7,293 research outputs found

    The PROUST radar

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    The Stratosphere-Troposphere (ST) radar called PROUST works at 935 MHz using the same klystron and antenna as the coherent-scatter radar. The use of this equipment for ST work has required some important modifications of the transmitting system and the development of receiving, data processing and acquisition (1984,1985) equipment. The modifications are discussed

    Flow field for an underexpanded, supersonic nozzle exhausting into an expansive launch tube

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    Static pressure distributions along the launcher wall and pitot pressure measurements from the annular region between the rocket and the launcher were made as an underexpanded supersonic nozzle exhausted into an expansive launch tube. The flow remained supersonic along the entire length of the launcher for all nozzle locations studied

    R-local Delaunay inhibition model

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    Let us consider the local specification system of Gibbs point process with inhib ition pairwise interaction acting on some Delaunay subgraph specifically not con taining the edges of Delaunay triangles with circumscribed circle of radius grea ter than some fixed positive real value RR. Even if we think that there exists at least a stationary Gibbs state associated to such system, we do not know yet how to prove it mainly due to some uncontrolled "negative" contribution in the expression of the local energy needed to insert any number of points in some large enough empty region of the space. This is solved by introducing some subgraph, called the RR-local Delaunay graph, which is a slight but tailored modification of the previous one. This kind of model does not inherit the local stability property but satisfies s ome new extension called RR-local stability. This weakened property combined with the local property provides the existence o f Gibbs state.Comment: soumis \`{a} Journal of Statistical Physics 27 page

    Measuring leadership practices of independent school heads using the LIP self-report

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    This study identified the self-perceived leadership practices of heads of schools in California independent schools as determined by the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). Quantitative analysis was used to determine the extent of endorsement of statements on each of the five leadership practices, which comprise the LPI subscales. Small but statistically significant differences were found in the means for the subscales, with enable others to act having the highest mean rating, and model the way having the second highest. The scores of the respondents for the present study were compared to scores from a recent study of California public school principals. Small but statistically significant differences were found between the means of the two groups. The author discusses implications of the study and makes recommendations for practical applications for leadership training, hiring, and promotion of independent schools

    The effect of the transport property models on the shuttle boundary layer

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    Theoretical solutions for the nonsimilar, laminar boundary-layer were computed for four points along the shuttle entry trajectory. Since the boundary layer is that region of the flow field where the effects of viscosity and of thermal conductivity are most important, numerical solutions for the boundary layer were generated using different models for the transport properties. These solutions indicate that the displacement thickness and the heat-transfer rates are very sensitive to changes in the models for thermal conductivity and for specific heat. Thus, the solutions are sensitive to the assumed transport-property model

    Simultaneous fine structure observation of wind and temperature profiles by the Arecibo 430-MHz radar and in situ measurements

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    A simultaneous campaign of balloon and radar measurements took place on March 14 to 16, 1984, above the Arecibo 430-MHz radar. This radar was operating with a vertical resolution of 150 m following two antenna beam directions: 15 deg. from the zenith, respectively, in the N-S and E-W directions. The main results concerning the comparison between the flight and simultaneous radar measurements obtained on March 15, 1984 are analyzed. The radar return power profile (S/N ratio in dB) exhibits maxima which are generally well correlated with step-like structures in the potential temperature profile. These structures are generally considered as the consequence of the mixing processes induced by the turbulence. A good correlation appears in the altitude range 12.5 to 19 km between wind shears induced by a wave structure observed in the meridional wind and the radar echo power maxima. This wave structure is characterized by a vertical wavelength of about 2.5 km, and a period in the range 30 to 40 hours. These characteristics are deduced from the twice daily rawinsonde data launched from the San Juan Airport by the National Weather Service. These results pointed out an example of the interaction between wave and turbulence in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Turbulent layers are observed at locations where wind shears related to an internal inertia-gravity wave are maxima

    Astrometric proof of companionship for the L dwarf companion candidate GJ 1048B

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    Gizis et al. (2001) reported a companion candidate of spectral type L1 near the K2 dwarf GJ 1048 using the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS). At that time it was not possible to verify companionship astrometrically using the 2MASS data alone due to the small proper motion of GJ 1048. We now show that both objects share the same proper motion by using data from the UK Schmidt Telescope Near-infrared (IVN) Southern Survey as the first epoch and data from 2MASS as the second epoch. Our technique of subtracting the PSF of the primary from the SuperCOSMOS I scans of the Southern Survey enables the astrometry of the companion candidate to be measured directly.Comment: Accepted to A&A 2004/03/14, 3 pages, 4 figure

    The effect of surface temperature and Reynolds number on the leeward heat-transfer for a shuttle orbiter

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    The effect of windward surface temperature on the heat transfer to the leeward surface of the shuttle orbiter was investigated. Heat-transfer distributions, surface-pressure distributions, and schlieren photographs were obtained for an 0.01-scale model of the 37-0 shuttle orbiter at angles-of-attack of 30 deg and of 40 deg. Similar data were obtained for a fuselage-only configuration at angles-of-attack of 30 deg and of 90 deg. Data were obtained for various Mach numbers, Reynolds numbers, and surface temperatures

    Effects of surface cooling and of roughness on the heating (including transition) to the windward plane-of-symmetry of the shuttle orbiter

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    The theoretical heat-transfer distributions are compared with experimental heat-transfer distributions obtained in Tunnel B at AEDC using a 0.0175 scale model of the space shuttle orbiter configuration for which the first 80% of the windward surface was roughened by a simulated tile misalignment. The theoretical solutions indicate that thinning the boundary layer by surface cooling increased the nondimensionalized value of the local heat-transfer coefficient. Tile misalignment did not significantly affect the heat-transfer rate in regions where the boundary layer was either laminar or turbulent

    SuperLupus: A Deep, Long Duration Transit Survey

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    SuperLupus is a deep transit survey monitoring a Galactic Plane field in the Southern hemisphere. The project is building on the successful Lupus Survey, and will double the number of images of the field from 1700 to 3400, making it one of the longest duration deep transit surveys. The immediate motivation for this expansion is to search for longer period transiting planets (5-8 days) and smaller radii planets. It will also provide near complete recovery for the shorter period planets (1-3 days). In March, April, and May 2008 we obtained the new images and work is currently in progress reducing these new data.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 253, 2008: Transiting Planet