550 research outputs found

    Fast branching algorithm for Cluster Vertex Deletion

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    In the family of clustering problems, we are given a set of objects (vertices of the graph), together with some observed pairwise similarities (edges). The goal is to identify clusters of similar objects by slightly modifying the graph to obtain a cluster graph (disjoint union of cliques). Hueffner et al. [Theory Comput. Syst. 2010] initiated the parameterized study of Cluster Vertex Deletion, where the allowed modification is vertex deletion, and presented an elegant O(2^k * k^9 + n * m)-time fixed-parameter algorithm, parameterized by the solution size. In our work, we pick up this line of research and present an O(1.9102^k * (n + m))-time branching algorithm

    Finding and counting vertex-colored subtrees

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    The problems studied in this article originate from the Graph Motif problem introduced by Lacroix et al. in the context of biological networks. The problem is to decide if a vertex-colored graph has a connected subgraph whose colors equal a given multiset of colors MM. It is a graph pattern-matching problem variant, where the structure of the occurrence of the pattern is not of interest but the only requirement is the connectedness. Using an algebraic framework recently introduced by Koutis et al., we obtain new FPT algorithms for Graph Motif and variants, with improved running times. We also obtain results on the counting versions of this problem, proving that the counting problem is FPT if M is a set, but becomes W[1]-hard if M is a multiset with two colors. Finally, we present an experimental evaluation of this approach on real datasets, showing that its performance compares favorably with existing software.Comment: Conference version in International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), Brno : Czech Republic (2010) Journal Version in Algorithmic

    Cluster Editing: Kernelization based on Edge Cuts

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    Kernelization algorithms for the {\sc cluster editing} problem have been a popular topic in the recent research in parameterized computation. Thus far most kernelization algorithms for this problem are based on the concept of {\it critical cliques}. In this paper, we present new observations and new techniques for the study of kernelization algorithms for the {\sc cluster editing} problem. Our techniques are based on the study of the relationship between {\sc cluster editing} and graph edge-cuts. As an application, we present an O(n2){\cal O}(n^2)-time algorithm that constructs a 2k2k kernel for the {\it weighted} version of the {\sc cluster editing} problem. Our result meets the best kernel size for the unweighted version for the {\sc cluster editing} problem, and significantly improves the previous best kernel of quadratic size for the weighted version of the problem

    On Symbolic Ultrametrics, Cotree Representations, and Cograph Edge Decompositions and Partitions

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    Symbolic ultrametrics define edge-colored complete graphs K_n and yield a simple tree representation of K_n. We discuss, under which conditions this idea can be generalized to find a symbolic ultrametric that, in addition, distinguishes between edges and non-edges of arbitrary graphs G=(V,E) and thus, yielding a simple tree representation of G. We prove that such a symbolic ultrametric can only be defined for G if and only if G is a so-called cograph. A cograph is uniquely determined by a so-called cotree. As not all graphs are cographs, we ask, furthermore, what is the minimum number of cotrees needed to represent the topology of G. The latter problem is equivalent to find an optimal cograph edge k-decomposition {E_1,...,E_k} of E so that each subgraph (V,E_i) of G is a cograph. An upper bound for the integer k is derived and it is shown that determining whether a graph has a cograph 2-decomposition, resp., 2-partition is NP-complete

    Polynomial kernels for 3-leaf power graph modification problems

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    A graph G=(V,E) is a 3-leaf power iff there exists a tree T whose leaves are V and such that (u,v) is an edge iff u and v are at distance at most 3 in T. The 3-leaf power graph edge modification problems, i.e. edition (also known as the closest 3-leaf power), completion and edge-deletion, are FTP when parameterized by the size of the edge set modification. However polynomial kernel was known for none of these three problems. For each of them, we provide cubic kernels that can be computed in linear time for each of these problems. We thereby answer an open problem first mentioned by Dom, Guo, Huffner and Niedermeier (2005).Comment: Submitte

    Fibrin Glue Coating Limits Scar Tissue Formation around Peripheral Nerves

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    Scar tissue formation presents a significant barrier to peripheral nerve recovery in clinical practice. While different experimental methods have been described, there is no clinically available gold standard for its prevention. This study aims to determine the potential of fibrin glue (FG) to limit scarring around peripheral nerves. Thirty rats were divided into three groups: glutaraldehyde-induced sciatic nerve injury treated with FG (GA + FG), sciatic nerve injury with no treatment (GA), and no sciatic nerve injury (Sham). Neural regeneration was assessed with weekly measurements of the visual static sciatic index as a parameter for sciatic nerve function across a 12-week period. After 12 weeks, qualitative and quantitative histological analysis of scar tissue formation was performed. Furthermore, histomorphometric analysis and wet muscle weight analysis were performed after the postoperative observation period. The GA + FG group showed a faster functional recovery (6 versus 9 weeks) compared to the GA group. The FG-treated group showed significantly lower perineural scar tissue formation and significantly higher fiber density, myelin thickness, axon thickness, and myelinated fiber thickness than the GA group. A significantly higher wet muscle weight ratio of the tibialis anterior muscle was found in the GA + FG group compared to the GA group. Our results suggest that applying FG to injured nerves is a promising scar tissue prevention strategy associated with improved regeneration both at the microscopic and at the functional level. Our results can serve as a platform for innovation in the field of perineural regeneration with immense clinical potential.</p

    Fibrin Glue Coating Limits Scar Tissue Formation around Peripheral Nerves

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    Scar tissue formation presents a significant barrier to peripheral nerve recovery in clinical practice. While different experimental methods have been described, there is no clinically available gold standard for its prevention. This study aims to determine the potential of fibrin glue (FG) to limit scarring around peripheral nerves. Thirty rats were divided into three groups: glutaraldehyde-induced sciatic nerve injury treated with FG (GA + FG), sciatic nerve injury with no treatment (GA), and no sciatic nerve injury (Sham). Neural regeneration was assessed with weekly measurements of the visual static sciatic index as a parameter for sciatic nerve function across a 12-week period. After 12 weeks, qualitative and quantitative histological analysis of scar tissue formation was performed. Furthermore, histomorphometric analysis and wet muscle weight analysis were performed after the postoperative observation period. The GA + FG group showed a faster functional recovery (6 versus 9 weeks) compared to the GA group. The FG-treated group showed significantly lower perineural scar tissue formation and significantly higher fiber density, myelin thickness, axon thickness, and myelinated fiber thickness than the GA group. A significantly higher wet muscle weight ratio of the tibialis anterior muscle was found in the GA + FG group compared to the GA group. Our results suggest that applying FG to injured nerves is a promising scar tissue prevention strategy associated with improved regeneration both at the microscopic and at the functional level. Our results can serve as a platform for innovation in the field of perineural regeneration with immense clinical potential.</p

    Vegetation degradation promotes the invasion potential of Impatiens glandulifera in an oligotrophic mountain habitat

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    An annual plant Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera Royle) is globally widespread and one of the Europe’s well-investigated top invaders. Yet, there is very limited knowledge on the effects of environment on the invasion potential of this species. We focused on two questions: does this species indeed not invade the southern areas of the continent; and, does the environment affect some of its key invasibility traits. In an isolated model valley (Sharr mountain, Western Balkans), we jointly analyzed the soil (21 parameter), the life history traits of the invader (height, stem diameter, aboveground dw), and the resident vegetation (species composition and abundances, Ellenberg indicator values), and supplemented it by the local knowledge (semi-structured interviews). Uncontrolled discharge of fecal wastewaters directly into the local dense hydrological network fostered mass infestation of an atypical, nutrient poor habitat. The phenotypic plasticity of the measured invasion-related traits was very high in the surveyed early invasion (30-50% invader cover) stages. Different microhabitat conditions consistently correlated with its growth performance. The largest individuals were restricted to the deforested riparian habitats with extreme soil nutrient enrichment (primarily by P and K) and low-competitive, species-poor resident vegetation. We showed that ecological context can modify invasion-related traits, what could affect further invasion process. Finally, this species is likely underreported in the wider region; public attitude and loss of traditional ecological knowledge are further management risks

    1-[5-Acetyl-4-(4-bromo­phen­yl)-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydro­pyridin-3-yl]ethanone monohydrate

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    The 1,4-dihydro­pyridine ring in the title hydrate, C17H18BrNO2·H2O, has a flattened-boat conformation, and the benzene ring is occupies a position orthogonal to this [dihedral angle: 82.19 (16)°]. In the crystal packing, supra­molecular arrays mediated by N—H⋯Owater and Owater—H⋯Ocarbon­yl hydrogen bonding are formed in the bc plane. A highly disordered solvent mol­ecule is present within a mol­ecular cavity defined by the organic and water mol­ecules. Its contribution to the electron density was removed from the observed data in the final cycles of refinement and the formula, mol­ecular weight and density are given without taking into account the contribution of the solvent mol­ecule