247 research outputs found

    Dynamics of precipitation pattern formation at geothermal hot springs

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    We formulate and model the dynamics of spatial patterns arising during the precipitation of calcium carbonate from a supersaturated shallow water flow. The model describes the formation of travertine deposits at geothermal hot springs and rimstone dams of calcite in caves. We find explicit solutions for travertine domes at low flow rates, identify the linear instabilities which generate dam and pond formation on sloped substrates, and present simulations of statistical landscape evolution

    Discovery of a New Deeply Eclipsing SU UMa-Type Dwarf Nova, IY UMa (= TmzV85)

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    We discovered a new deeply eclipsing SU UMa-type dwarf nova, IY UMa, which experienced a superoutburst in 2000 January. Our monitoring revealed two distinct outbursts, which suggest a superoutburst interval of ~800 d, or its half, and an outburst amplitude of 5.4 mag. From time-series photometry during the superoutburst, we determined a superhump and orbital period of 0.07588 d and 0.0739132 d, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by PASJ lette

    Fabrication and Characterization of Large Numerical Aperture, High-Resolution Optical Fiber Bundles Based on High-Contrast Pairs of Soft Glasses for Fluorescence Imaging

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    Fabrication and characterization of flexible optical fiber bundles (FBs) with inhouse synthesized high-index and low-index thermally matched glasses are presented. The FBs composed of around 15000 single-core fibers with pixel sizes between 1.1 and 10 μm are fabricated using the stack-and-draw technique from sets of thermally matched zirconiumsilicate ZR3, borosilicate SK222, sodium-silicate K209, and F2 glasses. With high refractive index contrast pair of glasses ZR3/SK222 and K209/F2, FBs with numerical apertures (NAs) of 0.53 and 0.59 are obtained, respectively. Among the studied glass materials, ZR3, SK222, and K209 are in-house synthesized, while F2 is commercially acquired. Seven different FBs with varying pixel sizes and bundle diameters are characterized. Brightfield imaging of a micro-ruler and a Convallaria majalis sample and fluorescence imaging of a dye-stained paper tissue and a cirrhotic mice liver tissue are demonstrated using these FBs, demonstrating their good potential for microendoscopic imaging. Brightfield and fluorescence imaging performance of the studied FBs are compared. For both sets of glass compositions, good imaging performance is observed for FBs, with core diameter and core-to-core distance values larger than 1.6 μm and 2.3 μm, respectively. FBs fabricated with K209/F2 glass pairs revealed better performance in fluorescence imaging due to their higher NA of 0.59

    Spectral switching control of ultrafast pulses in dual core photonic crystal fibre

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    The work presented in this paper is a study of an all-optical narrow-band switch in extended spectral area by dual core photonic crystal fibre expressing nonlinear coupler performance. The investigation is focused on the nonlinear propagation of femtosecond pulses in the near infrared spectral region at up to 50 kW peak power which induces spectral broadening through almost two octaves. The mutual effect of nonlinear spectral transformation and field redistribution between the two fibre cores is analyzed by both theoretical and experimental approaches. The simulation of the nonlinear propagation is based on coupled generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations. A modified numerical model utilizing split-step Fourier method was adapted for dual core fibres. The complex experimental study was accomplished for various input settings such as polarization, intensity and selective coupling into each core and the selective detection of spectra from each core. The presented work encompasses promising results obtained regarding a spectral intensity switch between the two output channels by input intensity or polarization change in the S-band of optical communication systems

    On the progenitor system of V392 Persei

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    A discussion regarding the progenitor system of the nova and dwarf nova system V392 Persei using archival data from 2MASS and WISE. We find that the system is unlikely to contain a luminous red giant donor (i.e. a symbiotic system), but cannot exclude the presence of a lower luminosity red giant or a sub-giant donor. The similarity of the SED of the quiescent V392 Per to that of GK Persei is noted

    Dispersion management in nonlinear photonic crystal fibres with nanostructured core

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    The subwavelength structure of the core of a photonic crystal fibre can modify its dispersion characteristic and significantly shift the zero dispersion wavelength. The dispersion properties of photonic crystal fibres with core structures made of a 2D lattice of subwavelength air holes and various glass inclusions are studied. We show that a modification of the core structure can give flat dispersion over a range of over 300 nm and can shift the zero dispersion wavelength over 700 nm while the core diameter and photonic cladding remain unchanged. The developed photonic crystal fibre with nanorod core has successfully demonstrated supercontinuum generation in NIR
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