61 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan kinerja dewan direksi dan dewan pengawas (struktur pengelolaan) terhadap pengelolaan bisnis Perusahaan Umum Daerah (Perumda) Air Minum di Provinsi Jambi. Penentuan dan pemilihan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode Teknik purposive sampling dengan menggunakan kriteria tertentu. Kriteria pemilihan sampel terdiri dari perusahaan umum daerah air minum yang ada di Provinsi Jambi, Perumdam  yang mempunyai data keuangan berturut-turut periode 2016-2020. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 9 Perumdam di Provinsi Jambi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Statistik Deskriptif Kuantitatif dan Observasi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Korelasi Rank Kendall menggunakan bantuan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Kinerja dewan direksi dan dewan pengawas memiliki hubungan cukup baik dan signifikan terhadap pengelolaan bisnis, Dewan direksi memiliki hubungan lebih baik terhadap pengelolaan bisnis dibandingkan dewan pengawas. Hubungan masing-masing Dewan Direksi (Direktur Utama, Direktur Teknik dan Direktur Umum),  Kinerja Direktur Umum lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Direktur Teknik dan Direktur Utama

    Re-Desain Kemasan dengan Metode Kansei Engineering

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    – Penelitian ini melakukan desain ulang kemasan dengan meggunakan metode Kansei Engineering. Elemen desain pada penelitian ini yaitu kemasan kacang kedelai yang diperoleh dari hasil pemikiran peneliti dan produsen yang berpedoman dengan Kansei Word. Pengambilan data dilakukan terhadap semua konsumen kacang kedelai yang akan dirancang pengemasannya. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara incindital sampling sebanyak 100 responden. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 11 kata kansei yang terpilih yaitu : Bagus, warna terang, bahan plastik bagus, ada merk, ada kode halal, beda dengan yang lain, ada komposisi, berlogo, nomor telepon produsen, ada kadaluarsa, dan asal makanan. Penerapan desain sesuai dengan kata-kata yang di dapat dari tahap eliminasi

    Analisis determinan kemiskinan dan hubungannya dengan program pengentasannya Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi

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    This study aims to analyze the level of welfare of rice farmers in the Air Hangat Timur District and determine the factors that influence it. Welfare, in this case, is measured by using income. The number of samples as many as 98 farmers from the size of the population of rice farmers in the East Air Warms sub-district of 3531 rice farmers. Multiple regression model analyzed data. The study results found that rice farmers in Air Warm Timur District were relatively prosperous with a per capita income of IDR 5,053,227 per year. The size of the farmer's income is influenced by the number of dependents, yields, and capital

    Faktor penentu indeks pembangunan manusia dan hubungannya dengan belanja infrastruktur serta pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jambi

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that determine the Human Development Index (HDI), to analyze the relationship between HDI and infrastructure spending, and to analyze the relationship between infrastructure spending and economic growth in districts/cities in Jambi Province. The data used in this study are secondary data with the type of Time Series 2012-2018 and Cross Section 11 districts/cities. This study uses Panel Data Multiple Regression Analysis and Simple Correlation Analysis using the E-views 10 tool. The results of this study indicate that the HDI of districts/cities in Jambi Province increases every year, partially the ratio of teachers to students, number of health facilities, and density. The population has a positive and significant effect in determining HDI. While the poverty factor has a negative but not statistically significant effect in determining the HDI of districts/cities in Jambi Province with an R-Square value of 0.9312. The relationship between HDI and infrastructure spending has a negative and insignificant effect, which means that an increase in infrastructure spending will increase the decrease in the value of HDI. The relationship between growth spending and economic growth has a positive and significant effect, which means that an increase in the value of infrastructure spending will increase the value of economic growth.

    Analisis penerimaan pajak bumi dan bangunan-P2 serta pengaruhnya terhadap pendapatan daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi

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    This study aims to analyze the determinants of PBB-P2 revenue, to determine the effect of PBB-P2 revenue on regional revenue and to formulate strategies for increasing PBB-P2 revenue in Jambi Province. The data used in this study is secondary data with the type of Time series 2014-2018 data and Cross Section 11 districts/cities that come from the Central Statistics Agency and Regency / City BPPRD. This study uses Panel Data Regression Analysis and uses Simple Linear Regression using the E-Views 8.0 tool. The results of this study indicate that PBB-P2 always increases every year. From the results of panel data regression analysis, the results show that investment, economic growth, and taxpayers together have a significant effect on PBB-P2 with an R square value of 0.924, the Prob value (F- statistic) 0,000 and the F-statistic value is 26,556. The effect of investment on PBB-P2 has a positive effect, which means that if investment increases, PBB-P2 will also experience an increase. Economic growth and taxpayers will have a negative effect on PBB-P2 which means that the increase in PBB-P2 will decrease the economic growth and taxpayers.This study aims to analyze the determinants of PBB-P2 revenue, to determine the effect of PBB-P2 revenue on regional revenue and to formulate strategies for increasing PBB-P2 revenue in Jambi Province. The data used in this study is secondary data with the type of Time series 2014-2018 data and Cross Section 11 districts/cities that come from the Central Statistics Agency and Regency / City BPPRD. This study uses Panel Data Regression Analysis and uses Simple Linear Regression using the E-Views 8.0 tool. The results of this study indicate that PBB-P2 always increases every year. From the results of panel data regression analysis, the results show that investment, economic growth, and taxpayers together have a significant effect on PBB-P2 with an R square value of 0.924, the Prob value (F- statistic) 0,000 and the F-statistic value is 26,556. The effect of investment on PBB-P2 has a positive effect, which means that if investment increases, PBB-P2 will also experience an increase. Economic growth and taxpayers will have a negative effect on PBB-P2 which means that the increase in PBB-P2 will decrease the economic growth and taxpayers

    Strategi Komunikasi Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (Bmkg) Aceh dalam Mengantisipasi Berita Hoax Gempa Aceh di Online Media

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    This research examines how to Anticipate News of the Aceh Earthquake Hoax in Online Media. The rise of hoax news, especially regarding the earthquake that will occur on the coastal beaches of Pidie Jaya, Sigli, and Banda Aceh through social media and online media that mentions sources from BMKG. The theory of planning (theory of planning) is used as a reference by researchers as a theoretical foundation in this study to describe the planning process by the Aceh BMKG in planning communication strategies to anticipate news of the Aceh earthquake hoax through online media so as not to cause problems in the future. This theory states that the more knowledge one has, the more complex the plan will be made. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods and data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are the communication strategies of BMKG Aceh that have been implemented well by agencies, one of which is in anticipation of hoax news in the name of BMKG Aceh and this strategy has met the criteria of a form of communication strategy of an organization that has been summarized

    Development on the leading small and medium-sized industry (SMI): food industry in Jambi Province

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    The objectives of this research are: 1). to analyze the factors which determine the production of leading small-medium food industry, 2). to analyze the effect of leading small-medium food industry production towards community income. The analysis models used are simultaneous equation model (ESM) and simple regression. The research results show that the determining factors on the production of leading small-medium food industry are investment, production capacity, labor, sales, and the utilization of technology simultaneously. However, individually, the sales have significant influence on the production of leading small-medium food industry in which determined by promotion and market share. In addition, the influence of leading small-medium food industry is very significant on community income with a contribution of 59.54%. The amount of public income in the leading small-medium food industry is IDR 1.5 million for a single production period of 1.5 months or approximately IDR 1 million per month

    Aplikasi Metode TOPSIS FUZZY dalam Menentukan Prioritas Kawasan Perumahan di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan

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    Pada tulisan ini didiskusikan aplikasi metode TOPSIS fuzzy untuk menentukan prioritas kawasan Perumahan di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan. Kriteria yang digunakan adalah jarak dengan ibukota kecamatan, kepadatan penduduk disekitar lokasi, pengembangan sarana lingkungan, pengembangan prasarana lingkungan, aksesibilitas masyarakat dan harga tanah
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