349 research outputs found

    Gambaran Sanitasi Pedagang Kaki Lima dan Kandungan Bakteri Escherechia Coli Pada Es Batu serta Olahan Kelapa Muda di Kelurahan Kelapa Lima

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    Sanitasi penjual makanan memberi keamanan terhadap  makanan yang dijual meliputi kebersihan peralatan, pengolahan makanan, personal hygiene dan kebersihan lingkungan rumah makan. Sanitasi makanan adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas makanan yang sehat dan melindungi konsumen dari penularan penyakit dari rumah makan kepada pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebersihan peralatan, personal hygiene, kebersihan lingkungan, kandungan   Escherichia coli    pada es batu dan olahan kelapa muda. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif dan sampel penelitian sebanyak lima pedagang kelapa muda yang ada di kelurahan Kelapa Lima. Hasil penelitian. kebersihan peralatan  termasuk kategori baik 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%,  kebersihan lingkungan kategori baik sebanyak 60%  dan kategori buruk sebanyak 40%, personal hygiene pengolah minuman es kelapa muda yang termasuk kategori baik sebanyak 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%, kandungan Escherichia coli pada es batu  yang memenuhi syarat 1 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat 4 sampel dan  olahan kelapa muda yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 3 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 2 sampel. Disarankan bagi penjual es kelapa muda di Kelurahan Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang agar lebih memperhatikan kebersihan diri serta kebersihan peralatan dalam pembuatan es kelapa muda dan juga memperhatikan kebersihan lingkungan tempat penjual agar terhindar dari sumber penyakitSanitasi penjual makanan memberi keamanan terhadap  makanan yang dijual meliputi kebersihan peralatan, pengolahan makanan, personal hygiene dan kebersihan lingkungan rumah makan. Sanitasi makanan adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas makanan yang sehat dan melindungi konsumen dari penularan penyakit dari rumah makan kepada pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebersihan peralatan, personal hygiene, kebersihan lingkungan, kandungan   Escherichia coli    pada es batu dan olahan kelapa muda. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif dan sampel penelitian sebanyak lima pedagang kelapa muda yang ada di kelurahan Kelapa Lima. Hasil penelitian. kebersihan peralatan  termasuk kategori baik 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%,  kebersihan lingkungan kategori baik sebanyak 60%  dan kategori buruk sebanyak 40%, personal hygiene pengolah minuman es kelapa muda yang termasuk kategori baik sebanyak 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%, kandungan Escherichia coli pada es batu  yang memenuhi syarat 1 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat 4 sampel dan  olahan kelapa muda yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 3 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 2 sampel. Disarankan bagi penjual es kelapa muda di Kelurahan Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang agar lebih memperhatikan kebersihan diri serta kebersihan peralatan dalam pembuatan es kelapa muda dan juga memperhatikan kebersihan lingkungan tempat penjual agar terhindar dari sumber penyaki

    Spectrin functions upstream of ankyrin in a spectrin cytoskeleton assembly pathway

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    Prevailing models place spectrin downstream of ankyrin in a pathway of assembly and function in polarized cells. We used a transgene rescue strategy in Drosophila melanogaster to test contributions of four specific functional sites in ÎČ spectrin to its assembly and function. (1) Removal of the pleckstrin homology domain blocked polarized spectrin assembly in midgut epithelial cells and was usually lethal. (2) A point mutation in the tetramer formation site, modeled after a hereditary elliptocytosis mutation in human erythrocyte spectrin, had no detectable effect on function. (3) Replacement of repetitive segments 4–11 of ÎČ spectrin with repeats 2–9 of α spectrin abolished function but did not prevent polarized assembly. (4) Removal of the putative ankyrin-binding site had an unexpectedly mild phenotype with no detectable effect on spectrin targeting to the plasma membrane. The results suggest an alternate pathway in which spectrin directs ankyrin assembly and in which some important functions of spectrin are independent of ankyrin

    Role of Social Networks in Adoption of Technology and Empowerment of Women: Sociological Evidences from Village-level Studies

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    There is abundant literature and information produced regarding social networks and the specific roles that women play in these networks and benefits they receive through them. However, much is left to be explored and understood on the role of social networks in increasing women's and men's access to resources and opportunities, and to establish means to map and measure them and how they are gendered. Another important step is to identify how social networks empower women, speci fically in terms of increasing their bargaining power. Studies suggest that men and women build and utilize social networks differently, and because the multiple roles that women and women's social networks play it is important to recognize and facilitate networks that can increase household access to necessary productive resources (Flora 2001). Increased participation by women in social networks can increase access to resources such as information about employment opportunities or income during economic crisis

    Aplinkos įtaka duoniniƳ (Triticum aestivum L.) ir kietƳjƳ (Triticum durum Desf.) kviečiƳ albuminƳ kiekiui

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    Albumins or water soluble proteins (wsp) in wheat are important as nutrients containing high content of essential amino acids such as lysine, tryptophan, methionine, and also asparagine, glutamine, arginine, and proline in comparison to storage proteins-glutenins and gliadins. Fifteen bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 15 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes were evaluated across six different environments for two years to determine the content of albumins in grains. The purpose of this research was to determine the variability of the albumins content of the tested bread wheat and durum wheat genotypes, effects of environment, genotype and their interaction (GEI) on the trait of interest, heritability in a broad sense, stability, and also to interpret GEI by climatic factors modelling. The statistical procedure included analysis of variance, sites regression and factorial regression. The mean content of albumins was 20.23 g kg-1 in bread wheat and 23.12 g kg-1 in durum wheat. Environment followed by GEI was the most important in determining albumins content. The heritability in a broad sense was low, i.e. 31.3% for bread wheat and only 2.4% for durum wheat. GEI for the albumins content was explained with the efficacy of 94.7% and 94.2% of sum of squares, for bread wheat and durum wheat, respectively, by the following models: mean temperature in May, winter moisture reserves, minimum temperature in April and March for bread wheat; and precipitation sum in April, sunshine hours sum in March, maximum temperature in May, and winter moisture reserves for durum wheat. The simultaneous selection for high albumins content and good stability proved to be possible for bread wheat genotypes, but less for durum wheat genotypes due to unsatisfactory stability

    Supersymmetry Relations Between Contributions To One-Loop Gauge Boson Amplitudes

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    We apply ideas motivated by string theory to improve the calculational efficiency of one-loop weak interaction processes with massive external gauge bosons. In certain cases ``supersymmetry'' relations between diagrams with a fermion loop and with a gauge boson loop hold. This is explicitly illustrated for a particular one-loop standard model process with four-external gauge bosons. The supersymmetry relations can be used to provide further significant improvements in calculational efficiency.Comment: 21 pages of plain TeX + 5 PostScript figures (compressed and uuencoded), UCLA/93/TEP/36 and DTP/93/8

    A statistical comparison of spatio-temporal surface moisture patterns beneath a semi-natural grassland and permanent pasture:From drought to saturation

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    Some 60% of the agricultural land in the UK is grassland. This is mostly located in the wetter uplands of the west and north, with the majority intensively managed as permanent pasture. Despite its extent, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how agricultural practices have altered the hydrological behaviour of the underlying soils relative to the adjacent moorland covered by semi‐natural grassland. Near‐surface soil moisture content is an expression of the changes that have taken place and is critical in the generation of flood‐producing overland‐flows. This study aims to develop a pioneering paired‐plot approach, producing 1536 moisture measurements at each of the monitoring dates throughout the studied year, that were subsequently analysed by a comparison of frequency distributions, visual‐cum‐geostatistical investigation of spatial patterns and mixed‐effects regression modelling. The analysis demonstrated that the practices taking place in the pasture (ploughing, re‐seeding and drainage) reduced the natural diversity in moisture patterns. Compared to adjacent moorland, the topsoil dried much faster in spring with the effects requiring offset with moisture from slurry applications in summer. With the onset of autumn rains, these applications then made the topsoil wetter than the moorland, heightening the likelihood of flood‐producing overland‐flow. During the sampling within one such storm‐event, the adjacent moorland was almost as wet as the pasture with both visibly generating overland‐flow. These contrasts in soil moisture were statistically significant throughout. Further, they highlight the need to scale‐up the monitoring with numerous plot‐pairs to see if the observed highly dynamic, contrasting behaviour is present at the landscape‐scale. Such research is fundamental to designing appropriate agricultural interventions to deliver sustainable sward production for livestock or methods of mitigating overland‐flow incidence that would otherwise heighten flood‐risk or threaten water‐quality in rivers

    Equilibrium configurations of two charged masses in General Relativity

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    An asymptotically flat static solution of Einstein-Maxwell equations which describes the field of two non-extreme Reissner - Nordstr\"om sources in equilibrium is presented. It is expressed in terms of physical parameters of the sources (their masses, charges and separating distance). Very simple analytical forms were found for the solution as well as for the equilibrium condition which guarantees the absence of any struts on the symmetry axis. This condition shows that the equilibrium is not possible for two black holes or for two naked singularities. However, in the case when one of the sources is a black hole and another one is a naked singularity, the equilibrium is possible at some distance separating the sources. It is interesting that for appropriately chosen parameters even a Schwarzschild black hole together with a naked singularity can be "suspended" freely in the superposition of their fields.Comment: 4 pages; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
