774 research outputs found

    The leaf-feeding geometrid Isturgia disputaria (Guenee)-A potential biological control agent for prickly acacia, Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr. (Mimosaceae) in Australia

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    Prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica), a native multipurpose tree in India, is a weed of National significance, and a target for biological control in Australia. Based on plant genetic and climatic similarities, native range surveys for identifying potential biological control agents for prickly acacia were conducted in India during 2008-2011. In the survey leaf-feeding geometrid, Isturgia disputaria Guenee (syn. Tephrina pulinda), widespread in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka States, was prioritized as a potential biological control agent based on field host range, damage potential and no choice test on non target plant species. Though the field host range study exhibited that V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa were the primary hosts for successful development of the insect, I. disputaria, replicated no - choice larval feeding and development tests conducted on cut foliage and live plants of nine non-target acacia test plant species in India revealed the larval feeding and development on three of the nine non-target acacia species, V. tortilis, V. planiferons and V. leucophloea in addition to the V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa. However, the proportion of larvae developing into adults was higher on V. nilotica subsp. indica and V. nilotica subsp. tomentosa, with 90% and 80% of the larvae completing development, respectively. In contrast, the larval mortality was higher on V. tortilis (70%), V. leucophloea (90%) and V. planiferons (70%). The no-choice test results support the earlier host specificity test results of I. disputaria from Pakistan, Kenya and under quarantine in Australia. Contrasting results between field host range and host use pattern under no-choice conditions are discussed

    The leaf-feeding geometrid Isturgia disputaria (Guenee)-A potential biological control agent for prickly acacia, Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr. (Mimosaceae) in Australia

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    Prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica), a native multipurpose tree in India, is a weed of National significance, and a target for biological control in Australia. Based on plant genetic and climatic similarities, native range surveys for identifying potential biological control agents for prickly acacia were conducted in India during 2008-2011. In the survey leaf-feeding geometrid, Isturgia disputaria Guenee (syn. Tephrina pulinda), widespread in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka States, was prioritized as a potential biological control agent based on field host range, damage potential and no choice test on non target plant species. Though the field host range study exhibited that V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa were the primary hosts for successful development of the insect, I. disputaria, replicated no - choice larval feeding and development tests conducted on cut foliage and live plants of nine non-target acacia test plant species in India revealed the larval feeding and development on three of the nine non-target acacia species, V. tortilis, V. planiferons and V. leucophloea in addition to the V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa. However, the proportion of larvae developing into adults was higher on V. nilotica subsp. indica and V. nilotica subsp. tomentosa, with 90% and 80% of the larvae completing development, respectively. In contrast, the larval mortality was higher on V. tortilis (70%), V. leucophloea (90%) and V. planiferons (70%). The no-choice test results support the earlier host specificity test results of I. disputaria from Pakistan, Kenya and under quarantine in Australia. Contrasting results between field host range and host use pattern under no-choice conditions are discussed

    Ravenelia acaciae-arabicae and Ravenelia evansii are distinct species on Acacia nilotica subsp. indica in India

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    The two rust fungi, Ravenelia acaciae-arabicae and R. evansii, were both found on Acacia nilotica subsp. indica in southern (Tamil Nadu) and northern (Gujarat) India. R. acaciae-arabicae has been often incorrectly synonymised with R. evansii, although each has distinctive urediniospores, viz. echinulate in R. acaciae-arabicae and verruculose in R. evansii. Both species are re-described and illustrated from fresh specimens collected in India. Herbarium specimens of R. evansii from South Africa, including the holotype, were also examined. The difficulty in connecting different anamorphic spore stages to either of these teleomorphic rusts is highlighted by the presence of similar aecidia on plants of A. robusta infected with R. evansii in South Africa and on A. nilotica subsp. indica infected with R. acaciae-arabicae in India. It is not known whether these aecidial rusts represent the same species, nor is it known if they represent an aecidial stage of either R. acaciae-arabicae, R. evansii or other rusts

    Characterization of eDNA from the Clinical Strain Acinetobacter baumannii AIIMS 7 and Its Role in Biofilm Formation

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    Release of extracellular DNA (eDNA) was observed during in vitro growth of a clinical strain of Acinetobacter baumannii. Membrane vesicles (MV) of varying diameter (20–200 nm) containing DNA were found to be released by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). An assessment of the characteristics of the eDNA with respect to size, digestion pattern by DNase I/restriction enzymes, and PCR-sequencing, indicates a high similarity with genomic DNA. Role of eDNA in static biofilm formed on polystyrene surface was evaluated by biofilm augmentation assay using eDNA available in different preparations, for example, whole cell lysate, cell-free supernatant, MV suspension, and purified eDNA. Biofilm augmentation was seen up to 224.64%, whereas biofilm inhibition was 59.41% after DNase I treatment: confirming that eDNA facilitates biofilm formation in A. baumannii. This is the first paper elucidating the characteristics and role of eDNA in A. baumannii biofilm, which may provide new insights into its pathogenesis

    An MFS Transporter-Like ORF from MDR Acinetobacter baumannii AIIMS 7 Is Associated with Adherence and Biofilm Formation on Biotic/Abiotic Surface

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    A major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporter-like open reading frame (ORF) of 453 bp was identified in a pathogenic strain Acinetobacter baumannii AIIMS 7, and its association with adherence and biofilm formation was investigated. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) showed differential expression in surface-attached biofilm cells than nonadherent cells. In vitro translation showed synthesis of a ~17 kDa protein, further confirmed by cloning and heterologous expression in E. coli DH5α. Up to 2.1-, 3.1-, and 4.1- fold biofilm augmentation was observed on abiotic (polystyrene) and biotic (S. cerevisiae/HeLa) surface, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gfp-tagged fluorescence microscopy revealed increased adherence to abiotic (glass) and biotic (S. cerevisiae) surface. Extracellular DNA(eDNA) was found significantly during active growth; due to probable involvement of the protein in DNA export, strong sequence homology with MFS transporter proteins, and presence of transmembrane helices. In summary, our findings show that the putative MFS transporter-like ORF (pmt) is associated with adherence, biofilm formation, and probable eDNA release in A. baumannii AIIMS 7

    The production of crude palm oil in Malaysia

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    Palm oil production contributes significantly to the Malaysian economy. Malaysia currently holds the position as the world's second-largest palm oil producer after Indonesia. This study intends to empirically test the Cobb- Douglas (C-D) production function for the palm oil production sector in Malaysia with the validity of C-D's assumptions. The significance of factors such as capital, labour and utilisation rate in the production of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is also tested in the study. The data on the productivity of the Palm Oil (PO) mills are collected from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). The methods of Least Square (LS) and robustness check are carried out in the estimation of the production function. The results show a positive and significant relationship between the production of CPO and labour, capital, and the utilisation rate. This study suggests that increases in capital, labour employment and the utilisation rate will boost the production of CPO in Malaysia