192 research outputs found

    Sudskomedicinska problematika iz oblasti toksikologije u lekarskoj praksi

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    At the Institute for Forensic Medicine in Nis forensic and other medical specialists work together in solving medical, legal and forensic problems which concern lethal and nonlethal poisonings caused by unintentional or intentional :intake into the body of poisonous chemical substances. The failures which happen in such expertises are discussed in order to find out the reason for their occurrence, to illustrate the consequences and also to propose measures for their removal.Na teritoriji koju pokriva Institut za sudsku medicinu u Nišu, u rešavanju medicinskih, pravnih i sudsko-medicinskih problema vezanih za nesmrtna i smrtna trovanja nastala nenamernim ili namernim unošenjem hemijskih supstancija kao otrova spolja (u telo), pored lekara sudskomedicinske struke angažuju se kao veštaci i drugi lekari. Autori u svom prikazu ističu uočene propuste ovakvih veštačenja sa ciljem da se ukaže na njihovu prirodu i pojavu, na uzroke nastajanja i štetne posledice koje izazivaju, kao i predlog mera za njihovo otklanjanje

    A mass transfer in heterogeneous systems by the adsorption method (

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    A mass transfer coefficient between: a liquid and single sphere and a liquid and column wall in packed and fluidized beds of a spherical inert particle have been studied experimentally using the adsorption method. The experiments were conducted in a column 40 mm in diameter for packed and fluidized beds, and in a two-dimensional column 140 mm×10 mm for the flow past single sphere. In all runs, the mass transfer rates were determined in the presence of spherical glass particles, 3 mm in diameter, for packed and fluidized beds. The mass transfer data were obtained by studying transfer for flow past single sphere, 20 mm in diameter. This paper discusses the possibilities of application of the adsorption method for fluid flow visualization. Local and average mass transfer coefficients were determined from the color intensity of the surface of the foils of silica gel. Correlations, Sh = f(Re) and jD = f(Re), were derived using the mass transfer coefficient data

    Residual life estimation of a thermal power plant component: The high-pressure turbine housing case

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    This study focuses on the estimation of residual life of damaged thermal power plant components. The high-pressure turbine housing was chosen as an example of thermal power plant component where, during the years of exploitation, damage appeared in the form of dominant crack. Residual life estimation procedure, based upon experimental and numerical methods has been introduced and applied. Material properties were determined experimentally both at room and operating temperature, while all necessary calculations were performed by the special finite element method, so-called X-FEM. The residual life estimation of the damaged high-pressure turbine housing was performed by applying the Paris's law for crack growth analysis

    Changes in Blood Values of Glucose, Insulin and Inorganic Phosphorus in Healthy and Ketotic Dairy Cows after Intravenous Infusion of Propionate Solution

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of blood glucose utilization by peripheral tissue on the basis of changes in blood concentrations of glucose, insulin and inorganic phosphorus in healthy (n = 10) and ketotic cows (n = 10) after intravenous infusion of propionate solution. Blood samples were taken in both groups of examined cows at the following time intervals: just before (time 0) and 8, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 480 min after the intravenous infusion of 1.84 mol l-1 solution of propionate in the amount of 1 ml kg-1 of body weight. Glucose and insulin blood serum values in both groups of cows increased significantly within 120 min of the experiment (p p p p < 0.05) in blood value of inorganic phosphorus in ketotic cows in comparison with healthy ones. This is linked with the active entry of glucose into glucolytic pathway of peripheral tissues. It can thus be concluded that there is a higher degree of blood glucose utilization by peripheral tissues in ketotic cows

    Effect of dietary supplementation with medium chain fatty acids on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, lipid profile and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) diet supplementation on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, serum biochemistry and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens. The study was performed on 180 one-day-old broilers of the same origin (Cobb 500 hybrid), over a 42-day period. They were fed diets supplemented with three treatments: control group (basal diet without supplementation); group with MCFA supplementation; and group with MCFA and coccidiostat supplementation. Broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with MCFAs had a significantly greater final bodyweight. The weights of carcass cuts (breast, drumsticks with thighs and wings) were greater in broilers receiving MCFAs than in control broilers. The addition of MCFAs to broiler diet significantly increased villus length and crypt depth in the duodenum and caecum, and significantly decreased villus width in the duodenum and ileum. Additionally, serum HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations were increased significantly in broilers with MCFA dietary supplementation. The results indicated that the MCFA diet supplementation had a beneficial effect on the performance of broiler chickens, their intestinal histomorphology and microflora.Keywords: Carcass characteristics, coccidiostat supplementation, nutrition, poultry, serum biochemistr

    Dietary medicinal plants enhance the chemical composition and quality of broiler chicken meat

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe use of nutritional strategies to improve the quality of meat is a relatively new approach that has emerged at the interface of animal science and food science. The effects of dietary medicinal plants (Allium sativum L., Piper nigrum L., and Capsicum annuum L.) addition to chicken nutrition on quality characteristics of breast and thigh with drumstick meat, as well as caloric value of chicken meat were investigated. Quality measurements included meat sensory (colour, smell, taste, softness, chewiness, juiciness and overall impression), physical (pH, colour-CIE L*a*b* and drip-loss) and chemical (moisture, protein, fat and ash content) characteristics. Herbs showed significant (P &lt; 0.05) influence in altering most examined quality parameters of chicken meat, especially when adding red hot pepper. Caloric value of chicken meat was improved which makes garlic, black pepper and hot red pepper valuable natural feed additives in improvement of meat quality as well as a natural growth promoter. In conclusion, herbs had positive influence on chicken meat quality, however the knowledge of their mode of action is still limited and thus requires further investigation

    Analysis of the Band-Pass and Notch Filter with Dynamic Damping of Fractional Order Including Discrete Models

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    The paper presents analysis of the second order band-pass and notch filter with a dynamic damping factor βd of fractional order. Factor βd is given in the form of fractional differentiator of order a, i.e. βd=β/sa, where β and a are adjustable parameters. The aim of the paper is to exploit an extra degree of freedom of presented filters to achieve the desired filter specifications and obtain a desired response in the frequency and time domain. Shaping of the frequency response enables achieving a better phase response compared to the integer-order counterparts which is of great concern in many applications. For the implementation purpose, the paper presents a comparison of four discretization techniques: the Osutaloup’s Recursive Algorithm (ORA+Tustin), Continued Fractional Expansion (CFE+Tustin), Interpolation of Frequency Characteristic (IFC+Tustin) and recently proposed AutoRegressive with eXogenous input (ARX)-based direct discretization method