26 research outputs found

    Biostratigraphie, géochimie et réponse des composantes microfauniques aux variations environnementales au passage Cénomanien-Turonien à ThéniÚt El Manchar (Monts de Bellezma, Batna, NE Algérie)

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    The present study deals with the biostratigraphic and geochemical analysis of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of the ThĂ©niĂšt El Manchar district in the Bellezma-Batna Range, and their vertical fluctuations. A 180 m-thick profile is described in this area. This reference section encompasses the ‘Marnes de Smail’ Formation, subdivided into four lithostratigraphic units (IA, IB, IC, and ID respectively) and dated of the Cenomanian (ammonites and coral), and the base of the ‘Dolomies de l’Oued Skhoun’ Formation (unit IIA), dated of the Lower Turonian (planktonic foraminifers). Both qualitative and quantitative analysis of foraminifers (planktonic and/or benthonic), ostracodes and of geochemical indices, lead us to reconstitute the evolution of both palaeoenvironmental and palaeobathymetrical changes during this time interval. Subsequently units IA, IB, IC and the lower part of unit ID (all Cenomanian) are displaying agglutinated benthonic foraminifers and complete ostracode shells, as evidence of a shelfal environment and weak hydrodynamism. Within these deposits microfaunal assemblages display a low-to-medium species diversity and a relatively high specimen abundance, supporting evidence of normal trophic conditions and water oxygenation. The upper part of unit ID (topmost Cenomanian), and unit IIA (basal Turonian) are documenting an environmental setting into deeper conditions, supported by the standard event succession already recorded in northern Africa, namely: the abundance of planktonic foraminifers, the occurrence of ‘filaments’ and the sudden reduction of ostracofauna. Furthermore the total carbonate isotope fluctuations (ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ18O) are documenting isotopic anomalies related to palaeoenvironmental changes. The ÎŽ13C results, coupled with those of TOC, are evidencing a low primary productivity while the ÎŽ18O data are supporting a temperature rise as the main potential drive of the onset of OAE2. These paleoenvironmental assertions are consistent with the regional paleogeographic context and are highlighting tethysian features.[fr] La prĂ©sente Ă©tude livre une analyse biostratigraphique et gĂ©ochimique des dĂ©pĂŽts cĂ©nomano-turoniens de la rĂ©gion ThĂ©niĂšt El Manchar, situĂ©e dans les Monts de Bellezma-Batna, et leur Ă©volution verticale. Une coupe (TM), Ă©paisse de 180 m, est dĂ©crite dans ce secteur. Elle correspond Ă  la Formation des Marnes de Smail, subdivisĂ©e en quatre unitĂ©s litho-stratigraphiques (IA, IB, IC, ID), datĂ©e du CĂ©nomanien grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence d’ammonites et de corail, et Ă  la base de la Formation des Dolomies de l’Oued Skhoun (unitĂ©, IIA), datĂ©e de la base du Turonien au moyen de foraminifĂšres planctoniques. L’analyse qualitative et quantitative des foraminifĂšres (planctoniques et/ou benthiques), des ostracodes et des marqueurs gĂ©ochimiques, permet de reconstituer l’évolution du palĂ©o-environnement et les variations palĂ©o-bathymĂ©triques au cours de l’intervalle stratigraphique concernĂ©. Ainsi, les unitĂ©s IA-IB-IC et la partie infĂ©rieure de l’unitĂ© ID (CĂ©nomanien) sont dominĂ©es par des associations de foraminifĂšres benthiques agglutinĂ©s et des carapaces entiĂšres d’ostracodes, tĂ©moignant d’un milieu de plate-forme et d’un faible hydrodynamisme. Dans ces dĂ©pĂŽts, les associations montrent une diversitĂ© spĂ©cifique faible Ă  moyenne et une abondance plus ou moins Ă©levĂ©e, tĂ©moignant de conditions trophiques et d’oxygĂ©nation considĂ©rĂ©es comme normales. Les derniers termes de l’unitĂ© ID (sommet du CĂ©nomanien) et l’unitĂ© IIA (base du Turonien) marquent, quant Ă  eux, une Ă©volution vers des conditions plus profondes, comme le montre la succession standard des Ă©vĂ©nements dĂ©jĂ  reconnus en Afrique du nord, Ă  savoir: l’abondance de foraminifĂšres planctoniques, la prĂ©sence de ‘filaments’ et une rĂ©duction drastique de la faune d’ostracodes. En outre, les courbes isotopiques du carbone (ÎŽ13C) et de l’oxygĂšne (ÎŽ18O) des carbonates mettent en Ă©vidence des anomalies isotopiques relatives aux modifications palĂ©o-environnementales. Les donnĂ©es du ÎŽ13C et celles du COT indiquent une productivitĂ© primaire faible. Les donnĂ©es du ÎŽ18O, quant Ă  elles, indiquent une augmentation des palĂ©o-tempĂ©ratures, cause principale du dĂ©clenchement de l’EAO 2. Ces interprĂ©tations palĂ©o-environnementales s’accordent avec les donnĂ©es connues du contexte palĂ©ogĂ©ographique rĂ©gional et mettent en exergue les spĂ©cificitĂ©s tĂ©thysiennes

    Macro-invertébrés du Cénomanien du Djebel Metrassi (Batna, NE Algérie): Systématique et biostratigraphie

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    A rich paleontological assemblage was collected in the Cenomanian deposits of the Djebel Metrassi (Batna, NE Algeria). It consists of 327 specimens assigned respectively to a single coral, 24 bivalve, 14 gastropod, 3 ammonite, and 7 echinoid species. This macrofaunal association leads us to establish an original taxonomical reference list along with several species new for the Cenomanian of this area, and supports the lithostratigraphic framework herein proposed.[fr] Un assemblage palĂ©ontologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ© dans le CĂ©nomanien du Djebel Metrassi (Batna, NE AlgĂ©rie). ConstituĂ© de 327 spĂ©cimens, il comporte un corail, 24 espĂšces de bivalves, 14 espĂšces de gastĂ©ropodes, 3 espĂšces d’ammonites et 7 espĂšces d’échinides. Cet assemblage permet d’établir une liste systĂ©matique originale, avec des espĂšces inĂ©dites, pour le CĂ©nomanien de ce Djebel et vient soutenir le dĂ©coupage lithostratigraphique proposĂ©

    Automated specification extraction and analysis with specstractor

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    This paper presents Specstractor, a tool chain for the extraction and analysis of system specifications in the form of collections of invariants. Such invariants convey valuable information about the behavior of a software system and are also useful in identifying missing or defective parts of existing specifications. Using data-mining techniques, Specstractor derives likely invariants from test data that it automatically generates from the system under analysis, using an iterative approach to refine the set of proposed invariants and eliminate false positives. The paper describes the Spectstractor technology and evaluates it on real-world artifacts from automotive-control and medical-device applications