88 research outputs found
Massive skyrmions in quantum Hall ferromagnets
We apply the theory of elasticity to study the effects of skyrmion mass on
lattice dynamics in quantum Hall systems. We find that massive Skyrme lattices
behave like a Wigner crystal in the presence of a uniform perpendicular
magnetic field. We make a comparison with the microscopic Hartree-Fock results
to characterize the mass of quantum Hall skyrmions at and investigate
how the low temperature phase of Skyrme lattices may be affected by the
skyrmion mass.Comment: 6 pages and 2 figure
Electronic States of Magnetic Quantum Dots
We study quantum states of electrons in magnetically doped quantum dots as a
function of exchange coupling between electron and impurity spins, the strength
of Coulomb interaction, confining potential, and the number of electrons. The
magnetic phase diagram of quantum dots, doped with a large number of magnetic
Mn impurities, can be described by the energy gap in the spectrum of electrons
and the mean field electron-Mn exchange coupling. A competition between these
two parameters leads to a transition between spin-unpolarized and
spin-polarized states, in the absence of applied magnetic field. Tuning the
energy gap by electrostatic control of nonparabolicity of the confining
potential can enable control of magnetization even at the fixed number of
electrons. We illustrate our findings by directly comparing Mn-doped quantum
dots with parabolic and Gaussian confining potential.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Part of Focus on Spintronics in Reduced
Quantum fluctuations of classical skyrmions in quantum Hall Ferromagnets
In this article, we discuss the effect of the zero point quantum fluctuations
to improve the results of the minimal field theory which has been applied to
study %SMG the skyrmions in the quantum Hall systems. Our calculation which is
based on the semiclassical treatment of the quantum fluctuations, shows that
the one-loop quantum correction provides more accurate results for the minimal
field theory.Comment: A few errors are corrected. Accepted for publication in Rapid
Communication, Phys. Rev.
Finite Temperature Behavior of the Quantum Hall Effect in Bilayer Electron Systems
An effective field theoretic description of bilayer electron systems
stabilized by Coulomb repulsion in a single wide quantum well is examined using
renormalization group techniques. The system is found to undergo a crossover
from a low temperature strongly correlated quantum Hall state to a high
temperature compressible state. This picture is used to account for the recent
experimental observation of an anomalous transition in bilayer electron systems
(T. S. Lay, {\em et al.} Phys. Rev. B {\bf 50}, 17725 (1994)). An estimate for
the crossover temperature is provided, and it is shown that its dependence on
electron density is in reasonable agreement with i the experiment.Comment: Corrected typos, and changed content, 5 pages and 2 figures, accepted
in Phys. Rev.
The field theory of Skyrme lattices in quantum Hall ferromagnets
We report the application of the nonlinear model to study the
multi-skyrmion problem in the quantum Hall ferromagnet system. We show that the
ground state of the system can be described by a ferromagnet triangular Skyrme
lattice near where skyrmions are extremely dilute. We find a transition
into antiferromagnet square lattice by increasing the skyrmion density and
therefore . We investigate the possibility that the square Skyrme
lattice deforms to a single skyrmion with the same topological charge when the
Zeeman energy is extremely smaller than the Coulomb energy. We explicitly show
that the energy of a skyrmion with charge two is less than the energy of two
skyrmions each with charge one when . By taking the quantum
fluctuations into account, we also argue the possibility of the existence of a
non-zero temperature Kosterlitz-Thouless and a superconductor-insulator phase
transition.Comment: 17 page
Ratchet-Like Solitonic Transport in Quantum Hall Bilayers
The pseudo-spin model for double layer quantum Hall system with total landau
level filling factor is discussed. Unlike the "traditional" one where
interlayer voltage enters as static magnetic field along pseudo- spin hard
axis, in our model we consider applied interlayer voltage as a frequency of
precessing pseudo-magnetic field lying into the easy plane. It is shown that a
Landau-Lifshitz equation for the considered pseudo magnetic system well
describes existing experimental data. Besides that, the mentioned model
predicts novel directed intra-layer transport phenomenon in the system:
unidirectional intra-layer energy transport is realized due to interlayer
voltage induced motion of topological kinks. This effect could be observed
experimentally detecting counter-propagating intra-layer inhomogeneous charge
currents which are proportional to the interlayer voltage and total topological
charge of the pseudo-spin system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Hole concentration in a diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor
We consider a mean-field approach to the hole-mediated ferromagnetism in
III-V Mn-based semiconductor compounds to discuss the dependence of the hole
density on that of Mn sites in Ga_{1-x}Mn_xAs. The hole concentration, p, as a
function of the fraction of Mn sites, x, is parametrized in terms of the
product m*J_{pd}^2 (where m* is the hole effective mass and J_{pd} is the
Kondo-like hole/local-moment coupling), and the critical temperature Tc. By
using experimental data for these quantities, we have established the
dependence of the hole concentration with x, which can be associated with the
occurrence of a reentrant metal-insulator transition taking place in the hole
gas. We also calculate the dependence of the Mn magnetization with x, for
different temperatures (T), and found that as T increases, the width of the
composition-dependent magnetization decreases drammatically, and that the
magnetization maxima also decreases, indicating the need for quality-control of
Mn-doping composition in diluted magnetic semiconductor devices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX 3; Fig. 1 changed, new references adde
Charge Sensing of an Artificial H2+ Molecule
We report charge detection studies of a lateral double quantum dot with
controllable charge states and tunable tunnel coupling. Using an integrated
electrometer, we characterize the equilibrium state of a single electron
trapped in the doubled-dot (artificial H2+ molecule) by measuring the average
occupation of one dot. We present a model where the electrostatic coupling
between the molecule and the sensor is taken into account explicitly. From the
measurements, we extract the temperature of the isolated electron and the
tunnel coupling energy. It is found that this coupling can be tuned between 0
and 60 micro electron-volt in our device.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Revised version with added material. To be
published in Physical Review
Charge and spin distributions in GaMnAs/GaAs Ferromagnetic Multilayers
A self-consistent electronic structure calculation based on the
Luttinger-Kohn model is performed on GaMnAs/GaAs multilayers. The Diluted
Magnetic Semiconductor layers are assumed to be metallic and ferromagnetic. The
high Mn concentration (considered as 5% in our calculation) makes it possible
to assume the density of magnetic moments as a continuous distribution, when
treating the magnetic interaction between holes and the localized moment on the
Mn(++) sites. Our calculation shows the distribution of heavy holes and light
holes in the structure. A strong spin-polarization is observed, and the charge
is concentrated mostly on the GaMnAs layers, due to heavy and light holes with
their total angular momentum aligned anti-parallel to the average
magnetization. The charge and spin distributions are analyzed in terms of their
dependence on the number of multilayers, the widths of the GaMnAs and GaAs
layers, and the width of lateral GaAs layers at the borders of the structure.Comment: 12 pages,7 figure
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