2,715 research outputs found

    A Characterisation of the Weylian Structure of Space-Time by Means of Low Velocity Tests

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    The compatibility axiom in Ehlers, Pirani and Schild's (EPS) constructive axiomatics of the space-time geometry that uses light rays and freely falling particles with high velocity, is replaced by several constructions with low velocity particles only. For that purpose we describe in a space-time with a conformal structure and an arbitrary path structure the radial acceleration, a Coriolis acceleration and the zig-zag construction. Each of these quantities give effects whose requirement to vanish can be taken as alternative version of the compatibility axiom of EPS. The procedural advantage lies in the fact, that one can make null-experiments and that one only needs low velocity particles to test the compatibility axiom. We show in addition that Perlick's standard clock can exist in a Weyl space only.Comment: to appear in Gen.Rel.Gra

    Screening of entomopathogenic nematodes for virulence against the invasive western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Europe

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    Entomopathogenic nematode species available in Europe were screened for their efficacy against both the root-feeding larvae and silk-feeding adults of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte. Laboratory screening tests were aimed at the selection of candidate biological control agents for the management of this invasive alien pest in Europe. Steinernema glaseri, S. arenarium, S. abassi, S. bicornutum, S. feltiae, S. kraussei, S. carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were studied to determine their virulence against third instar larvae and adults of D. v. virgifera in small-volume arenas (using nematode concentrations of 0.5, 0.8, 7.9 and 15.9 infective juveniles cm-2). All nematode species were able to invade and propagate in D. v. virgifera larvae, but adults were rarely infected. At concentrations of 7.9 and 15.9 cm-2, S. glaseri, S. arenarium, S. abassi and H. bacteriophora caused the highest larval mortality of up to 77%. Steinernema bicornutum, S. abassi, S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora appeared to have a high propagation level, producing 5970±779, 5595±811, 5341±1177 and 4039±1025 infective juveniles per larva, respectively. Steinernema glaseri, S. arenarium, S. feltiae, S. kraussei and H. bacteriophora were further screened at a concentration of 16.7 nematodes cm-2 against third instar larvae in medium-volume arenas (sand-filled trays with maize plants). Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, S. arenarium and S. feltiae caused the highest larval mortality with 77±16.6%, 67±3.5%, and 57±17.1%, respectively. In a next step, criteria for rating the entomopathogenic nematode species were applied based on results obtained for virulence and propagation, and for current production costs and availability in Europe. These criteria were then rated to determine the potential of the nematodes for further field testing. Results showed the highest potential in H. bacteriophora, followed by S. arenarium and S. feltiae, for further testing as candidate biological control agent

    Wavefronts, Caustic Sheets, and Caustic Surfing in Gravitational Lensing

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    Very little attention has been paid to the properties of optical wavefronts and caustic surfaces due to gravitational lensing. Yet the wavefront-based point of view is natural and provides insights into the nature of the caustic surfaces on a gravitationally lensed lightcone. We derive analytically the basic equations governing the wavefronts, lightcones, caustics on wavefronts, and caustic surfaces on lightcones in the context of weak-field, thin-screen gravitational lensing. These equations are all related to the potential of the lens. In the process, we also show that the standard single-plane gravitational lensing map extends to a new mapping, which we call a wavefront lensing map. Unlike the standard lensing map, the Jacobian matrix of a wavefront lensing map is not symmetric. Our formulas are then applied to caustic ``surfing.'' By surfing a caustic surface, a space-borne telescope can be fixed on a gravitationally lensed source to obtain an observation of the source at very high magnification over an extended time period, revealing structure about the source that could not otherwise be resolved. Using our analytical expressions for caustic sheets, we present a scheme for surfing a caustic sheet of a lensed source in rectilinear motion. Detailed illustrations are also presented of the possible types of wavefronts and caustic sheets due to nonsingular and singular elliptical potentials, and singular isothermal spheres, including an example of caustic surfing for a singular elliptical potential lens.Comment: To appear in J. Math. Phys., 31 pages, 15 figure

    Does the Isotropy of the CMB Imply a Homogeneous Universe? Some Generalised EGS Theorems

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    We demonstrate that the high isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), combined with the Copernican principle, is not sufficient to prove homogeneity of the universe -- in contrast to previous results on this subject. The crucial additional factor not included in earlier work is the acceleration of the fundamental observers. We find the complete class of irrotational perfect fluid spacetimes admitting an exactly isotropic radiation field for every fundamental observer and show that are FLRW if and only if the acceleration is zero. While inhomogeneous in general, these spacetimes all possess three-dimensional symmetry groups, from which it follows that they also admit a thermodynamic interpretation. In addition to perfect fluids models we also consider multi-component fluids containing non-interacting radiation, dust and a quintessential scalar field or cosmological constant in which the radiation is isotropic for the geodesic (dust) observers. It is shown that the non-acceleration of the fundamental observers forces these spacetimes to be FLRW. While it is plausible that fundamental observers (galaxies) in the real universe follow geodesics, it is strictly necessary to determine this from local observations for the cosmological principle to be more than an assumption. We discuss how observations may be used to test this.Comment: replaced with final version. Added discusion and ref

    Dynamics of spatially homogeneous solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov equations which are locally rotationally symmetric

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    The dynamics of a class of cosmological models with collisionless matter and four Killing vectors is studied in detail and compared with that of corresponding perfect fluid models. In many cases it is possible to identify asymptotic states of the spacetimes near the singularity or in a phase of unlimited expansion. Bianchi type II models show oscillatory behaviour near the initial singularity which is, however, simpler than that of the mixmaster model.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    The covariant perturbative approach to cosmic microwave background anisotropies

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    The Ehlers-Ellis 1+3 formulation of covariant hydrodynamics, when supplemented with covariant radiative transport theory, gives an exact, physically transparent description of the physics of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Linearisation around a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe provides a very direct and seamless route through to the linear, gauge-invariant perturbation equations for scalar, vector and tensor modes in an almost-FRW model. In this contribution we review covariant radiative transport theory and its application to the perturbative method for calculating and understanding the anisotropy of the CMB. Particular emphasis is placed on the inclusion of polarization in a fully covariant manner. With this inclusion, the covariant perturbative approach offers a complete description of linearised CMB physics in an almost-FRW universe.Comment: To appear in proceedings of SARS99 meeting in honour of G.F.R.Elli

    Orbits in the Field of a Gravitating Magnetic Monopole

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    Orbits of test particles and light rays are an important tool to study the properties of space-time metrics. Here we systematically study the properties of the gravitational field of a globally regular magnetic monopole in terms of the geodesics of test particles and light. The gravitational field depends on two dimensionless parameters, defined as ratios of the characteristic mass scales present. For critical values of these parameters the resulting metric coefficients develop a singular behavior, which has profound influence on the properties of the resulting space-time and which is clearly reflected in the orbits of the test particles and light rays.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in GR

    Limiting opportunities for cheating stabilizes virulence in insect parasitic nematodes

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    Cooperative secretion of virulence factors by pathogens can lead to social conflict when cheating mutants exploit collective secretion, but do not contribute to it. If cheats outcompete cooperators within hosts, this can cause loss of virulence. Insect parasitic nematodes are important biocontrol tools that secrete a range of significant virulence factors. Critically, effective nematodes are hard to maintain without live passage, which can lead to virulence attenuation. Using experimental evolution, we tested whether social cheating might explain unstable virulence in the nematode Heterorhabditis floridensis by manipulating relatedness via multiplicity of infection (MOI), and the scale of competition. Passage at high MOI, which should reduce relatedness, led to loss of fitness: virulence and reproductive rate declined together and all eight independent lines suffered premature extinction. As theory predicts, relatedness treatments had more impact under stronger global competition. In contrast, low MOI passage led to more stable virulence and increased reproduction. Moreover, low MOI lineages showed a trade-off between virulence and reproduction, particularly for lines under stronger between-host competition. Overall, this study indicates that evolution of virulence theory is valuable for the culture of biocontrol agents: effective nematodes can be improved and maintained if passage methods mitigate possible social conflicts

    Nonlinear Effects in the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Major advances in the observation and theory of cosmic microwave background anisotropies have opened up a new era in cosmology. This has encouraged the hope that the fundamental parameters of cosmology will be determined to high accuracy in the near future. However, this optimism should not obscure the ongoing need for theoretical developments that go beyond the highly successful but simplified standard model. Such developments include improvements in observational modelling (e.g. foregrounds, non-Gaussian features), extensions and alternatives to the simplest inflationary paradigm (e.g. non-adiabatic effects, defects), and investigation of nonlinear effects. In addition to well known nonlinear effects such as the Rees-Sciama and Ostriker-Vishniac effects, further nonlinear effects have recently been identified. These include a Rees-Sciama-type tensor effect, time-delay effects of scalar and tensor lensing, nonlinear Thomson scattering effects and a nonlinear shear effect. Some of the nonlinear effects and their potential implications are discussed.Comment: Invited contribution to Relativistic Cosmology Symposium (celebrating the 60th year of GFR Ellis); to appear Gen. Rel. Gra

    Facilitating the registration of biocontrol organisms, plant extracts and semiochemicals in Europe

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    The legal regulation of plant protection products (Dir. 91/414/ EEC) is a bottleneck in the market introduction of new microbial biocontrol agents, plant extracts and pheromones. In contrast, invertebrate biocontrol agents (“beneficials”) are not registered at EU level. The EU-funded project REBECA suggested improvements to accelerate the regulation process and make it more cost-effective, without compromises to the level of safety. Representatives of all stakeholder groups participated in the REBECA workshops. The EU Commission and Member States are encouraged to improve the registration of biocontrol organisms, plant extracts and semiochemicals at EU and/or national level. The full proposals can be found at www.rebeca-net.de
