40,031 research outputs found

    Modeling dust emission in PN IC 418

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    We investigated the infrared (IR) dust emission from PN IC 418, using a detailed model controlled by a previous determination of the stellar properties and the characteristics of the photoionized nebula, keeping as free parameters the dust types, amounts and distributions relative to the distance of the central star. The model includes the ionized region and the neutral region beyond the recombination front (Photodissociation region, or PDR), where the [OI] and [CII] IR lines are formed. We succeeded in reproducing the observed infrared emission from 2 to 200~\mm. The global energy budget is fitted by summing up contributions from big grains of amorphous carbon located in the neutral region and small graphite grains located in the ionized region (closer to the central star). Two emission features seen at 11.5 and 30~\mm are also reproduced by assuming them to be due to silicon carbide (SiC) and magnesium and iron sulfides (Mgx_xFe1x_{1-x}S), respectively. For this, we needed to consider ellipsoidal shapes for the grains to reproduce the wavelength distribution of the features. Some elements are depleted in the gaseous phase: Mg, Si, and S have sub-solar abundances (-0.5 dex below solar by mass), while the abundance of C+N+O+Ne by mass is close to solar. Adding the abundances of the elements present in the dusty and gaseous forms leads to values closer to but not higher than solar, confirming that the identification of the feature carriers is plausible. Iron is strongly depleted (3 dex below solar) and the small amount present in dust in our model is far from being enough to recover the solar value. A remaining feature is found as a residue of the fitting process, between 12 and 25~\mm, for which we do not have identification.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. V2: adding reference

    Universality in the transport response of molecular wires physisorbed onto graphene electrodes

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    We analyze the low-voltage transport response of large molecular wires bridging graphene electrodes, where the molecules are physisorbed onto the graphene sheets by planar anchor groups. In our study, the sheets are pulled away to vary the gap length and the relative atomic positions. The molecular wires are also translated in directions parallel and perpendicular to the sheets. We show that the energy position of the Breit-Wigner molecular resonances is universal for a given molecule, in the sense that it is independent of the details of the graphene edges, gaps lengths or of the molecule positions. We discuss the need to converge carefully the k-sampling to provide reasonable values of the conductance.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Generation of entangled photon pairs in optical cavity-QED: Operating in the bad cavity limit

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    We propose an optical cavity-QED scheme for the deterministic generation of polarization entangled photon pairs that operates with high fidelity even in the bad cavity limit. The scheme is based on the interaction of an excited four-level atom with two empty optical cavity modes via an adiabatic passage process. Monte-Carlo wave function simulations are used to evaluate the fidelity of the cavity-QED source and its entanglement capability in the presence of decoherence. In the bad cavity limit, fidelities close to one are predicted for state-of-the-art experimental parameter values.Comment: 9 pages and 5 figure

    On the frequency dependence of p-mode frequency shifts induced by magnetic activity in Kepler solar-like stars

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    The variations of the frequencies of the low-degree acoustic oscillations in the Sun induced by magnetic activity show a dependence with radial order. The frequency shifts are observed to increase towards higher-order modes to reach a maximum of about 0.8 muHz over the 11-yr solar cycle. A comparable frequency dependence is also measured in two other main-sequence solar-like stars, the F-star HD49933, and the young 1-Gyr-old solar analog KIC10644253, although with different amplitudes of the shifts of about 2 muHz and 0.5 muHz respectively. Our objective here is to extend this analysis to stars with different masses, metallicities, and evolutionary stages. From an initial set of 87 Kepler solar-like oscillating stars with already known individual p-mode frequencies, we identify five stars showing frequency shifts that can be considered reliable using selection criteria based on Monte Carlo simulations and on the photospheric magnetic activity proxy Sph. The frequency dependence of the frequency shifts of four of these stars could be measured for the l=0 and l=1 modes individually. Given the quality of the data, the results could indicate that a different physical source of perturbation than in the Sun is dominating in this sample of solar-like stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A comment on "Intergenerational equity: sup, inf, lim sup, and lim inf"

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    We reexamine the analysis of Chambers (Social Choice and Welfare, 2009), that produces a characterization of a family of social welfare functions in the context of intergenerational equity: namely, those that coincide with either the sup, inf, lim sup, or lim inf rule. Reinforcement, ordinal covariance, and monotonicity jointly identify such class of rules. We show that the addition of a suitable axiom to this three properties permits to characterize each particular rule. A discussion of the respective distinctive properties is provided.Social welfare function; Intergenerational equity; Lim sup ; Lim inf

    Rational choice by two sequential criteria

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    This paper contributes to the theory of rational choice under multiple criteria. We perform a preliminary study of the properties of decision made by the sequential application of rational choices. This is then used to obtain a characterization of set-valued choice functions that are rational by two sequential criteria, which follows the approach initiated by Manzini and Mariotti (Amer. Econ. Rev., 2007) for single-valued choice functions. Uniqueness is not guaranteed but our proof is constructive and an explicit solution is provided in terms of approximation choice functions.Choice function; rational choice; compound function.

    A model for conservative chaos constructed from multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates with a trap in 2 dimensions

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    To show a mechanism leading to the breakdown of a particle picture for the multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates(BECs) with a harmonic trap in high dimensions, we investigate the corresponding 2-dd nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation (Gross-Pitaevskii equation) with use of a modified variational principle. A molecule of two identical Gaussian wavepackets has two degrees of freedom(DFs), the separation of center-of-masses and the wavepacket width. Without the inter-component interaction(ICI) these DFs show independent regular oscillations with the degenerate eigen-frequencies. The inclusion of ICI strongly mixes these DFs, generating a fat mode that breaks a particle picture, which however can be recovered by introducing a time-periodic ICI with zero average. In case of the molecule of three wavepackets for a three-component BEC, the increase of amplitude of ICI yields a transition from regular to chaotic oscillations in the wavepacket breathing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Birth, death and diffusion of interacting particles

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    Individual-based models of chemical or biological dynamics usually consider individual entities diffusing in space and performing a birth-death type dynamics. In this work we study the properties of a model in this class where the birth dynamics is mediated by the local, within a given distance, density of particles. Groups of individuals are formed in the system and in this paper we concentrate on the study of the properties of these clusters (lifetime, size, and collective diffusion). In particular, in the limit of the interaction distance approaching the system size, a unique cluster appears which helps to understand and characterize the clustering dynamics of the model.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, Iop style. To appear in Journal of Physics A: Condensed matte