1,869 research outputs found
Plenilunio, uma leitura investigativa do romance policial de Muñoz Molina
IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016A narrativa policial tem ganhado fĂŽlego na contemporaneidade mesmo frente ao influxo de outros
gĂȘneros populares da literatura, tais como as prosas de fantasia e as biografias. Sem dĂșvida, a
profusĂŁo deste gĂȘnero alimenta tambĂ©m obras de qualidade no mĂnimo duvidosas, que se
aproveitam da estrutura da narrativa policial para uma produção literåria empobrecedora. Não é este
o caso do escritor espanhol Antonio Muñoz Molina, cuja poética investe com propriedade na
construção cuidadosa dos personagens e ambientes, na elaboração coerente da trama, enfim, uma
ficção altamente elaborada do ponto de vista estilĂstico, como se percebe desde seus primeiros
romances Beatus Ille (1986), El invierno en Lisboa (1987) e Beltenebros (1989), os quais lhe
renderam popularidade e um merecido prestĂgio entre a crĂtica especializada. Este trabalho tem
como proposta uma leitura crĂtica e histĂłrica a um sĂł tempo de seu romance Plenilunio (1997), com
vistas a uma anålise da linguagem que o constitui, de modo que se possa estabelecer uma relação
desta obra com a poĂ©tica do gĂȘnero na contemporaneidadeUNILAÂ-UNIOEST
Networking strategies in streptomyces coelicolor
We are interested the soil dwelling bacteria Streptomyces coelicolor because its cells grow end to end in a line. New branches have the potential to extend from any point along this line and the result is a network of branches and connections. This is a novel form of colonisation in the bacterial world and it is advantageous for spreading through an environment resourcefully. Networking protocols for communication technologies have similar pressures to be resourceful in terms of time, computing power, and energy. In this preliminary investigation we design a computer model of the biological system to understand its limitations and strategies for survival. The decentralised capacity for organisation of both the bacterial system and the model reflects well on the now-popular conventions for path finding and ad hoc network building in human technologies. The project will ultimately become a comparison of strategies between nature and the man-made
Packaged Software Implementation Requirements Engineering by Small Software Enterprises
Small to medium sized business enterprises (SMEs) generally thrive because they have successfully done something unique within a niche market. For this reason, SMEs may seek to protect their competitive advantage by avoiding any standardization encouraged by the use of packaged software (PS). Packaged software implementation at SMEs therefore presents challenges relating to how best to respond to mismatches between the functionality offered by the packaged software and each SME's business needs. An important question relates to which processes small software enterprises - or Small to Medium-Sized Software Development Companies (SMSSDCs) - apply in order to identify and then deal with these mismatches. To explore the processes of packaged software (PS) implementation, an ethnographic study was conducted to gain in-depth insights into the roles played by analysts in two SMSSDCs. The purpose of the study was to understand PS implementation in terms of requirements engineering (or 'PSIRE'). Data collected during the ethnographic study were analyzed using an inductive approach. Based on our analysis of the cases we constructed a theoretical model explaining the requirements engineering process for PS implementation, and named it the PSIRE Parallel Star Model. The Parallel Star Model shows that during PSIRE, more than one RE process can be carried out at the same time. The Parallel Star Model has few constraints, because not only can processes be carried out in parallel, but they do not always have to be followed in a particular order. This paper therefore offers a novel investigation and explanation of RE practices for packaged software implementation, approaching the phenomenon from the viewpoint of the analysts, and offers the first extensive study of packaged software implementation RE (PSIRE) in SMSSDCs
Environmental monitoring of Mycobacterium bovis in badger feces and badger sett soil by real-time PCR, as confirmed by immunofluorescence, immunocapture, and cultivation
Real-time PCR was used to detect and quantify Mycobacterium bovis cells in
naturally infected soil and badger faeces. Immunomagnetic capture,
immunofluorescence and selective culture confirmed species identification and cell
viability. These techniques will prove useful for monitoring M. bovis in the
environment and for elucidating transmission routes between wildlife and cattle
As duas versÔes de O nome da rosa: cinema, literatura e pós-modernidade
O romance histórico de Umberto Eco O nome da rosa, publicado em 1980, foi um prodígio editorial que disseminou algumas das principais tendências da pós-modernidade. Tais tendências seguiram germinando teorias tanto no âmbito da literatura quanto em outras formas de expressão narrativa, alcançando-nos já nos limiares do século XXI. O romance teve sua adaptação fílmica em 1986 pelas mãos do diretor francês Jean-Jacques Annaud, cujo trabalho foi bem reconhecido, rendendo-lhe o prêmio francês Cesar de melhor filme estrangeiro e ainda dois BAFTA. Embora tanto o livro quanto o filme tenham dado muita repercussão e venham, desde então, suscitando estudos, há ainda poucas análises que aproximam ambas as obras a partir do viés pós-moderno. Como se sabe, as teorias narrativas de Umberto Eco foram amplamente colocadas à prova em sua obra romanesca, como ele mesmo discutiu em vários de seus textos. A questão que nos cabe é analisar e avaliar a transcriação do romance e, portanto, dos recursos narrativos teórico-literários nele contidos, para as telas do cinema, bem como a releitura da história pelo viés pós-moderno. Neste percurso, buscar-se-á tanto o estudos das relações entre cinema e literatura, amplamente profícuos para o arcabouço teórico da narrativa, quanto a importância dos elementos pós-modernos nesta inter-relação. A pós-modernidade, cuja essência reside em seu caráter multifacetado, revela-se essencial na mediação entre estas duas linguagens e seu diálogo com a história
Imagens da América em "El otoño del patriarca"
O presente artigo propõe-se a explorar, a partir de uma análise concisa, as relaçõesentre os discursos mítico e histórico no romance de Gabriel García Márquez El otoño delpatriarca (1975). A produção literária hispano-americana que aflorou no chamado movimento doBoom editorial em meados da década de sessenta do século passado manteve intensa relaçãocom a história do continente americano. A memória do continente é reelaborada no espaçoinventivo do discurso ficcional, no cerne do qual o tempo mítico e o tempo histórico enfrentamsenum tour de force plurissignificativo. De Colombo à presença norte-americana em terraslatinas, o romance reconstitui o passado por meio de uma linguagem simbólica, evocadora. Paratanto, a narrativa inverte a perspectiva do colonizador, do discurso oficial, dando a palavra ora aoser autóctone, ora ao cidadão americano, mestiço, muitas vezes, asseclas a serviço do poderestrangeiro. O relato polifônico é, assim, pluridimensionado, tendo como foco a figura atemporaldo patriarca, personagem sem nome que remete ao arquétipo do ditador latino-americano. Oescritor colombiano consegue em El otoño del patriarca conduzir com primor seus leitores pelaestranha realidade de um país tão mítico quanto seu ditador, realidade esta que vai se revelandonão menos absurda e complexa que a história sobre a qual ela se erige
Delineation of hippocampal subregions using T1-weighted magnetic resonance images at 3 Tesla
Although several novel approaches for hippocampal subregion delineation have been developed, they need to be applied prospectively and may be limited by long scan times, the use of high field (\u3e3T) imaging systems, and limited reliability metrics. Moreover, the majority of MR imaging data collected to date has employed a T1-weighted acquisition, creating a critical need for an approach that provides reliable hippocampal subregion segmentation using such a contrast. We present a highly reliable approach for the identification of six subregions comprising the hippocampal formation from MR images including the subiculum, dentate gyrus/cornu Ammonis 4 (DG/CA4), entorhinal cortex, fimbria, and anterior and posterior segments of cornu Ammonis 1-3 (CA1-3). MR images were obtained in the coronal plane using a standard 3D spoiled gradient sequence acquired on a GE 3T scanner through the whole head in approximately 10 min. The average ICC for inter-rater reliability across right and left volumetric regions-of-interest was 0.85 (range 0.71-0.98, median 0.86) and the average ICC for intra-rater reliability was 0.92 (range 0.66-0.99, median 0.97). The mean Dice index for inter-rater reliability across right and left hemisphere subregions was 0.75 (range 0.70-0.81, median 0.75) and the mean Dice index for intra-rater reliability was 0.85 (range 0.82-0.90, median 0.85). An investigation of hippocampal asymmetry revealed significantly greater right compared to left hemisphere volumes in the anterior segment of CA1-3 and in the subiculum
Soil Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria of the Okavango Floodplains, Botswana
Phosphorus although abundant is among the most limiting macro plant nutrients in some soils. Deficiencies are often seen as purpling of leaves due to unavailability of PO4 in soil solution. In soil solution PO4 solubility is pH dependent; at pH \u3c 6, it is often bound to Fe or Al, while at pH \u3e 7 it forms insoluble complexes with Ca, Mg, K or Na making it unavailable to plants (Brady 2002). Soil organic P requires mineralisation then solubilisation by the enzyme phosphatase before being available. Botswana soils due to the low rainfall (\u3c 450 mm/yr) are characterised by high pH and salt pans scattered all over the semi-arid and arid landscape. Cultivation of most of these soils often results in P deficient crops (Leuschner and Manthe 1996). However, in grassland areas of the Okavango, very few grasses show P deficiency. Studies from other areas indicate that some grasses habour PO4 solubilizing bacteria in their rhizosphere that help them in their P sequencing quest (Duponnois et al. 2005). This study was set up to study the PO4 solubilising bacteria of the Okavango Delta at Seronga. The study also looked at possible mechanisms of solubilisation employed by the bacteria. In the long run, the study will also attempt to use these bacteria on locally grown staple cereal, sorghum (Sorghum vulgare)
Ultraviolet writing of channel waveguides in proton-exchanged LiNbO<sub>3</sub>
We report on a direct ultraviolet (UV) writing method for the fabrication of channel waveguides at 1.55 ”m in LiNbO3 through UV irradiation of surface and buried planar waveguides made by annealed proton exchange and reverse proton exchange. A systematic study of the guidance properties as a function of the UV writing conditions is presented
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