3,801 research outputs found

    Dynamical Encoding by Networks of Competing Neuron Groups: Winnerless Competition

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    Following studies of olfactory processing in insects and fish, we investigate neural networks whose dynamics in phase space is represented by orbits near the heteroclinic connections between saddle regions (fixed points or limit cycles). These networks encode input information as trajectories along the heteroclinic connections. If there are N neurons in the network, the capacity is approximately e(N-1)!, i.e., much larger than that of most traditional network structures. We show that a small winnerless competition network composed of FitzHugh-Nagumo spiking neurons efficiently transforms input information into a spatiotemporal output

    Contact tracing and epidemics control in social networks

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    A generalization of the standard susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) stochastic model for epidemics in sparse random networks is introduced which incorporates contact tracing in addition to random screening. We propose a deterministic mean-field description which yields quantitative agreement with stochastic simulations on random graphs. We also analyze the role of contact tracing in epidemics control in small-world networks and show that its effectiveness grows as the rewiring probability is reduced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Free Form of the Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation in External Electromagnetic Fields

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    We derive the exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation for Dirac fermions in a time independent external electromagnetic field in the basis of the Ritus eigenfunctions, namely the eigenfunctions of the operator (γ⋅Π)2(\gamma \cdot \Pi)^2, with ΠΌ=pΌ−eAÎŒ\Pi^\mu = p^\mu - e A^\mu. In this basis, the transformation acquires a free form involving the dynamical quantum numbers induced by the field.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted in J. Phys. A: Math. and Theo. (Fast Track Communication

    Vibration-induced granular segregation: a phenomenon driven by three mechanisms

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    The segregation of large spheres in a granular bed under vertical vibrations is studied. In our experiments we systematically measure rise times as a function of density, diameter and depth; for two different sinusoidal excitations. The measurements reveal that: at low frequencies, inertia and convection are the only mechanisms behind segregation. Inertia (convection) dominates when the relative density is greater (less) than one. At high frequencies, where convection is suppressed, fluidization of the granular bed causes either buoyancy or sinkage and segregation occurs.Comment: 4 pages. 3 figures, revtex4, to appear in PRL (in press

    Entanglement and alpha entropies for a massive scalar field in two dimensions

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    We find the analytic expression of the trace of powers of the reduced density matrix on an interval of length L, for a massive boson field in 1+1 dimensions. This is given exactly (except for a non universal factor) in terms of a finite sum of solutions of non linear differential equations of the Painlev\'e V type. Our method is a generalization of one introduced by Myers and is based on the explicit calculation of quantities related to the Green function on a plane, where boundary conditions are imposed on a finite cut. It is shown that the associated partition function is related to correlators of exponential operators in the Sine-Gordon model in agreement with a result by Delfino et al. We also compute the short and long distance leading terms of the entanglement entropy. We find that the bosonic entropic c-function interpolates between the Dirac and Majorana fermion ones given in a previous paper. Finally, we study some universal terms for the entanglement entropy in arbitrary dimensions which, in the case of free fields, can be expressed in terms of the two dimensional entropy functions.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Mirror matter admixtures and isospin breaking in the \Delta I=1/2 rule in \Omega^- two body non-leptonic decays

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    We discuss a description of \Omega^- two body non-leptonic decays based on possible, albeit tiny, admixtures of mirror matter in ordinary hadrons. The \Delta I=1/2 rule enhancement is obtained as a result of isospin symmetry and, more importantly, the rather large observed deviations from this rule result from small isospin breaking. This analysis lends support to the possibility that the enhancement phenomenon observed in low energy weak interactions may be systematically described by mirror matter admixtures in ordinary hadrons.Comment: Changed conten
