-leg ladder in the presence of a magnetic field component perpendicular to the ladder plane. Combining both low-energy approach (bosonization) and numerical simulations (density-matrix renormalization group) on the strong coupling limit (t-J model), a rich phase diagram is established as a function of hole doping and magnetic flux. Above a critical flux, the spin gap is destroyed and a Luttinger liquid phase is stabilized. Above a second critical flux, a reentrance of the spin gap at high magnetic flux is found. Interestingly, the phase transitions are associated with a change of sign of the orbital susceptibility. Focusing on the small magnetic field regime, the spin-gapped superconducting phase is robust but immediately acquires algebraic transverse (i.e. along rungs) current correlations which are commensurate with the 4k_F density correlations. In addition, we have computed the zero-field orbital susceptibility for a large range of doping and interactions ratio J/t : we found strong anomalies at low J/t only in the vicinity of the commensurate fillings corresponding to delta = 1/4 and 1/2. Furthermore, the behavior of the orbital susceptibility reveals that the nature of these insulating phases is different: while for delta = 1/4 a 4k_F charge density wave is confirmed, the delta = 1/2 phase is shown to be a bond order wave.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Current bistability and hysteresis in strongly correlated quantum wires

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    Nonequilibrium transport properties are determined exactly for an adiabatically connected single channel quantum wire containing one impurity. Employing the Luttinger liquid model with interaction parameter gg, for very strong interactions g\lapx 0.2, and sufficiently low temperatures, we find an S-shaped current-voltage relation. The unstable branch with negative differential conductance gives rise to current oscillations and hysteretic effects. These non perturbative and non linear features appear only out of equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Spin-orbit coupling and electron spin resonance for interacting electrons in carbon nanotubes

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    We review the theoretical description of spin-orbit scattering and electron spin resonance in carbon nanotubes. Particular emphasis is laid on the effects of electron-electron interactions. The spin-orbit coupling is derived, and the resulting ESR spectrum is analyzed both using the effective low-energy field theory and numerical studies of finite-size Hubbard chains and two-leg Hubbard ladders. For single-wall tubes, the field theoretical description predicts a double peak spectrum linked to the existence of spin-charge separation. The numerical analysis basically confirms this picture, but also predicts additional features in finite-size samples.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, invited review article for special issue in J. Phys. Cond. Mat., published versio
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