15,423 research outputs found

    Continuity of symplectically adjoint maps and the algebraic structure of Hadamard vacuum representations for quantum fields on curved spacetime

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    We derive for a pair of operators on a symplectic space which are adjoints of each other with respect to the symplectic form (that is, they are sympletically adjoint) that, if they are bounded for some scalar product on the symplectic space dominating the symplectic form, then they are bounded with respect to a one-parametric family of scalar products canonically associated with the initially given one, among them being its ``purification''. As a typical example we consider a scalar field on a globally hyperbolic spacetime governed by the Klein-Gordon equation; the classical system is described by a symplectic space and the temporal evolution by symplectomorphisms (which are symplectically adjoint to their inverses). A natural scalar product is that inducing the classical energy norm, and an application of the above result yields that its ``purification'' induces on the one-particle space of the quantized system a topology which coincides with that given by the two-point functions of quasifree Hadamard states. These findings will be shown to lead to new results concerning the structure of the local (von Neumann) observable-algebras in representations of quasifree Hadamard states of the Klein-Gordon field in an arbitrary globally hyperbolic spacetime, such as local definiteness, local primarity and Haag-duality (and also split- and type III_1-properties). A brief review of this circle of notions, as well as of properties of Hadamard states, forms part of the article.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX. The Def. 3.3 was incomplete and this has been corrected. Several misprints have been removed. All results and proofs remain unchange

    Multi-black rings and the phase diagram of higher-dimensional black holes

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    Configurations of multiple concentric black rings play an important role in determining the pattern of branchings, connections and mergers between different phases of higher-dimensional black holes. We examine them using both approximate and (in five dimensions) exact methods. By identifying the role of the different scales in the system, we argue that it is possible to have multiple black ring configurations in which all the rings have equal temperature and angular velocity. This allows us to correct and improve in a simple, natural manner, an earlier proposal for the phase diagram of singly-rotating black holes in D≥6D\geq 6.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    The effect of radiative cooling on scaling laws of X-ray groups and clusters

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    We have performed cosmological simulations in a ΛCDM cosmology with and without radiative cooling in order to study the effect of cooling on the cluster scaling laws. Our simulations consist of 4.1 million particles each of gas and dark matter within a box size of 100 h-1 Mpc, and the run with cooling is the largest of its kind to have been evolved to z = 0. Our cluster catalogs both consist of over 400 objects and are complete in mass down to ~1013 h-1 M☉. We contrast the emission-weighted temperature-mass (Tew-M) and bolometric luminosity-temperature (Lbol-Tew) relations for the simulations at z = 0. We find that radiative cooling increases the temperature of intracluster gas and decreases its total luminosity, in agreement with the results of Pearce et al. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of these effects flattens the slope of the Tew-M relation and steepens the slope of the Lbol-Tew relation. Inclusion of radiative cooling in the simulations is sufficient to reproduce the observed X-ray scaling relations without requiring excessive nongravitational energy injection

    Quantum state transfer in spin chains with q-deformed interaction terms

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    We study the time evolution of a single spin excitation state in certain linear spin chains, as a model for quantum communication. Some years ago it was discovered that when the spin chain data (the nearest neighbour interaction strengths and the magnetic field strengths) are related to the Jacobi matrix entries of Krawtchouk polynomials or dual Hahn polynomials, so-called perfect state transfer takes place. The extension of these ideas to other types of discrete orthogonal polynomials did not lead to new models with perfect state transfer, but did allow more insight in the general computation of the correlation function. In the present paper, we extend the study to discrete orthogonal polynomials of q-hypergeometric type. A remarkable result is a new analytic model where perfect state transfer is achieved: this is when the spin chain data are related to the Jacobi matrix of q-Krawtchouk polynomials. The other cases studied here (affine q-Krawtchouk polynomials, quantum q-Krawtchouk polynomials, dual q-Krawtchouk polynomials, q-Hahn polynomials, dual q-Hahn polynomials and q-Racah polynomials) do not give rise to models with perfect state transfer. However, the computation of the correlation function itself is quite interesting, leading to advanced q-series manipulations

    Universal topological phase of 2D stabilizer codes

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    Two topological phases are equivalent if they are connected by a local unitary transformation. In this sense, classifying topological phases amounts to classifying long-range entanglement patterns. We show that all 2D topological stabilizer codes are equivalent to several copies of one universal phase: Kitaev's topological code. Error correction benefits from the corresponding local mappings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum communication and state transfer in spin chains

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    We investigate the time evolution of a single spin excitation state in certain linear spin chains, as a model for quantum communication. We consider first the simplest possible spin chain, where the spin chain data (the nearest neighbour interaction strengths and the magnetic field strengths) are constant throughout the chain. The time evolution of a single spin state is determined, and this time evolution is illustrated by means of an animation. Some years ago it was discovered that when the spin chain data are of a special form so-called perfect state transfer takes place. These special spin chain data can be linked to the Jacobi matrix entries of Krawtchouk polynomials or dual Hahn polynomials. We discuss here the case related to Krawtchouk polynomials, and illustrate the possibility of perfect state transfer by an animation showing the time evolution of the spin chain from an initial single spin state. Very recently, these ideas were extended to discrete orthogonal polynomials of q-hypergeometric type. Here, a remarkable result is a new analytic model where perfect state transfer is achieved: this is when the spin chain data are related to the Jacobi matrix of q-Krawtchouk polynomials. This case is discussed here, and again illustrated by means of an animation

    Improved detection of small atom numbers through image processing

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    We demonstrate improved detection of small trapped atomic ensembles through advanced post-processing and optimal analysis of absorption images. A fringe removal algorithm reduces imaging noise to the fundamental photon-shot-noise level and proves beneficial even in the absence of fringes. A maximum-likelihood estimator is then derived for optimal atom-number estimation and is applied to real experimental data to measure the population differences and intrinsic atom shot-noise between spatially separated ensembles each comprising between 10 and 2000 atoms. The combined techniques improve our signal-to-noise by a factor of 3, to a minimum resolvable population difference of 17 atoms, close to our ultimate detection limit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    UV Imaging Polarimetry of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 3

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    We present UV imaging polarimetry data of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 3 taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The polarized flux is found to be extended to ~1 kpc from the nucleus, and the position angles of polarization are centrosymmetric, confirming that the polarization is caused by scattering. We determine the location of the hidden nucleus as the center of this centrosymmetric pattern. From the polarization images taken in two broad bands, we have obtained the color distribution of the polarized flux. Some regions have blue polarized flux, consistent with optically-thin dust scattering, but some bright knots have a color similar to that of Seyfert 1 nucleus. Also, the recent Chandra X-ray observation suggests that the ratio of scattered UV flux to scattered X-ray flux is rather similar to the intrinsic UV/X-ray ratio in a Seyfert 1 nucleus, if the observed extended X-ray continuum is scattered light. While the scattered X-ray would be essentially from electron scattering, the UV slope and UV/X-ray ratio both being similar to Seyfert 1's would lead to two possibilities as to the nature of the UV scatterers. One is that the UV may also be scattered by electrons, in which case the scattering gas is somehow dust-free. The other is that the UV is scattered by dust grains, but the wavelength-independent UV scattering with low efficiency indicated by the UV slope and UV/X-ray ratio would suggest that the grains reside in UV-opaque clouds, or the dust might be mainly composed of large grains and lacks small-grain population.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures (plus 2 color versions of grayscale figures), To appear in ApJ; minor corrections for the proofs of the manuscrip

    Human exposure assessment of different arsenic species in household water sources in a high risk arsenic area

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    Understanding arsenic speciation in water is important for managing the potential health risks associated with chronic arsenic exposure. Most arsenic monitoring studies to date have only measured total arsenic, with few looking at arsenic species. This study assessed 228 ground water sources in six unstudied villages in Pakistan for total, inorganic and organic arsenic species using ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry. The concentration levels approached 3090 μg L−1 (95% CI, 130.31, 253.06) for total arsenic with a median of 57.55 µg L-1, 3430 μg L−1 (median=52) for arsenate (As+5) and 100 μg L−1 (median=0.37) for arsenite (As+3). Exceedance of the WHO provisional guideline value for arsenic in drinking water (10 μg L−1) occurred in 89% of water sources. Arsenic was present mainly as arsenate (As+5). Average daily intake of total arsenic for 398 residents living in the sampled houses was found up to 236.51 µg kg−1 day−1. This exposure estimate has indicated that 63% of rural residents exceeded the World Health Organization’s provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI) of 2.1 µg kg−1 day−1 body weight. Average daily intake of As+5 was found to be 15.63 µg kg−1 day−1 (95% CI, 5.53, 25.73) for children ≤ 16 and 15.07 µg kg−1 day−1 (95% CI, 10.33, 18.02) for adults. A mean daily intake of 0.09 µg kg−1 day−1 was determined for As+3 for children and 0.26 µg kg−1 day−1 for adults. Organic arsenic species such as monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and Arsenobetaine (AsB) were found to be below their method detection limits (MDLs)

    Molecular characterisation of congenital myasthenic syndromes in Southern Brazil

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    Objective To perform genetic testing of patients with congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) from the Southern Brazilian state of Parana. Patients and methods Twenty-five CMS patients from 18 independent families were included in the study. Known CMS genes were sequenced and restriction digest for the mutation RAPSN p.N88K was performed in all patients. Results We identified recessive mutations of CHRNE in ten families, mutations in DOK7 in three families and mutations in COLQ, CHRNA1 and CHRNB1 in one family each. The mutation CHRNE c. 70insG was found in six families. We have repeatedly identified this mutation in patients from Spain and Portugal and haplotype studies indicate that CHRNE c. 70insG derives from a common ancestor. Conclusions Recessive mutations in CHRNE are the major cause of CMS in Southern Brazil with a common mutation introduced by Hispanic settlers. The second most common cause is mutations in DOK7. The minimum prevalence of CMS in Parana is 0.18/100 000
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