1,972 research outputs found
Abundances of Suprathermal Heavy Ions in CIRs during the Minimum of Solar Cycle 23
In this paper we examine the elemental composition of the 0.1-1 MeV/nucleon
interplanetary heavy ions from H to Fe in corotating interaction regions (CIRs)
measured by the SIT (Suprathermal Ion Telescope) instrument. We use
observations taken on board the STEREO spacecraft from January 2007 through
December 2010, which included the unusually long solar minimum following solar
cycle 23. During this period instruments on STEREO observed more than 50 CIR
events making it possible to investigate CIR ion abundances during solar
minimum conditions with unprecedented high statistics. The observations reveal
annual variations of relative ion abundances in the CIRs during the 2007-2008
period as indicated by the He/H, He/O and Fe/O elemental ratios. We discuss
possible causes of the variability in terms of the helium focusing cone passage
and heliolatitude dependence. The year 2009 was very quiet in CIR event
activity. In 2010 the elemental composition in CIRs were influenced by sporadic
solar energetic particle (SEP) events. The 2010 He/H and He/O abundance ratios
in CIRs show large event to event variations with values resembling the
SEP-like composition. This finding points out that the suprathermal SEPs could
be the source population for CIR acceleration.Comment: accepted for publication in Solar Physic
3He-rich SEP Events Observed by STEREO-A
Using the SIT (Suprathermal Ion Telescope) instrument on STEREO-A we have
examined the abundance of the rare isotope 3He during the rising activity phase
of solar cycle 24 between January 2010 and December 2011. We have identified
six solar energetic particle (SEP) events with enormous abundance enhancements
of 3He (3He/4He >1). The events were short lasting, typically ~0.5-1 day and
most of them occurred in association with high-speed solar wind streams and
corotating interaction regions. With one exception the events were not
associated with ~100 keV solar electron intensity increases. The events showed
also enhanced NeS/O and Fe/O ratios. The solar images indicate that the events
were generally associated with the active regions located near a coronal hole.Comment: accepted for publication in AIP Conference Proceedings for
'Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference
Analysis of positron lifetime spectra in polymers
A new procedure for analyzing multicomponent positron lifetime spectra in polymers was developed. It requires initial estimates of the lifetimes and the intensities of various components, which are readily obtainable by a standard spectrum stripping process. These initial estimates, after convolution with the timing system resolution function, are then used as the inputs for a nonlinear least squares analysis to compute the estimates that conform to a global error minimization criterion. The convolution integral uses the full experimental resolution function, in contrast to the previous studies where analytical approximations of it were utilized. These concepts were incorporated into a generalized Computer Program for Analyzing Positron Lifetime Spectra (PAPLS) in polymers. Its validity was tested using several artificially generated data sets. These data sets were also analyzed using the widely used POSITRONFIT program. In almost all cases, the PAPLS program gives closer fit to the input values. The new procedure was applied to the analysis of several lifetime spectra measured in metal ion containing Epon-828 samples. The results are described
Cyclic debonding of adhesively bonded composites
The fatigue behavior of a simple composite to composite bonded joint was analyzed. The cracked lap shear specimen subjected to constant amplitude cyclic loading was studied. Two specimen geometries were tested for each bonded system: (1) a strap adherend of 16 plies bonded to a lap adherend of 8 plies; and (2) a strap adherend of 8 plies bonded to a lap adherend of 16 plies. In all specimens the fatigue failure was in the form of cyclic debonding with some 0 deg fiber pull off from the strap adherend. The debond always grew in the region of adhesive that had the highest mode (peel) loading and that region was close to the adhesive strap interface
Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Recurrent 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles
We study the origin of 3He-rich solar energetic particles (<1 MeV/nucleon)
that are observed consecutively on STEREO-B, ACE, and STEREO-A spacecraft when
they are separated in heliolongitude by more than 90{\deg}. The 3He-rich period
on STEREO-B and STEREO-A commences on 2011 July 1 and 2011 July 16,
respectively. The ACE 3He-rich period consists of two sub-events starting on
2011 July 7 and 2011 July 9. We associate the STEREO-B July 1 and ACE July 7
3He-rich events with the same sizeable active region producing X-ray flares
accompanied by prompt electron events, when it was near the west solar limb as
seen from the respective spacecraft. The ACE July 9 and STEREO-A July 16 events
were dispersionless with enormous 3He enrichment, lacking solar energetic
electrons and occurring in corotating interaction regions. We associate these
events with a small, recently emerged active region near the border of a
low-latitude coronal hole that produced numerous jet-like emissions temporally
correlated with type III radio bursts. For the first time we present
observations of 1) solar regions with long-lasting conditions for 3He
acceleration and 2) solar energetic 3He that is temporary
confined/re-accelerated in interplanetary space.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
Feasibility of a nuclear gauge for fuel quantity measurement aboard aircraft
Capacitance fuel gauges have served as the basis for fuel quantity indicating systems in aircraft for several decades. However, there have been persistent reports by the airlines that these gauges often give faulty indications due to microbial growth and other contaminants in the fuel tanks. This report describes the results of a feasibility study of using gamma ray attenuation as the basis for measuring fuel quantity in the tanks. Studies with a weak Am-241 59.5-keV radiation source indicate that it is possible to continuously monitor the fuel quantity in the tanks to an accuracy of better than 1 percent. These measurements also indicate that there are easily measurable differences in the physical properties and resultant attenuation characteristics of JP-4, JP-5, and Jet A fuels. The experimental results, along with a suggested source-detector geometrical configuration are described
Application of advanced technologies to small, short-haul transport aircraft (STAT)
The benefits of selected advanced technologies for 19 and 30 passenger, short-haul aircraft were identified. Advanced technologies were investigated in four areas: aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, and ride quality. Configuration sensitivity studies were conducted to show design tradeoffs associated with passenger capacity, cabin comfort level, and design field length
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