2,218 research outputs found

    A shift in the spatial pattern of Iberian droughts during the 17th century

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    In this paper, series of drought occurrence and drought extension in the Iberian Peninsula are constructed for the 1600–1750 period from seven rogation series. These rogation ceremony records come from Bilbao, Catalonia, Zamora, Zaragoza, Toledo, Murcia and Seville. They are distributed across the Peninsula and include the areas with the most characteristic Iberian climate types, influenced by the Atlantic and the Mediterranean conditions, described from modern data. A seasonal division of the series shows that spring is a critical season for rogation series in most of Iberia, being Bilbao the only site were the highest number of rogations is detected for a different season. The annual analysis of the series shows a dramatic difference between the first half of the 17th century when droughts are characterized by its local character; and the rest of the period, when they affect to broader regions or even to the whole Peninsula. The analysis of spring series confirms the existence of the two periods detected in the annual analysis. Finally, secondary documentary sources are used to further characterise the two most extended droughts in the period, 1664 and 1680, and to verify the extension of the areas affected by droughts recorded through rogation series

    Global design of analog cells using statistical optimization techniques

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    We present a methodology for automated sizing of analog cells using statistical optimization in a simulation based approach. This methodology enables us to design complex analog cells from scratch within reasonable CPU time. Three different specification types are covered: strong constraints on the electrical performance of the cells, weak constraints on this performance, and design objectives. A mathematical cost function is proposed and a bunch of heuristics is given to increase accuracy and reduce CPU time to minimize the cost function. A technique is also presented to yield designs with reduced variability in the performance parameters, under random variations of the transistor technological parameters. Several CMOS analog cells with complexity levels up to 48 transistors are designed for illustration. Measurements from fabricated prototypes demonstrate the suitability of the proposed methodology

    Análisis del rendimiento de grano y sus componentes en cereales sintéticos (Tricepiros y Triticales)

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    The yield components of tricepiro and triticale experimental lines, with aptitude for grain and forage production, were analyzed in this work as an indirect approach to improve grain production. Partitioning of single correlations in direct and indirect effects provides information on the functional relationship between components of diferent hierarchy and the end product. The thousand grain weight showed a highly significant direct influence on grain yield. The number of grain per ear hadal so a significant effect but was a less explanatory variable. The use of these two variables together would help plant breeders to select genotypes with better grain yield.En éste trabajo se analizan los componentes de rendimiento de líneas experimentales de triticales y tricepiros con aptitud para grano y forraje como criterio de selección indirecta para incrementar el rendimiento de grano. La partición de las correlaciones simples en efectos directos e indirectos brinda información sobre la relación funcional entre componentes de diferente jerarquía y el producto final. El peso de mil granos tuvo una influencia directa muy significativa sobre el rendimiento de grano. El número de granos por espiga influye menos pero significativamente. Estas dos variables ayudarían al mejorador en su objetivo de elevar el rendimiento de grano

    Identificación y especularidad en los espectadores de violencia en televisión: una reconstrucción a partir del discurso.

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    Numerosos autores han vinculado la experiencia de ver violencia en televisión con procesos de identificación. La investigación ha descubierto dimensiones que no recogen con precisión la experiencia peculiar de los espectadores. El objetivo de este trabajo es reconstruir la noción de identificación a partir del discurso. Se analizaron ocho grupos focales con visionado de fragmentos de programas con violencia real o ficticia. Los resultados muestran que la identificación está conectada a la especularidad, la posibilidad de experimentar la misma emoción e impacto de los personajes, según la similitud o preferencia de los espectadores. Por último, se discuten las implicaciones sobre los efectos de la violencia en televisió

    A CMOS 0.8 μm fully differential current mode buffer for HF SI circuits

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    El pdf del artículo es la versión post-print.We present a high-frequency fully-differential current-mode buffer to interface off-chip currents with no significant degradation of the frequency response, and to measure current-mode ICs using standard equipment. It has been fabricated in a 0.8μm double-poly double-metal CMOS technology and features more than 37MHz bandwidth. In order to show its functionality, this unit has been incorporated to the front end of a Switched-Current Band-Pass ΣΔ modulator featuring 9 bit dynamic range at 10MHz clock frequency for a 30kHz signal bandwidth centered at 2.5MHz.Peer reviewe

    Los espectadores ante la violencia televisiva: funciones, efectos e interpretaciones situadas

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    La investigación sobre violencia en televisión se ha orientado a una labor cuantificadora de lo emitido o a la práctica experimental para determinar sus posibles efectos. El presente trabajo se centra en cómo interpretan los espectadores las imágenes de violencia. Basado en el análisis de 16 grupos de discusión, muestra las dimensiones que mediatizan los posibles efectos de la violencia televisiva; en concreto, las condiciones en que se reconocen y clasifican escenas de violencia, las funciones de la imagen violenta, las emociones y sentimientos despertados por ella y los procesos de identificación que se pueden producir con los personajes de las escenas

    The uncertain role of rising atmospheric CO2 on global plant transpiration

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    As CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rises, there is a need for improved physical understanding of its impact on global plant transpiration. This knowledge gap poses a major hurdle in robustly projecting changes in the global hydrologic cycle. For this reason, here we review the different processes by which atmospheric CO2 concentration affects plant transpiration, the several uncertainties related to the complex physiological and radiative processes involved, and the knowledge gaps which need to be filled in order to improve predictions of plant transpiration. Although there is a high degree of certainty that rising CO2 will impact plant transpiration, the exact nature of this impact remains unclear due to complex interactions between CO2 and climate, and key aspects of plant morphology and physiology. The interplay between these factors has substantial consequences not only for future climate and global vegetation, but also for water availability needed for sustaining the productivity of terrestrial ecosystems. Future changes in global plant transpiration in response to enhanced CO2 are expected to be driven by water availability, atmospheric evaporative demand, plant physiological processes, emergent plant disturbances related to increasing temperatures, and the modification of plant physiology and coverage. Considering the universal sensitivity of natural and agricultural systems to terrestrial water availability we argue that reliable future projections of transpiration is an issue of the highest priority, which can only be achieved by integrating monitoring and modeling efforts to improve the representation of CO2 effects on plant transpiration in the next generation of earth system models. © 2022 The Author