771 research outputs found

    Higher-Order Calculus of Variations on Time Scales

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    We prove a version of the Euler-Lagrange equations for certain problems of the calculus of variations on time scales with higher-order delta derivatives.Comment: Corrected minor typo

    A General Backwards Calculus of Variations via Duality

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    We prove Euler-Lagrange and natural boundary necessary optimality conditions for problems of the calculus of variations which are given by a composition of nabla integrals on an arbitrary time scale. As an application, we get optimality conditions for the product and the quotient of nabla variational functionals.Comment: Submitted to Optimization Letters 03-June-2010; revised 01-July-2010; accepted for publication 08-July-201

    Euler-Lagrange equations for composition functionals in calculus of variations on time scales

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    In this paper we consider the problem of the calculus of variations for a functional which is the composition of a certain scalar function HH with the delta integral of a vector valued field ff, i.e., of the form H(abf(t,xσ(t),xΔ(t))Δt)H(\int_{a}^{b}f(t,x^{\sigma}(t),x^{\Delta}(t))\Delta t). Euler-Lagrange equations, natural boundary conditions for such problems as well as a necessary optimality condition for isoperimetric problems, on a general time scale, are given. A number of corollaries are obtained, and several examples illustrating the new results are discussed in detail.Comment: Submitted 10-May-2009 to Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS-B); revised 10-March-2010; accepted 04-July-201

    A Multi-Valued Logarithm on Time Scales

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    A new definition of a multi-valued logarithm on time scales is introduced for delta-differentiable functions that never vanish. This new logarithm arises naturally from the definition of the cylinder transformation that is also at the heart of the definition of exponential functions on time scales. This definition will lead to a logarithm function on arbitrary time scales with familiar and useful properties that previous definitions in the literature lacked.Comment: Pre-print version 1, 17 page

    Transversality Conditions for Infinite Horizon Variational Problems on Time Scales

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    We consider problems of the calculus of variations on unbounded time scales. We prove the validity of the Euler-Lagrange equation on time scales for infinite horizon problems, and a new transversality condition.Comment: Submitted 6-October-2009; Accepted 19-March-2010 in revised form; for publication in "Optimization Letters"

    Necessary Optimality Conditions for Higher-Order Infinite Horizon Variational Problems on Time Scales

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    We obtain Euler-Lagrange and transversality optimality conditions for higher-order infinite horizon variational problems on a time scale. The new necessary optimality conditions improve the classical results both in the continuous and discrete settings: our results seem new and interesting even in the particular cases when the time scale is the set of real numbers or the set of integers.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will appear in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA). Paper submitted 17-Nov-2011; revised 24-March-2012 and 10-April-2012; accepted for publication 15-April-201

    Sharp results for oscillation of second-order neutral delay differential equations

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    The aim of the present paper is to continue earlier works by the authors on the oscillation problem of second-order half-linear neutral delay differential equations. By revising the set method, we present new oscillation criteria which essentially improve a number of related ones from the literature. A couple of examples illustrate the value of the results obtained

    Oscillation Criteria for Third-Order Functional Differential Equations with Damping

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    This paper is a continuation of the recent study by Bohner et al [9] on oscillation properties of nonlinear third order functional differential equation under the assumption that the second order differential equation is nonoscillatory. We consider both the delayed and advanced case of the studied equation. The presented results correct and extend earlier ones. Several illustrative examples are included

    Oscillation of Nonlinear Third-Order Difference Equations with Mixed Neutral Terms

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    In this paper, new oscillation results for nonlinear third-order difference equations with mixed neutral terms are established. Unlike previously used techniques, which often were based on Riccati transformation and involve limsup or liminf conditions for the oscillation, the main results are obtained by means of a new approach, which is based on a comparison technique. Our new results extend, simplify, and improve existing results in the literature. Two examples with specific values of parameters are offered

    Asymptotic Properties of Kneser Solutions to Third-Order Delay Differential Equations

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    The aim of this paper is to extend and complete the recent work by Graef et al. (J. Appl. Anal. Comput., 2021) analyzing the asymptotic properties of solutions to third-order linear delay differential equations. Most importantly, the authors tackle a particularly challenging problem of obtaining lower estimates for Kneser-type solutions. This allows improvement of existing conditions for the nonexistence of such solutions. As a result, a new criterion for oscillation of all solutions of the equation studied is established