1,459 research outputs found

    Non-invasive Neuromodulation in Motor Rehabilitation after Stroke

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    In this thesis, we aimed to integrate recent insights on motor learning, stroke recovery and neuromodulation with the ultimate goal to improve upper limb rehabilitation after stroke

    Wel of niet verhuizen, dat is de vraag

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    De Nederlandse woningmarkt kent een aantal urgente problemen. 1 De huizenprijzen blijven stijgen waardoor de toegankelijkheid verslechtert. Daarnaast zijn kopers, met name starters, steeds meer bereid financiële risico’s te nemen om daadwerkelijk een huis te bemachtigen, en dit koopgedrag maakt hen financieel kwetsbaar. 2 Een belangrijke oorzaak van de huidige problemen op de woningmarkt is de schaarste aan beschikbare woonruimte. Het geraamde woningtekort was 279.000 woningen begin 2021, en zal naar verwachting nog verder oplopen. 3 Het wordt daarom steeds moeilijker om aan een passende woning te komen, zowel voor kopers als huurders.Social decision makin

    Identification of TUB as a novel candidate gene influencing body weight in humans

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    Previously, we identified a locus on 11p influencing obesity in families with type 2 diabetes. Based on mouse studies, we selected TUB as a functional candidate gene and performed association studies to determine whether this controls obesity. We analyzed the genotypes of 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) around TUB in 492 unrelated type 2 diabetic patients with known BMI values. One SNP (rs1528133) was found to have a significant effect on BMI (1.54 kg/m(2), P = 0.006). This association was confirmed in a population enriched for type 2 diabetes, using 750 individuals who were not selected for type 2 diabetes. Two SNPs in linkage disequilibrium with rs1528133 and mapping to the 3' end of TUB, rs2272382, and rs2272383 also affected BMI by 1.3 kg/m2 (P = 0.016 and P = 0.010, respectively). Combined analysis confirmed this association (P = 0.005 and P = 0.002, respectively). Moreover, comparing 349 obese subjects (BMI >30 kg/m(2)) from the combined cohort with 289 normal subjects (BMI <25 kg/m(2)) revealed that the protective alleles have a lower frequency in obese subjects (odds ratio 1.32 [95% CI 1.04-1.67], P = 0.022). Altogether, data from the tubby mouse as well as these data suggest that TUB could be an important factor in controlling the central regulation of body weight in humans

    Energy Investments under Climate Policy: A Comparison of Global Models

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    The levels of investment needed to mobilize an energy system transformation and mitigate climate change are not known with certainty. This paper aims to inform the ongoing dialogue and in so doing to guide public policy and strategic corporate decision making. Within the framework of the LIMITS integrated assessment model comparison exercise, we analyze a multi-IAM ensemble of long-term energy and greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Our study provides insight into several critical but uncertain areas related to the future investment environment, for example in terms of where capital expenditures may need to flow regionally, into which sectors they might be concentrated, and what policies could be helpful in spurring these financial resources. We find that stringent climate policies consistent with a 2 degrees C climate change target would require a considerable upscaling of investments into low-carbon energy and energy efficiency, reaching approximately 45trillion(range:45 trillion (range: 30-75 trillion) cumulative between 2010 and 2050, or about 1.1trillionannually.Thisrepresentsanincreaseofsome1.1 trillion annually. This represents an increase of some 30 trillion (1055trillion),or10-55 trillion), or 0.8 trillion per year, beyond what investments might otherwise be in a reference scenario that assumes the continuation of present and planned emissions-reducing policies throughout the world. In other words, a substantial "clean-energy investment gap" of some 800billion/yrexistsnotablyonthesameorderofmagnitudeaspresentdaysubsidiesforfossilenergyandelectricityworldwide(800 billion/yr exists -- notably on the same order of magnitude as present-day subsidies for fossil energy and electricity worldwide (523 billion). Unless the gap is filled rather quickly, the 2 degrees C target could potentially become out of reach

    Anomalous crossover between thermal and shot noise in macroscopic diffusive conductors

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    We predict the existence of an anomalous crossover between thermal and shot noise in macroscopic diffusive conductors. We first show that, besides thermal noise, these systems may also exhibit shot noise due to fluctuations of the total number of carriers in the system. Then we show that at increasing currents the crossover between the two noise behaviors is anomalous, in the sense that the low frequency current spectral density displays a region with a superlinear dependence on the current up to a cubic law. The anomaly is due to the non-trivial coupling in the presence of the long range Coulomb interaction among the three time scales relevant to the phenomenon, namely, diffusion, transit and dielectric relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Міжнародне співробітництво МВС України у сфері протидії корупції

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    У статті здійснено аналіз розвитку та сучасного стану міжнародної співпраці МВС України у сфері протидії корупції. Розглянуто формування нормативно-правової бази щодо боротьби з корупцією та пов’язаною з нею злочинністю, надано характеристику напрямів та шляхів співпраці органів внутрішніх справ нашої країни з іноземними державами, їх правоохоронними органами і спеціальними службами, а також із міжнародними організаціями, які здійснюють заходи із протидії корупції. Визначено перспективи подальшого розвитку міжнародного співробітництва МВС у протидії транснаціональним формам корупції.В статье осуществлен анализ развития и современного состояния международного сотрудничества МВД Украины в сфере противодействия коррупции. Рассмотрено формирование нормативно-правовой базы по борьбе с коррупцией и связанной с ней преступностью, дана характеристика направлений и путей сотрудничества органов внутренних дел Украины с зарубежными государствами, их правоохранительными органами и специальными службами, а также с международными организациями, которые осуществляют мероприятия по противодействию коррупции. Определены перспективные направления дальнейшего развития международного сотрудничества МВД Украины в сфере противодействия транснациональным формам коррупции.Development and modern state of the international cooperation of the Ukranian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the sphere of corruption counteraction is analyzed. It is considered the formation of normative and legal base concerning struggle against corruption and the criminality, it is given the characteristic of directions and ways of cooperation of law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine with the foreign states, their law enforcement bodies and special services, and also with the international organizations which carry out measures on counteraction of corruption. It is determined the perspective directions of the further development of the international cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine in the sphere of counteraction to transnational forms of corruption