181 research outputs found

    Longevity of immediate rehabilitation with direct metal-wire reinforced composite fixed partial dentures.

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    OBJECTIVES This study aimed to analyze the longevity of direct metal-wire reinforced composite fixed partial dentures (MRC-FPD) and factors influencing their survival and success. METHODS Within one private practice 513 MRC-FPD were directly applied. The preparation of a proximal cavity in abutment teeth was not limited. MRC-FPD were reinforced by one to three metal-wires. At the last follow-up MRC-FPD were considered successful, if they were still in function without any need of therapy. MRC-FPD were considered as survived, if they were repaired or replaced. Multi-level Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate the association between clinical factors and time. RESULTS Mean follow-up period (range) was 59(2-249) months. Seventy-three bridges did not survive (cumulative survival rate(CSR):86%) and further 129 bridges had received a restorative follow-up treatment (CSR:61%). AFR was 2.2% for survival and 8.6% for success. In multivariate analysis MRC-FPD with> 1 wire showed a up to 2.3x higher failure rate than MRC-FPD with one wire(p ≤ 0.023). Dentist's experience in designing MRC-FDP (p ≤ 0.017), patient's caries risk (p ≤ 0.040) and bruxism (p = 0.033) significantly influenced the failure rate: the more experience, the lower caries risk and bruxism, the lower the failure rate. SIGNIFICANCE For directly prepared metal-wire reinforced composite bridges high survival and moderate success rates were observed. MRC-FPD might, thus, be an immediate, short- and medium-term solution for replacing missing teeth. However, several factors on the levels of practice (dentist's experience in designing MRC-FDP), patient (bruxism, caries risk) and restoration (number of wires) were identified as significant predictors for the failure rate. The study was registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS-ID: DRKS00021576)

    Individualised PPI prescription in patients on combination antiplatelet therapy and upper gastrointestinal events after percutaneous coronary intervention: a cohort study

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    Zusammenfassung: GRUNDLAGEN: In einer Patientenkohorte, welche nach perkutaner koronarer Intervention (PCI) kombinierte Thrombozytenaggregationshemmung (Aspirin und Clopidogrel) erhielt, wurde die Wirksamkeit einer individualisierten PPI-Gabe zur Reduktion unerwünschter gastrointestinaler Ereignisse untersucht. METHODIK: Das gastrointestinale Risikofaktorprofil und andere Parameter wurden aus einer speziell angelegten elektronischen Datenbank extrahiert. Die Patienten wurden via standardisierten Fragebogen kontaktiert und bei Patienten mit unerwünschten gastrointestinalen Ereignissen wurde zusätzlich ein strukturiertes Telefoninterview durchgeführt. ERGEBNISSE: In einer Kohorte von 718 Patienten erhielten 87 (12,1 %) eine prophylaktische PPI-Therapie. Bei insgesamt 12 % wurden unerwünschte gastrointestinale Ereignisse gefunden, wobei 18,4 % eine PPI-Prophylaxe und 11,1 % kein PPI hatten (OR 1,80, P = 0,054). Eine Komedikation mit Steroiden war der hauptsächliche Risikofaktor für unerwünschte gastrointestinale Ereignissen (adjusted OR 5,45, P = 0,014). SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN: Die individualisierte PPI-Therapie basierend auf einer Risikoabschätzung für gastrointestinale Blutungsereignisse scheint ein effizientes Instrument zu sein, um gastrointestinale Ereignisse nach PCI zu minimiere

    Physician-Specific Symptoms of Burnout Compared to a Non-Physicians Group

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    Physician burnout is a systemic problem in health care due to its high prevalence and its negative impact on professional functioning and individual well-being. While unique aspects of the physician role contributing to the development burnout have been investigated recently, it is currently unclear whether burnout manifests differently in physicians compared to the non-physician working population. We conducted an individual symptom analysis of burnout symptoms comparing a large sample of physicians with a non-physician group. In this cross-sectional online study, burnout was assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory—General Survey. We matched physicians with non-physicians regarding their age, gender, educational level, occupational status, and total burnout level using a “nearest neighbour matching” procedure. We then conducted a series of between-groups comparisons. Data of 3846 (51.0% women) participants including 641 physicians and 3205 non-physicians were analysed. The most pronounced difference was that physicians were more satisfied with their work performance (medium effect size (r = 0.343). Our findings indicate minor yet significant differences in burnout phenomenology between physicians and non-physicians. This demonstrates unique aspects of physician burnout and implies that such differences should be considered in occupational research among physicians, particularly when developing burnout prevention programs for physicians

    Ovarian activity in Fleckvieh, Brown Swiss and two strains of Holstein-Friesian cows in pasture-based, seasonal calving dairy systems

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    The objectives of the study were to compare the ovarian activity of Holstein-Friesian (CH HF), Fleckvieh (CH FV) and Brown Swiss (CH BS) dairy cows of Swiss origin with that of Holstein-Friesian (NZ HF) dairy cows of New Zealand origin, the latter being used as a reference for reproductive performance in pasture-based seasonal calving systems. Fifty, second-lactation NZ HF cows were each paired with a second-lactation Swiss cow (17, 15 and 18 CH HF, CH FV and CH BS respectively) in 13 pasture-based, seasonal-calving commercial dairy farms in Switzerland. Ovarian activity was monitored by progesterone profiling from calving to first breeding service. CH BS cows produced less energy-corrected milk (mean 22·8 kg/d) than the other breeds (26·0-26·5 kg/d) during the first 100 d of lactation. CH HF cows had the lowest body condition score (BCS) at calving and the greatest BCS loss from calving to 30 d post partum. Commencement of luteal activity (CLA) was later for NZ HF than for CH FV (51·5 v. 29·2 d; P <0·01), with CH HF and CH BS intermediate (43 d). On average, NZ HF and CH HF cows had one oestrous cycle before the onset of the seasonal breeding period; this was less (P<0·01) than either CH FV (1·7) or CH BS (1·6). There was a low prevalence of luteal persistency (3%) among the studied cows. First and second oestrous cycle inter-ovulatory intervals did not differ between breeds (20·5-22·6 d). The luteal phase length of CH BS during the second cycle was shorter (10·6 d) than that of the other breeds (13·8-16·0 d), but the inter-luteal interval was longer (9·8 d v. 7·0-8·0 d). The results suggest that the Swiss breeds investigated have a shorter interval from calving to CLA than NZ HF cow

    20 Jahre Forschung zu Burnout und anderen Belastungsindikatoren bei Schweizer Ärztinnen und Ärzten

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    Aufgrund der hohen psychischen Belastung der Ärztinnen und Ärzte («Burnout-Epidemie») schlugen Expertinnen und Experten mehrfach Alarm. Wie ist die Lage hierzulande? In diesem Artikel wird die Forschung in der Schweiz (2000–2022) zusammengefasst, in den internationalen Wissensstand eingeordnet und kritisch bewertet

    Inability of the entropy vector method to certify nonclassicality in linelike causal structures

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    Bell's theorem shows that our intuitive understanding of causation must be overturned in light of quantum correlations. Nevertheless, quantum mechanics does not permit signalling and hence a notion of cause remains. Understanding this notion is not only important at a fundamental level, but also for technological applications such as key distribution and randomness expansion. It has recently been shown that a useful way to decide which classical causal structures could give rise to a given set of correlations is to use entropy vectors. These are vectors whose components are the entropies of all subsets of the observed variables in the causal structure. The entropy vector method employs causal relationships among the variables to restrict the set of possible entropy vectors. Here, we consider whether the same approach can lead to useful certificates of non-classicality within a given causal structure. Surprisingly, we find that for a family of causal structures that include the usual bipartite Bell structure they do not. For all members of this family, no function of the entropies of the observed variables gives such a certificate, in spite of the existence of nonclassical correlations. It is therefore necessary to look beyond entropy vectors to understand cause from a quantum perspective.Comment: 5 pages + appendix, v2: added references, v3: new title, added journal referenc

    Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments

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    Mobile technologies are enabling access to information in diverse environ.ments, and are exposing a wider group of individuals to said technology. Therefore, this paper proposes that a wider view of user relations than is usually considered in information systems research is required. Specifically, we examine the potential effects of emerging mobile technologies on end-­‐user relations with a focus on the ‘secondary user’, those who are not intended to interact directly with the technology but are intended consumers of the technology’s output. For illustration, we draw on a study of a U.K. regional Fire and Rescue Service and deconstruct mobile technology use at Fire Service incidents. Our findings provide insights, which suggest that, because of the nature of mobile technologies and their context of use, secondary user relations in such emerging mobile environments are important and need further exploration

    Axiomatic relation between thermodynamic and information-theoretic entropies

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    Thermodynamic entropy, as defined by Clausius, characterizes macroscopic observations of a system based on phenomenological quantities such as temperature and heat. In contrast, information-theoretic entropy, introduced by Shannon, is a measure of uncertainty. In this Letter, we connect these two notions of entropy, using an axiomatic framework for thermodynamics [Lieb, Yngvason, Proc. Roy. Soc.(2013)]. In particular, we obtain a direct relation between the Clausius entropy and the Shannon entropy, or its generalisation to quantum systems, the von Neumann entropy. More generally, we find that entropy measures relevant in non-equilibrium thermodynamics correspond to entropies used in one-shot information theory

    Fosforilación de fosfolamban (PLN) en la progresión hacia la hipertrofia (HVI) e insuficiencia cardíaca (IC)

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    Objetivos: Investigar si existe una secuencia temporal de estas alteraciones en un modelo de coartación aórtica severa (CS) y moderada (CM) en rata.Facultad de Ciencias Médica