363 research outputs found

    Antibody responses to nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in adults: A longitudinal household study

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    Background. Natural immunity to Streptococcus pneumoniae is thought to be induced by exposure to S. pneumoniae or cross-reactive antigens. No longitudinal studies of carriage of and immune responses to S. pneumoniae have been conducted using sophisticated immunological laboratory techniques.Methods. We enrolled 121 families with young children into this study. Nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs were collected monthly for 10 months from all family members and were cultured in a standard fashion. Cultured S. pneumoniae isolates were serotyped. At the beginning (month 0) and end (month 10) of the study, venous blood was collected from family members 118 years old. Serotype-specific antipolysaccharide immunoglobulin G (IgG) and functional antibody and antibodies to pneumolysin, pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA), and pneumococcal surface antigen A (PsaA) were measured in paired serum samples.Results. Levels of anticapsular IgG increased significantly after carriage of serotypes 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F by an individual or family member. For serotype 14, a higher level of anticapsular IgG at the beginning of the study was associated with reduced odds of carriage (P = .0006). There was a small (similar to 20%) but significant increase in titers of antibodies to PsaA and pneumolysin but no change in titers of antibody to PspA.Conclusions. Adults respond to NP carriage by mounting anticapsular and weak antiprotein antibody responses, and naturally induced anticapsular IgG can prevent carriage

    VIP21, a 21-kD membrane protein is an integral component of trans-Golgi-network-derived transport vesicles

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    In simple epithelial cells, apical and basolateral proteins are sorted into separate vesicular carriers before delivery to the appropriate plasma membrane domains. To dissect the putative sorting machinery, we have solubilized Golgi-derived transport vesicles with the detergent CHAPS and shown that an apical marker, influenza haemagglutinin (HA), formed a large complex together with several integral membrane proteins. Remarkably, a similar set of CHAPS-insoluble proteins was found after solubilization of a total cellular membrane fraction. This allowed the cloning of a cDNA encoding one protein of this complex, VIP21 (Vesicular Integral-membrane Protein of 21 kD). The transiently expressed protein appeared on the Golgi-apparatus, the plasma membrane and vesicular structures. We propose that VIP21 is a component of the molecular machinery of vesicular transport

    Rab8, a small GTPase involved in vesicular traffic between the TGN and the basolateral plasma membrane

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    Small GTP-binding proteins of the rab family have been implicated as regulators of membrane traffic along the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways in eukaryotic cells. We have investigated the localization and function of rab8, closely related to the yeast YPT1/SEC4 gene products. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy on filter-grown MDCK cells demonstrated that, rab8 was localized to the Golgi region, vesicular structures, and to the basolateral plasma membrane. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that rab8p was highly enriched in immuno-isolated basolateral vesicles carrying vesicular stomatitis virus-glycoprotein (VSV-G) but was absent from vesicles transporting the hemagglutinin protein (HA) of influenza virus to the apical cell surface

    Zinc Ion-Dependent Peptide Nucleic Acid-Based Artificial Enzyme that Cleaves RNABulge Size and Sequence Dependence

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    In this report, we investigate the efficiency and selectivity of a Zn2+-dependent peptide nucleic acid-based artificial ribonuclease (PNAzyme) that cleaves RNA target sequences. The target RNAs are varied to form different sizes (3 and 4 nucleotides, nt) and sequences in the bulge formed upon binding to the PNAzyme. PNAzyme-promoted cleavage of the target RNAs was observed and variation of the substrate showed a clear dependence on the sequence and size of the bulge. For targets that form 4-nt bulges, we identified systems with an improved efficacy (an estimated half-life of ca 7-8 h as compared to 11-12 h for sequences studied earlier) as well as systems with an improved site selectivity (up to over 70% cleavage at a single site as compared to 50-60% with previous targets sequences). For targets forming 3-nt bulges, the enhancement compared to previous systems was even more pronounced. Compared to a starting point of targets forming 3-nt AAA bulges (half-lives of ca 21-24 h), we could identify target sequences that were cleaved with half-lives three times lower (ca 7-8 h), i.e., at rates similar to those found for the fastest 4-nt bulge system. In addition, with the 3-nt bulge RNA target site selectivity was improved even further to reach well over 80% cleavage at a specific site

    Passive methods for spent fuel characterisation at the Finnish geological repository

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    Development of the Passive Gamma Emission Tomography (PGET) and Passive Neutron Albedo Reactivity (PNAR) methods in the context of the Finnish geological repository for spent nuclear fuel has shown that they provide, for BWR fuel assemblies, the comprehensive verification needed to meet the nuclear safeguards objectives of the repository. The principles of the PGET and PNAR methods and the design and operation of the respective instruments are presented. A few results from measurements at the spent fuel storage pools at the Finnish nuclear power plants are discussed. The directions of ongoing and future developments are indicated

    Executive function subdomains are associated with post-stroke functional outcome and permanent institutionalization

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    Background and purposeImpairment of executive functions (EFs) is a common cognitive symptom post-stroke and affects independence in daily activities. Previous studies have often relied on brief cognitive tests not fully considering the wide spectrum of EF subdomains. A detailed assessment of EFs was used to examine which of the subdomains and tests have the strongest predictive value on post-stroke functional outcome and institutionalization in long-term follow-up. MethodsA subsample of 62 patients from the Helsinki Stroke Aging Memory Study was evaluated with a battery of seven neuropsychological EF tests 3 months post-stroke and compared to 39 healthy control subjects. Functional impairment was evaluated with the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale at 3 months, and with the mRS at 15 months post-stroke. Institutionalization was reviewed from the national registers of permanent hospital admissions in up to 21-year follow-up. ResultsThe stroke group performed more poorly than the control group in multiple EF tests. Tests of inhibition, set shifting, initiation, strategy formation and processing speed were associated with the mRS and IADL scale in stroke patients. EF subdomain scores of inhibition, set shifting and processing speed were associated with functional outcome. In addition, inhibition was associated with the risk for earlier institutionalization. ConclusionsExecutive function was strongly associated with post-stroke functional impairment. In follow-up, poor inhibition was related to earlier permanent institutionalization. The results suggest the prognostic value of EF subdomains after stroke.Peer reviewe

    Construction and Characterization of Synthetic Bacterial Community for Experimental Ecology and Evolution

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    Experimental microbial ecology and evolution have yielded foundational insights into ecological and evolutionary processes using simple microcosm setups and phenotypic assays with one- or two-species model systems. The fields are now increasingly incorporating more complex systems and exploration of the molecular basis of observations. For this purpose, simplified, manageable and well-defined multispecies model systems are required that can be easily investigated using culturing and high-throughput sequencing approaches, bridging the gap between simpler and more complex synthetic or natural systems. Here we address this need by constructing a completely synthetic 33 bacterial strain community that can be cultured in simple laboratory conditions. We provide whole-genome data for all the strains as well as metadata about genomic features and phenotypic traits that allow resolving individual strains by amplicon sequencing and facilitate a variety of envisioned mechanistic studies. We further show that a large proportion of the strains exhibit coexistence in co-culture over serial transfer for 48 days in the absence of any experimental manipulation to maintain diversity. The constructed bacterial community can be a valuable resource in future experimental work

    Hypoxia induces a transcriptional early primitive streak signature in pluripotent cells enhancing spontaneous elongation and lineage representation in gastruloids

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    The cellular microenvironment, together with intrinsic regulators, shapes stem cell identity and differentiation capacity. Mammalian early embryos are exposed to hypoxia in vivo and appear to benefit from hypoxic culture in vitro. Yet, how hypoxia influences stem cell transcriptional networks and lineage choices remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the molecular effects of acute and prolonged hypoxia on embryonic and extra-embryonic stem cells as well as the functional impact on differentiation potential. We find a temporal and cell type-specific transcriptional response including an early primitive streak signature in hypoxic embryonic stem cells mediated by HIF1α. Using a 3D gastruloid differentiation model, we show that hypoxia-induced T expression enables symmetry breaking and axial elongation in the absence of exogenous WNT activation. When combined with exogenous WNT activation, hypoxia enhances lineage representation in gastruloids, as demonstrated by highly enriched signatures of gut endoderm, notochord, neuromesodermal progenitors and somites. Our findings directly link the microenvironment to stem cell function and provide a rationale supportive of applying physiological conditions in models of embryo development

    The DNA polymerase of bacteriophage YerA41 replicates its T-modified DNA in a primer-independent manner

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    Yersinia phage YerA41 is morphologically similar to jumbo bacteriophages. The isolated genomic material of YerA41 could not be digested by restriction enzymes, and used as a template by conventional DNA polymerases. Nucleoside analysis of the YerA41 genomic material, carried out to find out whether this was due to modified nucleotides, revealed the presence of a ca 1 kDa substitution of thymidine with apparent oligosaccharide character. We identified and purified the phage DNA polymerase (DNAP) that could replicate the YerA41 genomic DNA even without added primers. Cryo-electron microscopy (EM) was used to characterize structural details of the phage particle. The storage capacity of the 131 nm diameter head was calculated to accommodate a significantly longer genome than that of the 145 577 bp genomic DNA of YerA41 determined here. Indeed, cryo-EM revealed, in contrast to the 25 angstrom in other phages, spacings of 33-36 angstrom between shells of the genomic material inside YerA41 heads suggesting that the heavily substituted thymidine increases significantly the spacing of the DNA packaged inside the capsid. In conclusion, YerA41 appears to be an unconventional phage that packages thymidine-modified genomic DNA into its capsids along with its own DNAP that has the ability to replicate the genome.Peer reviewe

    PEAT-CLSM : A Specific Treatment of Peatland Hydrology in the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model

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    Peatlands are poorly represented in global Earth system modeling frameworks. Here we add a peatland-specific land surface hydrology module (PEAT-CLSM) to the Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) of the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) framework. The amended TOPMODEL approach of the original CLSM that uses topography characteristics to model catchment processes is discarded, and a peatland-specific model concept is realized in its place. To facilitate its utilization in operational GEOS efforts, PEAT-CLSM uses the basic structure of CLSM and the same global input data. Parameters used in PEAT-CLSM are based on literature data. A suite of CLSM and PEAT-CLSM simulations for peatland areas between 40 degrees N and 75 degrees N is presented and evaluated against a newly compiled data set of groundwater table depth and eddy covariance observations of latent and sensible heat fluxes in natural and seminatural peatlands. CLSM's simulated groundwater tables are too deep and variable, whereas PEAT-CLSM simulates a mean groundwater table depth of -0.20 m (snow-free unfrozen period) with moderate temporal fluctuations (standard deviation of 0.10 m), in significantly better agreement with in situ observations. Relative to an operational CLSM version that simply includes peat as a soil class, the temporal correlation coefficient is increased on average by 0.16 and reaches 0.64 for bogs and 0.66 for fens when driven with global atmospheric forcing data. In PEAT-CLSM, runoff is increased on average by 38% and evapotranspiration is reduced by 19%. The evapotranspiration reduction constitutes a significant improvement relative to eddy covariance measurements.Peer reviewe